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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Indonesian Obama fears assassination

It appears that President Barack Obama has his very own doppelgänger. A 34-year-old Indonesian man, Ilham Anas, shares an uncanny resemblance to our president. He looks like him. He smokes like him. He’s even a Muslim (Just kidding!). Anas, who says he enjoys being an Obama impersonator, often gets stopped on the street because of his looks. But it’s not all fun and games. With great power comes great responsibility, and Anas sometimes worries that the negative feelings toward America in Indonesia will lead to harm, and possibly assassination.

I’m one of those people who believes that everyone has a lookalike somewhere in the world. I’m just waiting to meet mine. But until then, this totally validates that hypothesis. What do you think, PopWatchers? Do you see the resemblance?

View the original article here

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