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Friday, October 8, 2010

Katherine Heigl explains her image problem

Katherine Heigl’s been on the promotional circuit hyping Life As We Know It, but her interview on KTLA this morning was more candid — and interesting — than most. She talked about her “image problem,” as described in her New York Times profile:

“I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out where I went off track and how and why and what I can do in the future to avoid that. But as he says in the article, nothing I said was particularly scandalous — it just had a tone. And that’s the most important thing I’ve sort of learned as I get older and grow a little bit and get a little less defensive… I can just let go of the tone, and still say what I gotta say, and be honest, and all those things, but maybe not so edgy.”

Heigl may have rubbed a few people the wrong way, but the NYT profile sort of swayed me. Is it really so awful to say things that are true? Of course Knocked Up is “a little bit sexist,” and that season of Grey’s Anatomy did totally suck. Maybe it’s the dawn of a new day for Heigl.

What do you think, PopWatchers?

View the original article here

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