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Monday, October 18, 2010

Disney to Distribute Marvel's 'The Avengers,' 'Iron Man 3' - Hollywood Reporter

Paramount sources say the studio stands to profit handsomely from its deal to shift marketing and distribution of Marvel’s 2012 tentpole “The Avengers” and still-unslotted “Iron Man 3” to Disney, which acquired the comic-book company last year.

Paramount will receive distribution fees for both films with a guaranteed minimum of $115 million regardless of how the films perform. 

Paramount insiders say the studio will receive its usual 8 percent distribution fee for “The Avengers” and an increase to 9 percent for the third “Iron Man.” Disney quickly announced a release date of May 3, 2013 for “Iron Man 3.”

The deal gives Disney -- which has faltered at the box office recently -- a chance to benefit from its acquisition of Marvel.

Paramount views the deal as an opportunity “to do no work on ‘Iron Man 3’ and ‘Avengers’ ” and still make more money on the films, according to a source.

That source said Paramount has made $300 million from its Marvel relationship so far. It was studio chief Brad Grey’s first major move, he added, and has now served its purpose of filling the pipeline as the regime readied such other projects as “Star Trek,” its  re-launches of the “Mission:Impossible” series and the Jack Ryan series, which are in progress.

The studio will retain distribution rights to Marvel properties “Thor” and “Captain America.”

Disney will pay Paramount the $115 million on the pics’ release dates and it will serve as “a minimum guarantee against the distribution fees,” the studios said.

View the original article here

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