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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lou Dobbs denies 'Nation' report claiming he hired illegal workers - USA Today

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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Box office preview: ‘Life as We Know It’ battles ‘Social Network’ for top spot; ‘Secretariat’ likely in third

life-as-we-know-itImage Credit: Peter IovinoThe romantic comedy genre needs some intensive care after a bleak summer where the likes of Jennifer Aniston and Drew Barrymore could do little to attract audiences. Is Katherine Heigl the answer? The former Grey’s Anatomy star didn’t score opposite Ashton Kutcher in Killers this past July, but perhaps Josh Duhamel is a more appealing co-star. We’ll find out this weekend when the duo’s film, Life as We Know It, opens wide, opposite Disney’s Triple-Crown horserace flick, Secretariat, which is battling its own issues.

Disney’s feel-good horse flick is an important movie for the studio. They consider the Diane Lane-starrer a role model for the type of movies the studio wants to make. They might want to ease up on that strategy — while the marketers are trying to reach family audiences, especially the church-going crowd, it’s still unclear if either will show up.

The two newcomers are also competing against the defending champ, The Social Network. The David Fincher-directed drama opened to $22.4 million, and this weekend will be crucial in determining the film’s long-term health. Critics and audiences both seem to love it, and the buzz should lure those who couldn’t make it to the theater last week.

My Soul to Take, Universal’s latest from director Wes Craven, is also steeling itself for an uphill battle. The director’s first 3-D film bows one week after two other horror films were practically D.O.A. Neither Let Me In nor Case 39 grossed more than $5 million in their opening frames. It will be a surprise if this genre film, with little marketing might behind it, will do much either. Read on for my predictions.

1. Life as We Know It: $16 million

I’m not sure why the ad campaign for this romantic-comedy is built around an action shot of the stars chasing the baby, but maybe it will work. Tracking suggests it will have trouble surpassing $20 million. With Heigl’s lackluster track record at the box-office, it will be interesting to see if this high-concept idea brings in the moviegoers.

2. The Social Network: $15 million

This movie was crowned a media darling, but now the haters are out, denouncing the film’s opening weekend draw and already discounting its awards potential. One thing is clear: This weekend is crucial. The film needs to hold well for it to maintain the buzz required to make it all the way to the Oscars. Watch closely. A 50 percent drop would be considered a failure.

3. Secretariat: $10 million

Disney desperately wants Diane Lane’s horse movie to be the next Blind Side, but general tracking suggests a weak opening. The big question is: Are families coming out for this film? If they do, the numbers could surprise, but the film will more likely earn a fraction of Sandra Bullock’s surprise hit last fall.

4. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole: $6 million

Now that Zack Snyder has signed on to direct the Superman reboot, perhaps there will be renewed interest in his owl movie. The animated flick held up well in its second weekend in theaters, losing only 32 percent of its gross, but I would expect at least a 40 percent fall this time.

5. My Soul to Take: $5 million

It’s been five years since Wes Craven has directed a full-length feature. (Red Eye was the last one.) Unfortunately, I don’t think the horror veteran will draw much of an audience to his flick, starring Max Thieriot and John Magaro. If it earns beyond $5 million, it will be a feat, considering how poorly horror flicks have fared lately.

In limited release, Focus Features will open It’s Kind of a Funny Story while Weinstein Co. will bow the young John Lennon tale, Nowhere Boy. Come back this weekend for a full report.

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Juliette Lewis 'banged up' in hit-and-run accident - CNN International

"Ms. Lewis is a bit banged up and sore, but otherwise thankfully okay," Lewis's rep Carleen Donovan says.Lewis was hospitalized Wednesday when leaving an event for her movie "Conviction" Her chauffeured Lincoln Town Car was totaled by a hit-and-run driver in Burbank, CaliforniaThe actress is currently resting at home while police continue the investigation

( -- Juliette Lewis was briefly hospitalized Wednesday night after her chauffeured Lincoln Town Car was struck by a hit-and-run driver in Burbank, California.

"The sedan Juliette was traveling in was completely totaled," says her rep Carleen Donovan. "Ms. Lewis ... is a bit banged up and sore but otherwise thankfully okay. She is now resting at home."

The actress, 37, was leaving an event for her new movie "Conviction" when the car was struck. Police are investigating.

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© 2010 People and Time Inc. All rights reserved.

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Heigl's new rom-com? 'We Know It' already - New York Daily News

Elizabeth Weitzman 'Life As We Know It' stars Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel in roles they have played numerous times before. 'Life As We Know It' stars Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel in roles they have played numerous times before.

Romantic dramedy about two unlikely parents. With Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhamel. Director: Greg Berlanti (1:55). PG-13: language, sexuality, drugs. At area theaters.

You won't find a more aptly titled movie than "Life as We Know It," which veers not an inch off Hollywood's well-worn rom-com path. We've met Katherine Heigl's tightly wound character countless times before. We're all familiar with the aging frat boy played by Josh Duhamel. And we can predict exactly when, why and how they'll connect because by now, we know this story inside out.

As she proved in "27 Dresses," Heigl can be enjoyable to watch. But for reasons that presumably remain between her and her therapist, she prefers to portray rigid, high-strung women no one wants to be around.

Certainly that's true of Eric Messer (Duhamel), a committed bachelor well into his 30s. Years ago, Eric and Holly (Heigl) went on a miserable blind date arranged by their friend Alison (Christina Hendricks, wasted in this role).

Despite this disastrous experience, Alison secretly chose these sworn enemies as guardians for her baby, Sophie (Alexis, Brynn, and Brooke Clagett). If you're wondering why, you're already too cynical for the movie. And you certainly won't appreciate the rest of this misjudged scenario, in which Alison and her husband are swiftly killed off in a car accident.

When little Sophie is orphaned, Eric and Holly are stunned to learn they have to raise her together. We, however, can guess immediately how this arrangement works out, through stages one (fighting about diaper changes), two (bonding over sleep deprivation) and three (will they? won't they?).

The supporting cast tries hard to create some fun, with Melissa McCarthy especially amusing as a nosy neighbor. And Josh Lucas is appealing as Sophie's cute pediatrician. But films like this are really about the highly paid leads, two impossibly attractive actors mimicking real life.

Unfortunately, it's hard to generate chemistry when you don't remotely resemble an actual human being. Duhamel ambles through his clichéd role, and though Heigl attempts to add some dimension, the assembly line script gives her little room to breathe.

On the other hand, the sisters who play Sophie are adorable. And if you happen to be a sleep-deprived parent yourself, there are worse ways to catch a two-hour nap.

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‘Bones’ meets ‘Jersey Shore’ tonight. Does any single individual actually watch both shows?

Bones-Jersey-ShoreImage Credit: Brian Bowen Smith/Fox; MTVTonight’s episode of Bones promises to be the series’ most smush-tacular, tan-tastic, GTL-licious hour ever, because the skeleton-loving investigators of the Jeffersonian are solving a Jersey Shore-themed case. Since Jersey Shore itself will also air tonight, we got to thinking: Is there any overlapping viewership between these two utterly different shows? (Besides the unfortunate soul who recaps them both?) Praise Science! After long weeks of hard work, the PopWatch laboratory (led by the fearless Dr. Annie Q. Barrett) has finally come up with a helpful infographic to sum up our findings…

PopWatchers, will you watch the Jersey Shore episode of Bones, or the Jersey Shore episode of Jersey Shore? Am I the only Tommy Westphall fanatic who’s really sad The Situation won’t be on Bones?

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Rick Sanchez to Jon Stewart: My bad.

Rick-SanchezImage Credit: CNNLooks like Rick Sanchez and Jon Stewart are BFF again. The freshly-fired CNN news anchor released a statement today apologizing to Stewart for calling him “a bigot” during an interview on a Sirius radio show last week. (You know, the same interview in which Sanchez claimed that the media was run by Jews.) In his statement, Sanchez says he’s “had a very good conversation with Jon Stewart, and I had the opportunity to apologize for my inartful comments from last week. I sincerely extend this apology to anyone else whom I may have offended.”

The apology comes two days after Stewart skewered Sanchez on The Daily Show with a devastating clip job comparing him to The Office’s doofus boss Michael Scott. Funny thing is, though, if you watch that Daily Show segment beyond The Office parody, it didn’t seem like Stewart was really all that upset with Sanchez. He graciously included other clips of Sanchez denouncing anti-Semitism (via the pretty easy target of a neo-Nazi lowlife criminal) and declared his belief that Sanchez was not himself a bigot. The real target of Stewart’s wrath seemed to be the sensationalistic media that blew up the whole story in the first place (sort of like what we’re doing now).

In any case, PopWatchers, we put the question of the day to you: Should Jon Stewart accept Sanchez’s apology?

Read more:
Jon Stewart compares Rick Sanchez to Michael Scott
CNN’s Rick Sanchez calls Jon Stewart a ‘bigot,’ suddenly not employed at CNN anymore
Jon Stewart, David Letterman mock Rick Sanchez

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‘Transformers: The Dark of the Moon’: Can you come up with a better subtitle?

transformers-2-reviewWhat is your favorite sequel subtitle? The Wrath of Khan? Dead Man’s Chest? Or perhaps you share my belief that every film title would be better if “Tokyo Drift” were amended onto the end? (Star Wars: Tokyo Drift. Citizen Kane: Tokyo Drift. The Proposal: Tokyo Drift.) Whatever your preference, this news concerns us all: According to The Wrap, the current title for the upcoming Transformers threequel is Transformers: The Dark of the Moon, which is either a brilliant reference to Pink Floyd or an indication that no one involved with the making of Transformers 3 has ever heard of Pink Floyd. Either way, what a title!

Paramount wouldn’t confirm the finalized title for the movie at this time. But maybe that’s just because they’re still knocking around some ideas? PopWatchers, isn’t it our duty to help out our pals at Transformers HQ? Below are some possible subtitles:

Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Duh.)

Transformers: Generation 3

Transformers 3: The Matrix of Leadership Reloaded

Transformers: Money Never Sleeps

Transformers: The He-Man Megan-Haters Club

Transformers: IMAXimum Overdrive!!!

Transformers: Cybertron Legacy

Transformers: Decepticontrarrevolucion

T3: Rise of the Machines

Transformers: Re-Revenge of the Rising Fallen Who Fell

PopWatchers, can you come up with better subtitles? Do you like The Dark of the Moon?

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'Harry Loves Lisa' review: Hamlin and Rinna, deflating those lips, inflating ... - Entertainment Weekly

The new reality show Harry Loves Lisa follows Harry Hamlin and Lisa Rinna as they try to keep their careers from sputtering to a halt. Hey, nothing wrong with that: Who’s not trying to do the same thing these days? It’s just that most of us don’t do it with cameras recording our every dull comment, our every banally expressed desire, most of them issued through silicone-inflated lips. The duo has been flogging Harry Loves Lisa wherever possible, and managed to get some unintended publicity by getting a phone call, live on The Today Show, that their house was being burglarized. The HLL premiere on Wednesday night was a half-hour of hodgepodge, with everything from Rinna addressing her perceived slam of Heidi Montag to Harry Hamlin doing stand-up comedy in order to make himself more marketable. I ask you: Would you hire this guy if you were a TV producer?

That clip doesn’t include the lispy jokes about a gay director Hamlin says he worked with on Equus. After watching that, I lost what sympathy I had for Hamlin’s attempt to get “back in the game” — i.e., another TV job. The one element of the episode that sounded interesting, Hamlin auditioning for the role of an airline pilot and receiving feedback that “I gave a bizarre read and I freaked everybody in the room out” — well, darn, wouldn’t you know it, the cameras weren’t there to record that.

Much of the rest of the time, Rinna is rightfully obsessed with the career damage done by her excessively-enlarged lips, which turned her into a tabloid joke. Since you know that she’s already had reduction surgery, are you going to hang around to watch what looks like, from the coming attractions, weeks of doctor appointments and discussions with her gal-pals as to whether she should get the procedure?

Hamlin and Rinna seems as though they like each other, their two daughters are adorable. Their show fits the TV Land mold, in that it’s not excessively crass. But it’s a bore.

If you watched, will you watch again?

Follow: @kentucker

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’16 and Pregnant’: As good for kids as it is addictive to watch

16-and-pregnant-2As MTV’s 16 and Pregnant gets ready to start a new season Oct. 26, a new study (full results here) from the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy shows that the gritty reality series does not, as some critics have insisted, “glamorize” teen pregnancy. In fact, in a national poll of teenagers, 82 percent of those who watched the show said it helps them understand how hard teen pregnancy is and how to avoid it, while 76 percent said such shows help them talk to their parents about sex. (About half said they actually did talk to their parents about sex because of something they saw in the media.) A separate study investigated discussion groups about the show at Boys and Girls Clubs of America and found that 40 percent talked about the show with a parent, 63 percent discussed it with a friend, and 37 percent discussed it with a sibling.

It’s harder to remember the good that 16 and Pregnant, along with its big-sister show Teen Mom, are doing when you see the constant gossip-mag stories about their “stars” (or when, perhaps, you see famous teen mom Bristol Palin on Dancing With the Stars). But that doesn’t take away from the fact that the MTV hits continue to hammer home, week after week, the gritty realities of having a kid too young. These numbers prove the glamorization argument doesn’t hold up — despite what other media are doing to muddle the message.

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Before Auction, Lennon Has a Brush With the FBI - New York Times

On Wednesday morning a small pop-culture memorabilia shop in Midtown opened an 836-lot auction timed to what would have been Lennon’s 70th birthday, which is Saturday. The prized item was a set of Lennon’s fingerprints made in 1976 as part of his application for citizenship. Minimum bid: $100,000.

But after an hourlong standoff involving cellphone calls, faxes and meetings with an agent in a parked car outside the East 57th Street storefront, the F.B.I. served the shop — called Gotta Have It! — with a subpoena and seized the fingerprint card, which was made at a New York police station on May 8, 1976, and bears a signature and the name John Winston Ono Lennon.

Given Lennon’s history with the F.B.I. — he was under surveillance in the early 1970s for his antiwar activism — the events were strange enough to make Peter Siegel, an owner of the store, wonder what the fuss was about. Since last Thursday, he said, the F.B.I., the Department of Homeland Security and the United States attorney in Manhattan had asked about the card.

“I’ve been doing this 20 years and have never had this much government interest in something,” Mr. Siegel said. “Here he is, one of our greatest musicians ever, and they just don’t stop investigating this guy.”

Jon Wiener, a history professor at the University of California, Irvine, who wrote the book “Gimme Some Truth: The John Lennon F.B.I. Files,” also noted that 1976 was a bit late in the F.B.I.’s Lennon timeline.

“As far as I know, the F.B.I. interest in Lennon was in the J. Edgar Hoover era,” Professor Wiener said on Wednesday, “and his successors fairly quickly closed the books on the investigation.” Mr. Hoover died in 1972.

Yet despite the display of federal investigative force, the interest in Lennon’s fingerprint card may turn out to be prosaic, perhaps having to do with ownership of government property. On Wednesday an F.B.I. spokesman, James Margolin, said there was an “investigation into how that item came to be up for auction.”

The card, Mr. Siegel said, was being sold for a private collector, whom he identified only as a former concert promoter who had bought the card at a Beatles convention about two decades ago.

It is not the first time a Lennon fingerprint card has been offered at auction. In 1991 Sotheby’s sold a similar item for $4,125, without incident.

Leon Wildes, Lennon’s immigration lawyer in the 1970s, offered a theory about the document’s provenance.

During the summer of 1976, Mr. Wildes said on Wednesday, he had some of Lennon’s paperwork with him, including a fingerprint form, while making a television appearance. “When I returned to where I was, from New York, it turned out it was missing,” he said. “I was very upset. We called about it, and nobody seemed to know where it was.”

At 11 a.m. on Wednesday, an F.B.I. agent appeared outside Gotta Have It!, parked in a blue Ford. Mr. Siegel said the agent lacked a proper subpoena. After a flurry of phone calls between the store owners and their lawyer, and many visits to the agent in the Ford, the store owners received a subpoena by fax that satisfied their lawyer, and turned over the document.

“If it was anybody else’s fingerprint card,” Mr. Siegel said, “I wouldn’t hear from anybody.”

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Facebook rolls out new features - USA Today

PALO ALTO, Calif. — Facebook on Wednesday launched several new features, including one that makes it easier for its 500 million members to separate online friendships into groups and another that lets them archive personal information posted on the website.The new groups feature began rolling out Wednesday and will spread to the company's entire user base "relatively quickly," according to Facebook.

"We're not being hyperbolic when we say (groups) is going to be a fundamental shift in how people use Facebook," company CEO Mark Zuckerberg said during a press conference that was his first public appearance since last Friday's opening of The Social Network, the blockbuster movie tracing Facebook's origins.

Zuckerberg told reporters he wouldn't comment on the critically acclaimed film, which depicts him as brilliant yet socially awkward and manipulative. Zuckerberg has called the movie an "inaccurate" account of the 6-year-old company's beginnings.

The new grouping feature is designed to share comments, photos and other links with others based on relationships and interests. For instance, you can now group Facebook friends by family, work, sports teams and college.

Zuckerberg said hundreds can be in a group, but it is ideally suited for 20 to 25 people. The function lets users leave groups.

Facebook had offered a way to create groups through a "lists" feature. But only about 5% of its members use it. "No one wants to make lists," Zuckerberg said.

Now, "You can order your life by groups," Chris Cox, Facebook's vice president of product, said in an interview. "We're not building a social product but a social platform."

Radar Research analyst Marissa Gluck says Facebook has "struggled" to find a balance between users' control of their information and simplicity. Groups, she says, is a positive first step.

Separately, Facebook introduced a tool for people to download digital copies of all their personal information on the site. It also unfurled a dashboard to track games, quizzes and other applications distributed on Facebook.

Facebook's announcements caught many reporters and analysts by surprise.

Buildup to the event had centered on several rumors, including a redesign of the Facebook site or a deal with Internet telephone leader Skype to mesh their communications services more closely together. Under such a potential partnership, Facebook users would be able to sign into Skype through their Facebook Connect accounts.

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‘The Warrior’s Way’ trailer: East meet West

From what I can tell, The Warrior’s Way is not based on a video game, but it sure looks like it: Operatic violence, lushly surreal panoramas, vivid Wild West characters who resemble children’s action figures. Oh yeah, it also features cowboys vs. ninjas. (The Indians, it appears, are wisely going to sit this rumble out.) Oddly enough, the appearance of Geoffrey Rush seemed more foreign to me than the ninja hordes.

What do you make of this clash of movie-making styles and cultures? Did Rush seem oddly placed to you, too?

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ABC Thursdays: How to replace ‘My Generation’?

My-GenerationImage Credit: Bob D'Amico/ABCNow that ABC has canceled its first drama, My Generation, it must decide how to fill the void on Thursdays without losing viewers to the competition. For the next two weeks, the alphabet will air repeats of Grey’s Anatomy at 8 p.m. until it selects a more permanent replacement from its midseason lineup. There’s always a chance that Thursdays will become all Shonda Rhimes, all the time, and the 8 p.m. slot will go to her new drama Off the Map. (Rhimes is also responsible for Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice.) But those who’ve seen Map, which follows three American docs who to go to work in the tropics, say it may be too gritty for the family hour. Plus, do viewers really want to watch three back-to-back medical dramas on Thursdays?

ABC also developed two additional comedies that are waiting in the wings – Mr. Sunshine starring Matthew Perry and Happy Endings from former ABC exec Jamie Tarses — but it seems far more likely the network will take advantage of the fact that no one’s airing a reality show in the timeslot and program its new unscripted show Secret Millionaire, instead. The program, which is based on a U.K. format and first premiered on Fox in 2008 and attracted more than 10 million viewers, follows Richie Riches who agree to leave their lavish lifestyles to go undercover in impoverished neighborhoods. On the final day, the “secret millionaires” reveal their identity and give away cash to change lives. It’s reminiscent of the successful reality show Undercover Boss, though Millionaire was developed before the CBS series.

So far this season, ABC is in second place among viewers and adults 18-49 on Thursdays, behind CBS and its lineup of Big Bang Theory, $#*! My Dad Says, CSI, and The Mentalist.

ABC may have another a time slot to fill as early as tomorrow, given the lackluster performance on Wednesdays by The Whole Truth, the Maura Tierney starrer that’s dropped 6 percent in viewers versus its premiere (4.8 million to 4.5 million). If ABC axes the legal drama, it seems likely that it will use the period to premiere Body of Proof, the intriguing new drama starring Dana Delany as a former neurosurgeon who becomes a medical examiner.

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Sheriff's Dept. Interviews Oksana's Mediation Lawyer -

10/6/2010 4:09 PM PDT by TMZ Staff   TMZ has learned ... L.A. County Sheriff's investigators have just interviewed the lawyer who mediated Oksana Grigorieva's case with Mel Gibson, in connection with the extortion investigation.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... two investigators went to the law offices of Eric George, a well-known L.A. attorney.  As TMZ has reported, the Sheriff's investigators are looking into whether Oksana tried to extort $15 million from Mel Gibson, in return for the infamous audio tapes.  TMZ has already posted the signed agreement that Oksana later disavowed.

Our law enforcement sources say ... among the topics investigators covered:

-- How involved Oksana was in the mediation
-- How involved she was in the money discussions
-- Why she ultimately rejected the agreement she signed

In addition to meeting with George, investigators met with his law partner, Sonia Lee, who was also involved in the mediation.

Our law enforcement sources say the extortion file should go to the L.A. County District Attorney shortly.  The D.A. will make simultaneous decisions on whether to prosecute Mel for domestic violence and Oksana for extortion. 

Tags: Mel Gibson, Oksana Grigorieva, Celebrity Justice

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15 adult TV faves seen as kids

(Adam Kolkin as Chris Colfer's character)
We had to do a double take during the flashback montage featuring mini-Kurt and his dad, Burt, during ''Grilled Cheesus.'' But it turns out it wasn't a magically de-aged Chris Colfer, just a boy who would reduce us to a sobby mess.

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Sandra Bullock in Negotiations to Star in "Gravity" - ABC News

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Sandra Bullock is in negotiations to star in "Gravity," the outer-space thriller that has become a game of musical chairs for the in-demand actress set.

Alfonso Cuaron ("Children of Men," "Y tu mama tambien"), who is directing and co-wrote the script with his son Jonas, is readying the feature for Warner Bros. It will co-star Robert Downey Jr.

The studio went to Bullock after Natalie Portman's on-and-off-again negotiations went into off mode for good.

"Gravity" has a dizzying history when it comes to attracting female stars.

The project originally was set up at Universal as a vehicle for Angelina Jolie, but it moved to Warner Bros., where it hit several bumps: Jolie left the project, partially because of the studio's balking at paying her $20 million fee. Although Downey brings star power to the project, his role is overshadowed by the female lead, an astronaut whose struggle to survive an avalanche of space junk becomes the movie's focus.

In the summer, the studio talked to Marion Cotillard, then tested Scarlett Johansson and Blake Lively for the part before re-engaging Jolie. After that skidded out, the studio began talks with Portman, who had just started generating heat from her performance in "Black Swan."

Bullock is also in talks to star in "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close," an adaptation of the Jonathan Safran Foer novel that would star Tom Hanks.

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Kenny Chesney Claims Sixth No. 1 on US Album Chart - ABC News

LOS ANGELES (Billboard) - Kenny Chesney grabbed his sixth No. 1 entry on the U.S. album chart Wednesday, replacing the Zac Brown Band, which dropped to No. 3 on the list.

Chesney's "Hemingway's Whiskey" bowed atop the Billboard 200 with 183,000 copies sold during the week ended October 3, according to Nielsen SoundScan.

The singer's last studio effort, 2008's "Lucky Old Sun," also entered at No. 1, but with a slightly lower number: 176,000.

Among country acts, Chesney is now in second place for the most No. 1s on the big chart: only Garth Brooks, with eight, has more.

Dating back to 2002's "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems," Chesney has notched nine top 10 albums on the Billboard 200.

The previous week's No. 1 album, Zac Brown Band's "You Get What You Give," fell to third place with sales of 70,000.

Lil Wayne's "I Am Not a Human Being" took a digital-only bow at No. 2 with 110,000, marking the jailed rapper's eighth top 10 album. It follows the No. 2 debut and peak earlier this year of his "Rebirth," which landed with 176,000 in February. "I Am Not a Human Being" initially was intended as a digital-exclusive release, but the CD version (with three additional tracks) will be released Tuesday (October 12).

"Human Being" is just the second set to reach the top two rungs on the chart solely off the strength of digital downloads. In January, the charity compilation "Hope for Haiti" spent two weeks in the top two -- including one week at No. 1. ("Haiti" was never issued in a physical configuration.)

Gucci Mane earned his second top 10 album with "The Appeal: Georgia's Most Wanted," which bowed at No. 4 with 60,000.

Rock icon Eric Clapton claimed his lucky 13th top 10 set, with the simply titled "Clapton" bowing at No. 6 with 47,000. Clapton has now racked up top 10s in five consecutive decades, stretching back to 1972's No. 6 hit "History of Eric Clapton."

Eminem's "Recovery" slipped one spot to No. 5 (59,000), Trey Songz's "Passion, Pain and Pleasure" held at No. 7 (42,000), Linkin Park's "A Thousand Suns" fell three to No. 8 (42,000), Maroon 5's "Hands All Over" descended seven spots to No. 9 (41,000) and Selena Gomez and the Scene's "A Year Without Rain" dropped six to No. 10 (38,000).

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‘Dancing with the Stars’: Eliminated contestant talks about ‘competing against athletes, graceful people’

After hosts Tom Bergeron and Brooke Burke tortured the contestants through another excruciating night of who’s safe and who’s not (better to wait and hear everything they say, Cheryl Burke!), another low-scoring performer was sent packing Tuesday on Dancing with the Stars. For more about the celebrity who got the heave-ho, go to the jump.Margaret-Cho-Dancing_320.jpg Image Credit: Bob D'Amico/ABC Margaret Cho may have been responsible for some of the best soundbites this season (she called her samba on Monday “the gayest thing that ever happened”), but it looks like viewers weren’t too interested in her impromptu yuks. After she and Louis Van Amstel scored 18 out of a possible 30 for dancing to Barry Manilow’s “Copacabana” on Monday, the comedienne became the third contestant to leave the ABC reality show.

“I’m just so sad we aren’t going to be dancing,” Cho told EW afterwards. ”I’m going to dance with Louis anyway. I love being out on the floor with him and I’m going to miss that. I was also crying because this has been such a joyful experience.”

Cho’s samba on Monday suffered from a lack of researsal time, something that wasn’t lost on the judges: Len Goodman said he “couldn’t quite get the story of it.” She got a dig in by retorting how it was about “having pride while people are criticizing you” while Van Amstel took the criticism in stride. ”I’m kind of used of it,” he said. “ The first two weeks, the judges are always very harsh, and they never really have a compliment. But in the end, that makes you stronger because if they are really full of compliments from the get-go, then you don’t really work hard. So it always made me work harder. I think among all the contestants, Margaret has no physical experience whatsoever.”

“I was starting from zero,” Cho added. “It was such a physical challenge. That’s what is really great because now I want to keep doing it, I want to keep dancing. It’s going to add years to my life, and that’s a really powerful thing.”

Cho says she “wouldn’t change anything” about her crazy costume choices. “I have to be myself, no matter what. I have to stand tall and proud because that’s what I’m all about.” But she always thought she was working from a disadvantage. “We are competing against athletes and very graceful people. I am so in a new arena here. My forte is stand-up comedy so dance is totally new. That’s why I was intimidated.”

At the very least, her experience on Dancing with the Stars has provided lots of fodder for future standup routines. “That’s where I get to hash it out,” she said, laughing. ”People should come check it out. I’m going to be ripping everyone a new one.”

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NBC drama ‘Outlaw’ goes on production hiatus

NBC has brought production to a halt on Outlaw, the network’s new legal drama starring Jimmy Smits. Three episodes have already aired at 10 p.m. Fridays but the series hasn’t exactly burned down the house of Nielsen: Outlaw only averaged 4.7 million viewers on Oct. 1, down from its premiere week average of 4.98 million. The network still has five original episodes in the can that are scheduled to air so its plan is to monitor the show’s performance in the coming weeks before deciding whether to resume production.

Other than featuring the popular Smits, the other fascinating aspect about Outlaw is that it comes from Conan O’Brien, who developed the series for NBC under his Conaco production banner. O’Brien is not involved in the day-to-day operation of the show, though. That responsibility falls on Conaco head David Kissinger and Russell Schwartz.

Outlaw is the first show of the 2010-11 season to go on production hiatus. Two other dramas have already been canceled, which are Fox’s Lone Star and ABC’s My Generation.

Outlaw premiere review: Jimmy Smits, stuck in one of the fall season’s worst?

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Ask Ausiello: A big Calzona day?

ask-ausielloGot a scoop request? An anonymous tip you’re dying to share? Just want to say hi? You can send any/all of the above to

Question: I have to admit, I’m a little disappointed that it’s Cristina and Owen getting married in the Grey’s premiere and not Callie and Arizona.  Will you make me feel better by giving us some Callie-Arizona scoop? —J
Ausiello: There’s a major Calzona development in the Oct. 28 episode, but a Grey’s source assures me that it’s not a turn for the worse. So don’t go barraging Shonda Rhimes with angry tweets. In the same episode, a camera crew invades Seattle Grace to film a documentary about the hospital’s recovery in the wake of the shooting rampage. In fact, the entire ep will be shot from the POV of the crew, so if shaky-cam makes you queasy you’d best pop a Dramamine before showtime.

Question: So sad to hear that you’re leaving EW! So, to cheer me up, any chance you could give me some Grey’s Anatomy scoop? —Mary
Ausiello: The sublime Amanda Foreman, who’s currently recurring on Parenthood, will guest-star in the aforementioned Oct. 28 episode as (I believe) a patient. This is also the episode that marks the return of Mandy Moore and Ryan Devlin. BTW, you’re not getting rid of me that quickly. I’m still here for a few more weeks—plenty of time to get me a really expensive farewell gift. (Registry info is forthcoming.)

Question: Good Wife scoop, please! —Cliff
Ausiello: Sounds like the show is breaking TV’s last taboo. No, not [blank], incest! A casting call has gone out for Molly, Cary’s beautiful 18-year-old cousin whom he is taking on a tour of the University of Chicago. During said tour, little Miss Molly makes it clear that she still has a crush on her older cuz. He, in turn, makes it clear that that’s gross he’s not interested. Perhaps they’re cousins once or twice or thrice removed? Or maybe they’re cousins in the way that, you know, Keri and I are cousins.

Question: What’s the poop, er, scoop on Elizabeth Reaser’s Good Wife character? —Tim
Ausiello: The scoop is … Alicia will probably get the urge to key her car. “She plays a sports writer, and she and Will develop sparks in a way that Will hasn’t with any other woman except Alicia,” explains exec producer Robert King. “We’re thrilled with [Elizabeth]. I’ve loved her since The Ex List. She’s doing an excellent job.”

Question: Could you please give us something good on Law & Order: SVU? —Kenleigh
Ausiello: I’m not sure this qualifies as good, but Oscar and Emmy winner Marcia Gay Harden is reprising her role as FBI agent Dana Lewis. But she’s not returning to work on a case. She’s returning to BE the case.

Question: Were you able to find out why Glee is casting miniature versions of Puck, Santana, Rachel, Brittany, and Mercedes? Are they doing a flashback? —Shelly
Ausiello: Nope. It’s a fantasy sequence. Or nightmare sequence if Sue’s the one doing the dreaming.

Question: You must give us some scoop on whether Darren Criss will be playing Kurt’s new love interest on Glee! —Ashley
Ausiello: That’s still TBD. All I know for certain is that they’ll be good friends.

Question: College applications are getting me down. Any news on Darren Criss’ Glee character to remotivate me? Is it too much to hope that he’ll be singing one of his own songs? —Sabrina
Ausiello: Sorry to add to your doldrums, but I do believe it’s too much to hope. But let me get confirmation of that from Criss himself. “Well, it really isn’t up to me,” shrugs the up-and-comer. “But even if it was, and as cool as that would be—personally, for me as an artist—I think it’s important to keep a bit of separation from the actors’ realities and the characters’ realities. For example, as much as I would love to geek out over Matthew Morrison singing “Passeggiata” from Light in the Piazza—or any of the Spring Awakening-turned-Glee kids doing a number from that show—it probably would shake the audience out of the world of McKinley High, or at least the Broadway fans of the show anyway. But hey, what’s best for the show is best for the show, and I trust the creators in their choice of music. If the time was right, and they ever approached me to have one of my songs used in the show, of course, I’d be absolutely thrilled.” Talented, pretty, and eloquent? Bitch.

Question: Do you have any scoop on the upcoming season of Southland? —Autumn
Ausiello: It premieres in early January, and there’ll be a new face on the force. The show is casting the role of a Latina cop who is impulsive, no-nonsense, and occasionally annoying. She’s also, and I quote, “not gorgeous, but real.” I’d hate to be the actress who gets recommended for that role.

Question: Any new Smallville scoop? —Adelle
Ausiello: Present-day Clark comes face-to-face with future Clark (a.k.a. Superman) in next Friday’s 200th episode. But I’m pretty sure that’s old news. Here’s some new news. In the Oct. 22 episode, Clark finally decides to tell Lois his secret. Which is kind of funny because that’s the same episode she decides to tell him her secret: that she already knows! Hilarious, right? I thought it was.

Question: Any cool Big Bang Theory casting scoops? —Barrie
Ausiello: This isn’t as cool as Eliza Dushku guest-starring in an episode, but actress Aarti Man (Heroes‘ Shaila) has been cast as Koothrappali’s never-before-seen sister Priya.

Question: Is the rumor true that a Dallas reboot starring Josh Holloway and Jennifer Love Hewitt is being developed? Please say it’s true! —Lillie
Ausiello: It’s sort of true. TNT is developing a new Dallas series, but it’s more of a sequel than a reboot, as it takes place a few decades after the original series left off. No one is currently attached to the project, and that includes Josh Holloway, Jennifer Love Hewitt, and (last week’s big rumor) Kiefer Sutherland.

Question: Please tell me when Chuck and Blair will be back together on Gossip Girl! —Abbey
Ausiello: Serena and Nate lay the groundwork for a possible C&B reconciliation later this month when they negotiate a peace treaty between the warring exes. A literal treaty.

Question: The synopsis for the Oct. 29 episode of Supernatural says that one of the boys faces a truth about himself that sends the other brother reeling. Any insight on which brother is “facing a truth” and which brother is sent “reeling”? —Kat
Ausiello: Sam is facing the truth; Dean is reeling.

Question: So before you leave to open your Smurf museum, could you tell me if Bones will have a Christmas episode this season? —Amanda
Ausiello: Most likely not. There’s some uncertainty about what order Bones‘ November/December episodes will air in because of the World Series, so I think all parties felt it was easier not to do one this year.

Question: Remember a little show called Brothers & Sisters? Doesn’t seem like it, considering you rarely talk about it in AA. —Steve
Ausiello: My bad. Here are a few teasers about this Sunday’s episode.

* Someone goes missing.
* Someone gets caught lying about her age.
* Someone considers plastic surgery.
* Someone (temporarily) assumes a new identity.
* An estranged couple, um, reconnect.

Question: I am really liking the show The Big C, but I am getting over the story line of her not telling anyone she has cancer. This past Monday’s episode really irked me, because I thought she was finally telling someone. It was like the House/Huddy hallucination. Do you have any spoilers on when she’s going to reveal her secret? —Melodie
Ausiello: This probably isn’t what you want to hear, but there’s another near miss coming on Oct. 18 when Cathy finally decides to tell Paul the truth. Unfortunately, before she gets the chance he drops a bombshell on HER: He wants a divorce!

Question: Any word yet on whether AMC is going to pick up Rubicon for a second season? —Christine
Ausiello: Not a peep. I imagine a decision will have to come down soon, since there’s only two episodes left.

Question: I ask you for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you Philo T. Farnsworth. How is the future looking for one of my favorite new shows this season, The Whole Truth? Remember, Mr. Ausiello, you are under oath. —Ryan
Ausiello’s attorney: Objection. Counsel is leading the witness.
Judge: Overruled. Mr. Ausiello, please answer the question.
Ausiello: The Whole Truth is one more low-rated episode away from getting pulled off the schedule.
Judge: I like your shoes, BTW. Cole Haan?
Ausiello: Yes! They’re so comfortable!

Question: Is Miles Heizer’s character on Parenthood gay? —Colleen
Ausiello: My gut says yes, but exec producer Jason Katims says no. I’m going to side with Katims on this one.

That’s a wrap! Please send questions, comments, and anonymous tips to Also, you can follow me on Twitter via @michaelausiello. Thanks for playing!  (Additional reporting by Andy Patrick, Sandra Gonzalez, and Tanner Stransky)

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Kim Zolciak’s ‘Google Me’ raises a tough question (Also, hints she may leave ‘Housewives’?)

Kim-ZolciakImage Credit: Dario Cantatore/Getty ImagesThe Real Housewives of Atlanta star Kim Zolciak has clearly outdone herself (and Bravo’s other Real Housewives) by releasing her second single. (And you thought “Tardy for the Party” was a fluke!) Zolciak gets meta as she talk-sings through the various ways you can see just how fabulous she is: “YouTube, Bravo, check my tweets/22 million follow me” (maybe that number is aspirational?), and makes a possible hint towards a future Housewives departure: “It ain’t gonna be easy replacing me/Those other other girls they wanna be like me/But they’re just Barbies/All body no brain/Google my name/I’m doing my thing.” You’ve heard the preview and now it’s time for the real thing. (Perez has the entire song linked here.) 

Because everyone can use a little Hump Day dance break, and we’re all dying to know: If you were stranded on a desert island (with neither a bottle of Maker’s Mark nor Andy Cohen to entertain you), which Real Housewives song would you choose to listen to on repeat? Translation: Which of these excuses for pop music do you find the least offensive? For me, this is a tricky one. I’m tempted to say LuAnn’s “Money Can’t Buy You Class,” because her message is so strong, but then again, Danielle Staub has a two versions of “Real Close,” (yet only one is sold with a harem of burly male dancers) which could break up the monotony of my isolated existence.

Which Real Housewives song is the worst best? Is it premature to add a future live performance of “Google Me” to our list of Most Outrageous Real Housewives moments?

Read more:
‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ star Kim Zolciak releases sneak peek of new single, wants you to Google her
Kim Zolciak’s first single: Rest easy, Beyonce!
‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’: Danielle Staub can (kind of) sing, may be a lesbian?
‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’ star Danielle Staub’s repertoire now includes dance numbers
‘Real Housewives of NYC’: Listen to Countess LuAnn’s ‘classy’ new single

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Sandra Bullock close to landing ‘Gravity’ for her first post-’Blind Side’ role

Sandra-BullockImage Credit: Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage.comEW has confirmed that Sandra Bullock is within reach of snagging the lead in director Alfonso CuarĂłn’s sci-fi thriller Gravity, her first film since winning an Oscar for The Blind Side. ( first reported the story.) Currently in negotiations for the part after Natalie Portman dropped out due to scheduling issues, Bullock would star opposite Robert Downey, Jr. as an astronaut on a remote space station who survives a disaster and must fight to return home to her daughter. (CuarĂłn also wrote the screenplay with his grown son Jonas.)

The role is reportedly a massive one, with Bullock the only actor on screen for long stretches of the film. It’s a curious choice; Bullock hasn’t done straight-forward science fiction since 1993's Demolition Man. She had been reputedly circling the action comedy Most Wanted with Ryan Reynolds, and the 9/11 drama Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close with Tom Hanks, two movies that seem more obviously in her wheelhouse. With this film, however, she appears to be heeding the advice of Paul Haggis, her director in 2005's Crash, from EW’s recent cover story on Bullock’s career: “I think she should do whatever scares her, whatever makes her really uncomfortable.”

What do you make of this choice, PopWatchers? Would you rather Bullock stick to more familiar territory? Or are you intrigued by her attempt to branch out into a new genre?

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'Glee' Star Chris Colfer's Mini-Me Casting Was Spot-On -

A grilled cheese Jesus (or rather, Grilled Cheesus) wasn't the only visual worthy of a double-take on last night's episode of "Glee." The Fox series' casting directors should give themselves a big pat on the back for finding a nearly identical-looking actor to portray Chris Colfer's character, Kurt Hummel, at the age of 8.

In a series of flashbacks set to Colfer's melancholy rendition of the Beatles' "I Want to Hold Your Hand," Kurt recalls the days of his childhood following his mother's death. We see mini-Kurt walking through a cemetery hand-in-hand with dad Burt (Mike O'Malley) and later enjoying a lighthearted tea party.

The actor cast as young Kurt is 13-year-old Adam Kolkin. A high school freshman at Los Alamitos High School, Kolkin is a relative unknown who began acting at the age of 9 and has appeared in numerous television commercials for Disney, Advil and LG phones. His most notable film credit is the 2009 indie "Still the Drums."

Kolkin spoke with his local newspaper, The Orange County Register, about landing the plum part and recalled just how surprised casting directors were with his uncanny resemblance to Colfer.

"They all kept saying, 'Oh my god, oh my god,' " Kolkin said. After leaving the audition, Kolkin was quickly called back to sing a song. "I had prepared 'Walking on Sunshine,' " he said. "They were really surprised."

Kolkin spent a day on set filming his scenes, and although Colfer was not scheduled to shoot that day, he stopped by to meet his mini-me. "It was so cool," Kolkin said. "[The cast] were really nice."

Another happy parallel with his "Glee" character? Kolkin is also a member of his high school's show choir. "I had heard the show choir was really good, and I was interested in auditioning," he said. "I wasn't in [the show choir] Xtreme when I did the show but I am now."

There may be more flashbacks to come for "Glee." reported that casting calls have gone out for younger versions of Puck, Santana, Rachel, Brittany and Mercedes for the season's seventh episode.

Did you do a double-take when Colfer's mini-me appeared onscreen? Let us know in the comments!

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'The Office' has a 'Glee' club?!

Office-Glee-AusielloImage Credit: NBC; Chris Cuffaro/Miranda Penn Turin/FoxOkay, so maybe “crossover” is the wrong word. But an entire upcoming episode of The Office will be dedicated to the Dunder Mifflin staff getting together to watch Glee.

Bizarre, right? And brilliant!

Unfortunately, according to an Office source, no Glee actors will actually appear in the episode. Which means that no, Dwight will not get pantsed by Puck. (Curses!)

Thoughts? You can express them in the form of song quotes below if you feel that would be more apropos.

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Word of Mouth: Disney's betting on 'Secretariat' - Los Angeles Times

"Secretariat" Penny Chenery (Diane Lane) features prominently in current ads. (John Bramley / Disney Enterprises)

It's a movie about a winning horse. It's a movie about a winsome housewife. Did we mention it's inspirational too, and maybe even spiritual?

In marketing "Secretariat," Disney is trying an array of strategies to attract moviegoers who so far have not shown a lot of interest in seeing the horse racing drama that opens Friday.

Directed by the writer of "Braveheart" and produced by the team behind the sports movies "The Rookie," "Invincible" and "Miracle," the modestly budgeted film about the Triple Crown-winning thoroughbred has been singled out by Disney's new management as the kind of feel-good production it wants to make going forward. But like the chestnut colt's come-from-behind win in 1973's Kentucky Derby, the movie might have to rally from a sluggish start out of the theatrical gate, as audience tracking surveys indicate "Secretariat" could premiere behind Warner Bros.' romantic dramedy "Life as We Know It" and perhaps even trail the second weekend of Sony Pictures' "The Social Network."

Even if critics are not going to give "Secretariat" four-star reviews, as early notices have been mixed, Disney believes that the film has enormous audience appeal and that it will benefit from strong word of mouth. In addition to holding hundreds of sneak previews last weekend, Disney has screened "Secretariat" more than 250 times nationwide at military bases, large churches and elsewhere. The studio has used social media such as Facebook and Twitter to court niche audiences. Disney recently held a screening for the polo-playing set in the Hamptons.

"Obviously, we want to play to a really broad, four-quadrant audience," said Sean Bailey, Disney's new production president. "We're doing an aggressive prescreening campaign. We believe the movie is its own best advocate."

While the horse plays a central role in the movie, which was directed by Wallace and written by Mike Rich, "Secretariat" ultimately focuses on Penny Chenery, a Denver mother of four who against some family members' wishes took over her late father's Meadow Farm stable and bred and raced Secretariat. "Big Red," as the horse was popularly known, not only became the first horse in 25 years to win the Triple Crown and also set records in the Kentucky Derby and the Belmont Stakes that still stand today.

While the shift isn't too obvious, Disney's marketing push has changed since the studio started promoting "Secretariat" in late spring. The film's initial trailer in April opened with Chenery (played by Diane Lane) talking about her horse's running. "In frenzied excitement, he eats up the ground. He paws fiercely, rejoicing in his strength, and charges into the fray, afraid of nothing." Likewise, the film's outdoor campaign and poster focused on the horse; they could have been mistaken for spots for the Oak Tree meeting at Hollywood Park.

In recent weeks, however, the sales pitch has tilted more toward Chenery and the people behind the thoroughbred, including her family. A featurette that debuted Sept. 3 includes footage of Wallace saying, "The story of 'Secretariat' is a story about the hero inside each of us." Later in the new advertisement, Wallace, who also directed "We Were Soldiers" and "The Man in the Iron Mask," says: "Life is about finding how far you can go — how fast you can run."

Even though Secretariat was scarcely an underdog — the horse was the betting favorite in all but one of his 21 races, Disney's new spot emphasizes Chenery's personal long-shot odds. "I don't care how many times they tell us we can't do it," the featurette shows Chenery saying. "I am not giving up!"

In a way, the studio is positioning "Secretariat" as this year's "The Blind Side," except that the hero wears a bridle instead of a helmet.

Rich Ross, who is marking his first year as Disney's studio chief, said: "Now more than ever, people are looking for something to inspire them. And I think Randall unapologetically commits to that ethos. He could have told many stories, but he told this story."

The studio has held several screenings for the military, including taking "Secretariat" to Ft. Hood in Killeen, Texas. "It was 115 degrees," Bailey said. "We went to the biggest theater on the base. What I loved about it was that it was not at all a fancy screening. It was just men and women, our troops, wives and husbands and folks on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan or elsewhere. The way this movie plays, the emotions it elicits from people, it was a special night."

Some of those emotions are tied to the film's spiritual message: In addition to quoting some Biblical verses, "Secretariat" employs the gospel song "Oh Happy Day." Disney has hired the marketing firm Different Drummer to help reach faith-based audiences on a grassroots level. If church groups turn out in force for "Secretariat," their attendance could make the $35-million production highly profitable.

Wallace, a former seminary student who speaks with the persuasiveness of a preacher, said he was partially drawn to the Secretariat story because of how it spoke to his understanding of faith.

"I never did want the movie to be about a given dogma," the director said. "But I wanted a sense with each character that they were looking for some experience of the sacred…. I want to know what you love enough to give your life for. Because the question isn't, 'Is there life after death?' The question we all really need to ask is, 'Is there life after birth?'"

Times staff writer Dawn Chmielewski contributed to this report.

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20 Years Ago This Week: ‘Beverly Hills, 90210′ debuts

90210When Fox’s Beverly Hills, 90210 launched in 1990, that zip code didn’t seem too promising. “The new show with the least memorable title,” wrote EW TV critic Ken Tucker, ”is also one of the fall’s most forgettable series.” Viewers agreed — early episodes were among the season’s lowest-rated.

The producers soon switched to an issue-of-the-week format that addressed topics like date rape and suicide while also celebrating sideburns and cool cars. “We thought about what teenagers were thinking about,” recalls creator Darren Star. “Sometimes we were a little melodramatic, but I think we gave it a bit more weight so it wasn’t just a soap opera.”

90210‘s fortunes soared after Fox took a gamble by starting season 2 in the middle of summer, when its younger audience was out of school. The series became a phenomenon (even Tucker eventually came around), turning its stars — including Jennie Garth, Jason Priestley, Luke Perry, and exec producer Aaron Spelling’s daughter, Tori — into teen idols. “I remember Luke Perry opening a shopping mall,” Star says, “and he had to be whisked out. It was an absolute mob scene!”

The original series ended in 2000, but a next-gen spin-off, 90210, currently airs on The CW, and reruns are a big presence on cable. “When I see all the shows come out, there are lots that follow in the footsteps of 90210,” says Star. “It sort of laid out the template of the modern teen show.”

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‘Today’: When Hoda Kotb met BeyoncĂ©

Even though she’s a successful morning show host (who gets to drink wine at 10 a.m. with no judgment from her bosses), Hoda Kotb is really just a fan at heart. Her reaction to a surprise appearance by BeyoncĂ© on Today basically mimics what the rest of us would look like if we were in her place … or at least what I would look like. Granted, the woman hosts the fourth hour of Today with Kathie Lee Gifford, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen her go this nuts before, have you?

Just further evidence that kryptonite to BeyoncĂ©’s fierceness has yet to be discovered. How would you react to a surprise appearance by Queen B herself?

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'South Park': 'They did WHAT?!'

This animated short film, produced prior to the creation of South Park, explored the meaning of Christmas through an epic, bloody showdown between Santa Claus and Jesus. Small potatoes compared with the content of South Park's later episodes, but the film served as a great introduction to creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker's twisted little town in Colorado.

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‘Survivor: Nicaragua’ quick take: The blind leading the obnoxious

'Survivor: Nicaragua' quick take: The blind leading the obnoxious | /* */ Entertainment WeeklyHomeTVMoviesMusicBooksTV RecapsDancing With the StarsFall TVFirst LookMust ListBlogs The Ausiello FilesPopWatchHollywood InsiderKen Tucker's TVThe Music MixShelf LifeThe Movie CriticsNews BriefsOscarWatch EW Home // News // PopWatch BlogPopWatch Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch BlogSee CategoriesSee ArchiveRSSFollow on Twitter'Survivor' CentralOct 6201009:00 PM ETSharePermalinkComments (35) 'Survivor: Nicaragua' quick take: The blind leading the obnoxious by Dalton RossCategories: Reality TV, Survivor, Television


Image credit: Monty Brinton/CBS


If you thought the older tribe on Survivor: Nicaragua was playing blind after getting rid of their only true leader, then wait until you see them actually playing blind — with their eyes covered while they had to retrieve items in a challenge. And one of them wasn’t too happy about being relegated to a secondary role in the challenge. I’ll give you one wild guess as to whom. My full recap will be up at midnight, but if you’ve already watched and would like to sound off, then read on after the jump for more. [SPOILER ALERT: Read on only if you have already watched Wednesday's episode of Survivor: Nicaragua.]

After bitching and moaning that nobody would ever give him a chance, and talking about what a great leader he is at life without offering any evidence whatsoever to back it up, Jimmy T was finally voted out. It was only fitting that the contestant, who won an online Sears casting competition to make it on the show, was ultimately undone while losing at a blindfolded reward/immunity challenge sponsored by — yep — Sears. (Circle of life, baby!)

In other news, Chase found a clue to the hidden immunity idol but Brenda informed him that it had already been found, NaOnka reminded us how much she hates Kelly B’s artificial leg, and Marty’s hair took on a life of its own. My full recap will be up at midnight, but in the meantime you can watch my pre-game interview with Jimmy T in the video player below. And right below that, check out the very first installment of EW’s new TV Insiders podcast, where we debate the ultimate Survivor question: Who’s more annoying — NaOnka or Jimmy T? Speaking of which, are you sad or psyched to see Jimmy T go? Hit the message boards and let us know!

Follow on Twitter: @EWDaltonRoss

DON'T MISS: Embedded below, listen to the first edition of’s TV Insiders podcast. Annie Barrett, Michael Slezak, Michael Ausiello (who also gives his picks for best and worst new show of the new season), Jeff “Doc” Jensen, and yours truly break down the week in television — including Survivor — and present it to you in an easily digestible audio format. Or click here to download TV Insiders to your MP3 player!

Previous Post Sandra Bullock close to landing 'Gravity' for her first post-'Blind Side' HomePopWatch MainComments (35 total)Add your comment Page: 12Next »cary Wed 10/06/10 9:19 PM

SOOO glad to see him go. He reminded me of an obnoxious Union Leader type. He got what he had coming. Next time keep your big mouth shut.

Reply asiyouet Wed 10/06/10 10:07 PM

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:D :D


Reply Snowdye Wed 10/06/10 9:19 PM

If my child was in NaOnka’s class at school, I would take her out of the class, because of her actions, and disrespect of the others. She is selfish, bad example for children.

Reply Teddy Sheckler Wed 10/06/10 11:10 PM

Shes a crazy ghetto rat.

Reply joblo Wed 10/06/10 11:20 PM

And she’ll probably complain after the show is over that she’s misunderstood and the victim of a bad edit… *roll eyes*

Reply FoxAmuse Wed 10/06/10 9:20 PM

I am a faithful Survivor watcher. This season is not interesting me at all. Between that obnoxious, rude and extremely mean black girl ~or~ that marty ahole on the older tribe…..i pick neither…but sadly I am too loyal to change the channel. Shame on casting for going with stereotyoes and shock value. I wonder when I will just finally lose interest? Has CBS run out of ideas?

Reply Jim Wed 10/06/10 10:07 PM

I agree with you. I have watched every episode, but this season it is just painful to watch because of Jimmy T. and that AWFUL Naonka. I can’t believe she is employed as a teacher. At least 50 percent of them are gone. Once she is, hopefully the show will take a turn up.

Reply dusen Wed 10/06/10 10:07 PM

This season is not shaping up to be one of the better ones – I kind of miss Russell. And I hated Russell.

Reply alicia Wed 10/06/10 11:22 PM

I agree. I find Naonka disturbing. There is no rhyme or reason for her nastiness to Kelli B. Marty got rid of Jimmy Johnson and now the tribe has no leadership. I am not a Jimmy Johnson fan, but he had the least amount of ego in his tribe.

Reply Carla Wed 10/06/10 9:22 PM

Very happy they got rid of Jimmy T. He was so annoying. Only thing now is that he will drive JJ crazy at Ponderosa. I can’t wait until the ax falls on the other psycho Nay

Reply Beth Wed 10/06/10 10:33 PM

they don’t have Ponderosa until they have a jury

Reply Jimbo Wed 10/06/10 9:22 PM

Thank the lord Jimmy T is gone. It does ruin my hopes for a tribe with NaOnka and Jimmy T together (so we could have for the first time in Survivor history someone getting thrown out of the game for assaulting another survivor) but now no one has to listen to him speak about himself in the third person, talk about how if he lead, things would’ve gone differently, and complain to everyone about his role in the tribe. Now they just need to ax NaOnka, then this show won’t be quite as much of a train wreck.

Reply Stephanie Wed 10/06/10 9:25 PM

NaOnka is a terrible person. The words that come out of her mouth are disgusting- I have no idea how she’s a teacher, I sincerely hope being on that island made her personality turn 180, but I doubt it. I dislike her and Marty and Jimmy T(soo glad he’s gone), Chase (dumbarse)…everyone pretty much.
…except Jud!

Reply majamababe Wed 10/06/10 9:26 PM

Now – if they could only bring back Jimmy J!

Reply teresa Wed 10/06/10 9:29 PM

I haven’t even watched the show yet but I just had to see who got kicked out and I’m soooooo glad it’s that awful Jimmy T. Too bad he didn’t go last week!! They should have kept Coach. They would have been better off because it doesn’t even matter. The older tribe is going to lose every challenge. Their egos are HUGE!! Huge egos always lose in the challenges. They can’t wrap their minds around the team aspect of the game.

Reply Deanna Wed 10/06/10 9:31 PM

Yes, I am sad to see Jimmy T gone. He was truly a leader and kept his tribe encouraged. Now who is going to console Holly when she cracks again? Jimmy T. is a moron. How did he win an online ticket to the show. Glad he’s gone. Oh and NaOnka, how did she find her way to Nicaragua ? Must have one a nasty, dirty mouth contest, or maybe got the lowest score on the fairness test and that paid off like a fantasy game.

Reply Deanna Wed 10/06/10 9:33 PM

OMG. I meant to write Jimmy J in the first sentence of above comment.

Reply Blak192 Wed 10/06/10 9:34 PM

I love the show, but this is a terrible season. Stop showcasing NaOnka’s bad attitude…introduce us to the other players.

Reply Elle Wed 10/06/10 10:36 PM

I know! There are quite a few people on the younger team that we have not been introduced to yet.

Reply SirvivrLvr Wed 10/06/10 9:35 PM

Why all the combined reward/immunity challenges this season? Too much talking and not enough action! Maybe if they showed 2 challenges per episode we wouldn’t have to listen to Jimmy T & Naonka go at it with everyone for most of the episode. One down, one to go! Watched since Borneo and this is probably the worse season to date. No likable people, or at least they haven’t gotten any air time so far.

Reply LibbyP Wed 10/06/10 10:31 PM

I’d like to see two challenges per ep, please! Less talk, more action!

Reply dawnomite Wed 10/06/10 11:43 PM


Eddie Wed 10/06/10 9:41 PM

Yeah Jimmy T was annoying, but he was pretty hilarious. Definitely more entertaining than Dan.

I’m rooting for Holly. She’s bonkers, but it’s kinda endearing.

Reply Dave Wed 10/06/10 9:44 PM

I found the part about Jimmy thinking he was a combo of Russell, Boston Rob, and somebody else amusing. In reality he seems about 20% Tyson and 95% Coach (his math).

Reply Lucy Van Pelt Wed 10/06/10 9:56 PM

Nayonka is so lucky the young tribe continues to win. Does she think people like her? If so, she’s as delusional and Jimmy T.

Men crying isn’t inherently funny, but Jimmy T choking up after being asked to be a follower was pure comedy. HILARIOUS.

Reply Joe S Wed 10/06/10 10:00 PM

I must admit, I have never seen anyone carry a grudge against a prosthetic limb before. Its sad really.

Reply lisasp Wed 10/06/10 10:25 PM

I watched with my 11 yr old daughter who was like “why is she so mean about Kelly’s leg?” It is sad and pathetic and I can only hope she does not last much longer…I dislike her more than Jonny Fairplay…and I *really* hated him!

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