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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rapper Ice-T arrested for driving with lapsed insurance

Ice-T got stopped by the NYPD. The famed rapper was arrested in Manhattan early Tuesday for driving with expired auto insurance, police said.The hip-hop pioneer, who stars in "Law & Order: SVU," was pulled over at the corner of W. 40th St. and 11th Ave. at 9 a.m. for not wearing a seatbelt, police said.
When cops stopped Ice-T's 2009 Cadillac sedan near the Lincoln Tunnel , they learned that his insurance had lapsed, police said.
Ice-T immediately began arguing with the cop who pulled him over, according to police sources.
"He got nasty right away, saying, 'What the f--k, why are you guys picking on me?'" the police source said.
An incredulous Ice-T kept asking, "Why are you guys stopping me for bulls--t?"
The cops found two insurance-related lapses and charged the rapper at the 10th Precinct in Chelsea, police said.
In the hours after the arrest, Ice-T, 52, whose real name is Tracy Morrow, lashed out on Twitter against the cops who collared him.
"Some punk b---h rookie cop made the arrest of his bulls--t career today arresting the Notorious Ice T for no seatbelt," the rapper wrote.
"He said 'I know who you are and I don't give a f--k!'" Ice-T tweeted. "That was right after I called him a punk b---h."
The rapper, who also complained that the arrest made national news within minutes, said he was released from the precinct in under 30 minutes. He tweeted that he and his wife, Coco, were taking their dog to the vet when they were pulled over.
His license was valid, according to a spokesman for New Jersy's Department of Motor Vehicles.
Ice-T's biggest hit was the incendiary 1992 song "Cop Killer," which glamorized murdering police officers.
He joined the Law & Order cast - in which he plays a NYPD detective - in 2000.

Lindsay Lohan's lawyer Robert Shapiro quits on eve of jail term

Lindsay Lohan was due to surrender for jail on Tuesday but her lawyer was reported to have quit the case just hours before her court appearance.
Lohan, 24, was scheduled to report to a Beverly Hills judge on Tuesday morning to be taken into custody and start a 90-day jail term for violating her probation in a 2007 drunken driving and cocaine possession case.
But lawyer Robert Shapiro, who took her case a week ago, was reported by celebrity web site to have quit after visiting the judge on Monday.
The Los Angeles Times said an unidentified source at the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, said that Shapiro was no longer on the case as of Monday evening.
Shapiro, best known for successfully defending football player O.J. Simpson on murder charges in 1994, said last week he agreed to represent Lohan on condition that she comply with her jail sentence. He could not be reached for comment.
The "Mean Girls" actress has been staying at a sober living facility owned by Shapiro for the past week.
On Monday night she sent out a nervous Twitter message to fans. "(T)he only 'bookings' that i'm familiar with are Disney Films, never thought that i'd be 'booking' into Jail... eeeks," Lohan wrote.
Lohan found fame at age 11 in a remake of Disney's "The Parent Trap," and her subsequent work in "Freaky Friday" and "Mean Girls" established her credentials as one of Hollywood's most promising actresses.
But her career has declined since 2007 when she admitted she was addicted to drugs and alcohol, yet maintained a hectic nightclubbing schedule.