Meghan Shop

Friday, November 5, 2010

Have you ever DVR’ed something based purely on the episode description?

Normally I do not DVR Criminal Minds, but this week, I must! Look at that episode description! It’s beckoning me with the force of a thousand Bristol Palin cross-armed smirks. Not to mention… with their sparkly businesswear, the motley crew of Dancing With the Stars contestants pictured in the corner could potentially be either “the team” who “must catch a pack of serial killers targeting exotic dancers” or the exotic dancers themselves! OR THE SERIAL KILLERS! (OMG! This item just got a million times better while I was writing it! Also: worse.)

Anyway, reminder, everyone: Criminal Minds is about strippers tonight. (As you’ll remember from Mandi Bierly’s Trend Watch, it’s a bad/good week to play strippers on TV.)

Have you ever DVR’ed something based purely on the episode description? And why do I assume I can get away with using DVR as a verb?

Read more:
Trend Watch: It’s a bad/good week to play a stripper on TV

View the original article here

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