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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving parade round-up: Highs, lows, and some seriously grating promos

virginia-balloonImage Credit: Charles Sykes/AP ImagesHappy Thanksgiving, PopWatchers. And for those of you not in the U.S., happy plain old Thursday! This year’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York just wrapped up, and as usual, there were balloons and songs and constant, constant shilling for NBC shows. (I tried watching the CBS coverage for a little while, but it was too boring.)

++ Arlo Guthrie, in a badass jacket, singing “This Land Is Your Land.” Why was there a child dressed as a skunk right next to him? I don’t know, but I loved it.

++ The massive cheerleader performance. More like this, please!

++ Kanye West wearing an Ewok-fur vest and some kind of lamé tunic — you know, traditional Thanksgiving gear. My love for him knows no bounds.

++ Meredith Vieira saying “ooooh yeaaah” like the Kool-Aid guy. It was so forced and strange that it created an unlikely moment of hilarity.

++ All the aerial shots of the marching bands changing formation. Whatever, simple pleasures, don’t you dare judge me.

++ The staggeringly strange “Ice Queen” float with Joan Rivers. I was getting sort of bored with the sameness of all the floats, and this really bucked that trend. Why a chariot pulled by a team of horses?

++ The new balloon of Virginia, the little girl whose letter garnered the famous “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus” editorial

++ Why did Matt Lauer have to keep calling Jessica Simpson “beautiful”? Not that she isn’t beautiful — whatever floats your boat — but is that really part of someone’s intro? It seems sort of degrading. I wonder if a male performer would be repeatedly referred to in this context as handsome.

++ This year’s Broadway performances seemed particularly strained. Sorry, American Idiot. And Elf. Yeesh.

++ NBC, stop trying to make The Sing-Off happen. I secretly like that show, and even I could not stomach all the promos.

What did you think of the parade, PopWatchers? Did any of the floats or balloons surprise and delight you, or were you too distracted by the sad, promo-y copy all the anchors had to read?

View the original article here

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