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Sunday, October 17, 2010

'Mad Men': Is Sally a goner?

Image Credit: AMC; Adam Larkey/ABC; Monty Brinton/CBS

Could Sally Draper not be long for this world? If you’re looking for a big shock to come on Sunday’s Mad Men finale, perhaps little Sally holds the key. While the rest of us are wondering whether Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Price can survive the loss of Lucky Strike, Michael Ausiello thinks that Sally’s recent depression could manifest itself in a horrific way. Hear his theory as he joins Michael Slezak, Annie Barrett, Jeff “Doc” Jensen, and yours truly for another exciting edition of the TV Insiders podcast. Also on the menu: We weigh in on whether Florence Henderson’s sexy rumba on Dancing with the Stars qualifies as “appropriate” or “not appropriate,” celebrate the death of Survivor‘s Medallion of Power, and each give our pick for what returning show is having the best season on TV. (Some will surprise you.) Not only that, but you can now look at nifty pictures while we talk. Did you hear that? Nifty pictures! Just click on the player below to sit in on our round table discussion, or click here to download the mp3 and take us with you on the go. And if you have a question you’d like us to answer/discuss on next week’s episode, send it via Twitter to @EWDaltonRoss. So without further ado, enjoy the latest episode of the TV Insiders!

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