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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Eminem: 10 Things '60 Minutes' Forgot To Ask -

By Chris Yuscavage

Eminem has finally made it!

Okay, so technically, Marshall Mathers actually "made it" about a decade ago. But after six solo albums, more than a dozen No. 1 singles and a gang of controversy surrounding both his personal and private life, CBS finally came a knockin' about a month ago when they decided to profile him for their award-winning news series, "60 Minutes." Just prior to performing at his Home and Home concert tour alongside Jay-Z at Comerica Park in Detroit, Em sat down with Anderson Cooper of "60 Minutes" for an exclusive interview that aired last night (October 10).

The two discussed a bunch of interesting topics, including Em's Detroit upbringing, his life as a bullied child, the use of profanity in his home, his struggles with drug addiction, and the fact that he once tried to read the entire dictionary in order to give himself enough ammo to use during rap battles.

However, we can't help but think that there are a few other things Cooper should have asked Eminem during their time together. If Em had granted RapFix the same type of access, there are a few burning questions we'd certainly ask him. To prove it, here's a list of questions that we would have asked one of the front-runners in MTV's Hottest MCs of 2010 series, which kicks off on October 18, while he was hangin' with Mr. Cooper.

QUESTION 1: Do you think you're the "Best Rapper Alive"?
Last year, a VIBE poll showed you were the No. 1 rapper in the world. Do you think you are? And how come you get all humble and start bigging up other rappers when people ask you this? Aren't rappers supposed to want to be considered the best? Give us a straight answer, Marshall!

QUESTION 2: What really happened between you and Mariah Carey?
Let's get this out on the table once and for all: Did you smash, homie? She might be past her prime (career-wise! Get your minds outta the gutter), but once upon a time, Mariah was the flyest chick in the game. That would have made for one pretty incredible double-date with Jay and Bey, no?

QUESTION 3: What's the dumbest thing you ever did under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
Know the guy at the end of the bar that always tells crazy stories? Like that one about the time he had one too many and ended up naked ... in the middle of a farm ... with two cows, three sheep and a pig. Um, yeah, those types of stories. If Em's personal life was half as crazy as the stuff he used to rap about, we just know he has a couple stories that would make an AA meeting look like a Bible study—and, of course, help keep some kid out there away from whatever the hell Em was on. Let's hear them!

QUESTION 4: If you could take back one thing you've done during the course of your career, what would it be?
No, really: what would it be? The time you agreed to appear in some flick called Da Hip Hop Witch? The time you jumped a dude with an unloaded gun? The time you decided recording songs like "Rain Man," "Big Weenie," and "Ass Like That" would be a good idea? This answer should be good.

QUESTION 5:Be honest, ten years after you recorded it, do you still text message Jay-Z like, "I GOT YOU!" every time you hear "Renegade"?
Ha! Put it this way: If we were you, we would. And we'd also have the song set as our ringtone for every time Jay called us. Hell, anytime anyone called us. Just sayin'.

QUESTION 6: Is it weird to you that you turned out to be a waaaay better parent than Britney Spears?
Like, really?! We're not saying Brit's not a good mother (though, for the record, we're also not saying she's a good mother) but if we saw you wearing a "#1 DAD" shirt today, we'd automatically think, 'Eminem's such a good father.' If we saw Brit wearing a "#1 MOM" shirt, we'd assume she spilled a cran and vodka on whatever she was wearing before it. Ten years ago, that whole line of thinking would have been completely reversed. Who'd have thunk?

QUESTION 7: What's with the cross you wear around your neck these days?
No offense, but we never took you for the religious type. What's the deal, dude? Is Jesus your homeboy, too?

QUESTION 8: How great did it feel to punch Vince Chase?
We love Vince on "Entourage." But that last scene last season was awesome. Like, Mike Tyson knocking out Zach Galifianakis in The Hangover awesome. Nice job.

QUESTION 9: How bad do you want to do the same thing to Nick Cannon?
Not to dwell on the Mariah Carey connection, but you do realize that Nick Cannon, the actor/producer/rapper/"America's Got Talent" host is still taking shots at you, right? Any chance you'll Vince Chase him, too? No? Please? PRETTY PLEASE?!

QUESTION 10: Is Dr. Dre really almost done Detox?
Well ... is he? If Mr. Cooper really wanted to get the Internets going nuts, he would have found out for us.

Can you think of any other questions Anderson Cooper should have asked Eminem on "60 Minutes"? Tweet us at @MTVRapFix or tell us in a comment below!

Tags 60 minutes, detox, Dr. Dre, Eminem, mariah carey, Nick Cannon

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