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Monday, December 6, 2010

‘Simpsons’ exclusive video: Katy Perry as Moe’s girlfriend? Homer as a puppet? Check out clips from Sunday’s Christmas episode!

Katy-Perry-SimpsonsImage Credit: FoxThe Simpsons would like to wish you a very Perry Christmas: The animated Fox comedy’s holiday episode on Dec. 5 includes a special live-action segment that features pop star Katy Perry hamming it up with Simpsons characters that have been transformed into puppets. Can’t wait until Sunday to get a peek at Perry and the puppets? You may open this present early: Two exclusive clips from the episode! But first, let’s hear about the plot that brings Perry into the world of Homer & Co. “Maggie has a Muppet-type DVD that no one will let her watch, so she has this puppet dream with the Simpsons, and Katy Perry shows up the way Elton John would on The Muppet Show,” Simpsons executive producer Al Jean tells EW. Clad in a flashy red dress that would have stressed out the folks at Sesame Street, Perry sings “The 39 Days of Christmas” with the Simpsons, Mr. Burns, and Moe, who, believe it or not, is her boyfriend. “Moe can’t actually reach her — he’s too short — so there’s a slightly risqué joke at the end of the show,” hints Jean. “Don’t tune out during the credits.” The episode, which is titled “The Fight Before Christmas,” also boasts an appearance by (an animated) Martha Stewart.

Moe sets up a hot date, Katy Perry surprises the Simpsons….

Bonus clip: Perry sings “The 39 Days of Christmas” with the Simpsons, Mr. Burns, Moe, and a sock puppet dog….

View the original article here

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