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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Kanye just isn't feeling it, 'Today' - Washington Post

1.After Kanye West took to Twitter to accuse Matt Lauer of being "brutal" and trying to "force [his] answers" in an interview earlier this week, the "Today" anchor stood by his interview techniques and wryly noted that West was scheduled to give a live performance on "Today" on Nov. 26. Not anymore. On Friday, West again used his medium of choice to tweet this update: "I'm not performing on the Today Show for obvious reasons. I'm so happy the world got to see just a small piece of 'the set up.' " Earlier in the week the rapper appeared on "Today" to apologize for accusing then-President George W. Bush of racism in 2005 because of the White House's mishandling of the response to Hurricane Katrina (a.k.a., the "worst moment" of Bush's presidency). During West's sit-down with Lauer, he was disturbed about being interrupted by footage of himself interrupting (there's that word again) Taylor Swift at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.

2.Seventeen-year-old "Gossip Girl" star Taylor Momsen has gone into inappropriate hyperdrive over the past year, doing her best to shock with gothy barely there outfits and quotes like this one from an interview in the October issue of Revolver magazine: "If it's a good sex tape, I'll watch it." Now, according to Us Weekly, she's blaming her parents for her bad attitude. "Everyone's like, 'Wow, why is she upset, and why is she so miserable about things?' " Momsen said. "My parents signed me up with Ford [Modeling] at the age of two. No two-year-old wants to be working, but I had no choice." If Momsen's wild theory turns out to be valid, we may finally have an explanation for Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears and the countless other young starlets who have struggled with the same inability to transition seamlessly from kid star to non-substance-abusing and/or inappropriate-outfit-wearing adult.

View the original article here

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