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Friday, November 12, 2010

Sprint’s ‘Notebook’ spoof: Do not silence this awesome pre-movie spot

the-notebookImage Credit: Melissa MoseleyHere’s another reason to get to the movie theater early: Sprint’s latest spot for their “Silence Your Cell Phone” campaign features the iconic scene from The Notebook in which tragically parted lovers Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams are reunited in the pouring rain. (I’ll give you time to swoon for the hundredth time just thinking about it.) But the scene doesn’t quite play as it does on your DVD. Instead of hearing Gosling say, “I wrote you 365 letters. I wrote you every day for a year,” the dialogue has been replaced with, “I was at the vet’s office, Trixie ate dark chocolate. I couldn’t talk, but I texted.” (This is followed by McAdams’ character’s actual response, “You wrote me?” before the following from faux Gosling: “Yeah. And she barfed. I helped clean up.” And….scene!)

“We were looking for iconic movie scenes that were both cinematic and memorable,” say Jamie Barrett and Christian Haas, executive creative directors at the ad agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, in an e-mail. (The agency is responsible for coming up with the spot, currently running in 1,400 theaters nationwide through the new year.) “We also needed the dialogue to fit the story we were trying to tell. We worked with Warner [Bros.] to find movies we could license, then watched hours of film to find a scene that fit. It was a pretty good scam, watching movies all day at work.”

We’re told both Gosling and McAdams had to approve the changes. And there’s a reason Gosling’s voice in the spoof sounds familiar: Adam Harrington, an actor/comedian who’s appeared on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, provides the voice for the spot.

Unfortunately, due to licensing issues, you will only be able to see the spoof in theaters…but do you really need an excuse to go to the movies? Who else has seen the spoof? And is loving it?

View the original article here

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