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Monday, October 11, 2010

‘Deadliest Catch’ captains are staying put on show

Deadliest-CatchImage Credit: DiscoveryLooks like the Deadliest Catch captains who recently quit over a legal dispute with Discovery are staying put on the reality show that’ll begin production next week in Alaska. Discovery released this statement on behalf of Captains Sig Hansen and Johnathan and Andy Hillstrand today:  “We’re happy we worked everything out with Discovery. A deal’s a deal. We’re heading up to Dutch Harbor to start filming the new season of Deadliest Catch and hopefully it will be the best one yet.”

The Hillstrands added: “Everyone worked really hard on putting together Hillstranded and we’re looking forward to wrapping that up. It’s something new that we hope people will enjoy.”

Just last week, the Hillstrands announced plans to leave the show after they were sued by Discovery over their involvement in a Catch spinoff. Discovery reportedly claimed the brothers failed to finish work on Hillstranded and were seeking $3 million in damages. An attorney for the Hillstrands shot back by saying the lawsuit would have forced the men to sell their boats and fire their crews so they quit the show. Hansen decided to show solidarity for his fellow captains and backed the Hillstrands.

The Hillstrand brothers co-captain Time Bandit on Deadliest Catch, while Hansen lords over Northwestern.

View the original article here

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