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Thursday, October 7, 2010

‘Survivor: Nicaragua’ quick take: The blind leading the obnoxious

'Survivor: Nicaragua' quick take: The blind leading the obnoxious | /* */ Entertainment WeeklyHomeTVMoviesMusicBooksTV RecapsDancing With the StarsFall TVFirst LookMust ListBlogs The Ausiello FilesPopWatchHollywood InsiderKen Tucker's TVThe Music MixShelf LifeThe Movie CriticsNews BriefsOscarWatch EW Home // News // PopWatch BlogPopWatch Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch BlogSee CategoriesSee ArchiveRSSFollow on Twitter'Survivor' CentralOct 6201009:00 PM ETSharePermalinkComments (35) 'Survivor: Nicaragua' quick take: The blind leading the obnoxious by Dalton RossCategories: Reality TV, Survivor, Television


Image credit: Monty Brinton/CBS


If you thought the older tribe on Survivor: Nicaragua was playing blind after getting rid of their only true leader, then wait until you see them actually playing blind — with their eyes covered while they had to retrieve items in a challenge. And one of them wasn’t too happy about being relegated to a secondary role in the challenge. I’ll give you one wild guess as to whom. My full recap will be up at midnight, but if you’ve already watched and would like to sound off, then read on after the jump for more. [SPOILER ALERT: Read on only if you have already watched Wednesday's episode of Survivor: Nicaragua.]

After bitching and moaning that nobody would ever give him a chance, and talking about what a great leader he is at life without offering any evidence whatsoever to back it up, Jimmy T was finally voted out. It was only fitting that the contestant, who won an online Sears casting competition to make it on the show, was ultimately undone while losing at a blindfolded reward/immunity challenge sponsored by — yep — Sears. (Circle of life, baby!)

In other news, Chase found a clue to the hidden immunity idol but Brenda informed him that it had already been found, NaOnka reminded us how much she hates Kelly B’s artificial leg, and Marty’s hair took on a life of its own. My full recap will be up at midnight, but in the meantime you can watch my pre-game interview with Jimmy T in the video player below. And right below that, check out the very first installment of EW’s new TV Insiders podcast, where we debate the ultimate Survivor question: Who’s more annoying — NaOnka or Jimmy T? Speaking of which, are you sad or psyched to see Jimmy T go? Hit the message boards and let us know!

Follow on Twitter: @EWDaltonRoss

DON'T MISS: Embedded below, listen to the first edition of’s TV Insiders podcast. Annie Barrett, Michael Slezak, Michael Ausiello (who also gives his picks for best and worst new show of the new season), Jeff “Doc” Jensen, and yours truly break down the week in television — including Survivor — and present it to you in an easily digestible audio format. Or click here to download TV Insiders to your MP3 player!

Previous Post Sandra Bullock close to landing 'Gravity' for her first post-'Blind Side' HomePopWatch MainComments (35 total)Add your comment Page: 12Next »cary Wed 10/06/10 9:19 PM

SOOO glad to see him go. He reminded me of an obnoxious Union Leader type. He got what he had coming. Next time keep your big mouth shut.

Reply asiyouet Wed 10/06/10 10:07 PM

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Reply Snowdye Wed 10/06/10 9:19 PM

If my child was in NaOnka’s class at school, I would take her out of the class, because of her actions, and disrespect of the others. She is selfish, bad example for children.

Reply Teddy Sheckler Wed 10/06/10 11:10 PM

Shes a crazy ghetto rat.

Reply joblo Wed 10/06/10 11:20 PM

And she’ll probably complain after the show is over that she’s misunderstood and the victim of a bad edit… *roll eyes*

Reply FoxAmuse Wed 10/06/10 9:20 PM

I am a faithful Survivor watcher. This season is not interesting me at all. Between that obnoxious, rude and extremely mean black girl ~or~ that marty ahole on the older tribe…..i pick neither…but sadly I am too loyal to change the channel. Shame on casting for going with stereotyoes and shock value. I wonder when I will just finally lose interest? Has CBS run out of ideas?

Reply Jim Wed 10/06/10 10:07 PM

I agree with you. I have watched every episode, but this season it is just painful to watch because of Jimmy T. and that AWFUL Naonka. I can’t believe she is employed as a teacher. At least 50 percent of them are gone. Once she is, hopefully the show will take a turn up.

Reply dusen Wed 10/06/10 10:07 PM

This season is not shaping up to be one of the better ones – I kind of miss Russell. And I hated Russell.

Reply alicia Wed 10/06/10 11:22 PM

I agree. I find Naonka disturbing. There is no rhyme or reason for her nastiness to Kelli B. Marty got rid of Jimmy Johnson and now the tribe has no leadership. I am not a Jimmy Johnson fan, but he had the least amount of ego in his tribe.

Reply Carla Wed 10/06/10 9:22 PM

Very happy they got rid of Jimmy T. He was so annoying. Only thing now is that he will drive JJ crazy at Ponderosa. I can’t wait until the ax falls on the other psycho Nay

Reply Beth Wed 10/06/10 10:33 PM

they don’t have Ponderosa until they have a jury

Reply Jimbo Wed 10/06/10 9:22 PM

Thank the lord Jimmy T is gone. It does ruin my hopes for a tribe with NaOnka and Jimmy T together (so we could have for the first time in Survivor history someone getting thrown out of the game for assaulting another survivor) but now no one has to listen to him speak about himself in the third person, talk about how if he lead, things would’ve gone differently, and complain to everyone about his role in the tribe. Now they just need to ax NaOnka, then this show won’t be quite as much of a train wreck.

Reply Stephanie Wed 10/06/10 9:25 PM

NaOnka is a terrible person. The words that come out of her mouth are disgusting- I have no idea how she’s a teacher, I sincerely hope being on that island made her personality turn 180, but I doubt it. I dislike her and Marty and Jimmy T(soo glad he’s gone), Chase (dumbarse)…everyone pretty much.
…except Jud!

Reply majamababe Wed 10/06/10 9:26 PM

Now – if they could only bring back Jimmy J!

Reply teresa Wed 10/06/10 9:29 PM

I haven’t even watched the show yet but I just had to see who got kicked out and I’m soooooo glad it’s that awful Jimmy T. Too bad he didn’t go last week!! They should have kept Coach. They would have been better off because it doesn’t even matter. The older tribe is going to lose every challenge. Their egos are HUGE!! Huge egos always lose in the challenges. They can’t wrap their minds around the team aspect of the game.

Reply Deanna Wed 10/06/10 9:31 PM

Yes, I am sad to see Jimmy T gone. He was truly a leader and kept his tribe encouraged. Now who is going to console Holly when she cracks again? Jimmy T. is a moron. How did he win an online ticket to the show. Glad he’s gone. Oh and NaOnka, how did she find her way to Nicaragua ? Must have one a nasty, dirty mouth contest, or maybe got the lowest score on the fairness test and that paid off like a fantasy game.

Reply Deanna Wed 10/06/10 9:33 PM

OMG. I meant to write Jimmy J in the first sentence of above comment.

Reply Blak192 Wed 10/06/10 9:34 PM

I love the show, but this is a terrible season. Stop showcasing NaOnka’s bad attitude…introduce us to the other players.

Reply Elle Wed 10/06/10 10:36 PM

I know! There are quite a few people on the younger team that we have not been introduced to yet.

Reply SirvivrLvr Wed 10/06/10 9:35 PM

Why all the combined reward/immunity challenges this season? Too much talking and not enough action! Maybe if they showed 2 challenges per episode we wouldn’t have to listen to Jimmy T & Naonka go at it with everyone for most of the episode. One down, one to go! Watched since Borneo and this is probably the worse season to date. No likable people, or at least they haven’t gotten any air time so far.

Reply LibbyP Wed 10/06/10 10:31 PM

I’d like to see two challenges per ep, please! Less talk, more action!

Reply dawnomite Wed 10/06/10 11:43 PM


Eddie Wed 10/06/10 9:41 PM

Yeah Jimmy T was annoying, but he was pretty hilarious. Definitely more entertaining than Dan.

I’m rooting for Holly. She’s bonkers, but it’s kinda endearing.

Reply Dave Wed 10/06/10 9:44 PM

I found the part about Jimmy thinking he was a combo of Russell, Boston Rob, and somebody else amusing. In reality he seems about 20% Tyson and 95% Coach (his math).

Reply Lucy Van Pelt Wed 10/06/10 9:56 PM

Nayonka is so lucky the young tribe continues to win. Does she think people like her? If so, she’s as delusional and Jimmy T.

Men crying isn’t inherently funny, but Jimmy T choking up after being asked to be a follower was pure comedy. HILARIOUS.

Reply Joe S Wed 10/06/10 10:00 PM

I must admit, I have never seen anyone carry a grudge against a prosthetic limb before. Its sad really.

Reply lisasp Wed 10/06/10 10:25 PM

I watched with my 11 yr old daughter who was like “why is she so mean about Kelly’s leg?” It is sad and pathetic and I can only hope she does not last much longer…I dislike her more than Jonny Fairplay…and I *really* hated him!

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