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Friday, October 15, 2010

‘Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue’ and other anti-drug PSAs from childhood: Which was the best?

I remember the first and only time I was sat down and lectured about drugs, mostly because I think my reaction was something along the lines of “Can I go now?” My attention span lasted far longer when my parents decided to let Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue do the lecturing, but I gather that the improved attentiveness was a direct result of the special’s gross overuse of the ever-hypnotic sparkle sound.

There are no sparkle sounds in any of the advertisements highlighted in this piece about anti-drug PSAs, but there are some memorable ones. I am, however, surprised I don’t remember more of them. (Especially the one featuring the Ninja Turtles. I would have liked to sling the insult “You’re a turkey” back when it was cool — um, assuming it ever was.)

I’m going to go befriend a magician now. Meanwhile, tell me: Do remember any/all of these advertisements? Did any of these specials/commercials actually have an effect on you back in the day? Which was the best?

My vote for the best still goes to Cartoon All-Stars. My biggest fear, of course, being that I would get high and cartoons would start talking to me.

@EWSandraG on Twitter

View the original article here

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