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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Eminem doesn’t allow swearing at home? Holy $@#%!

The venerable 60 Minutes will air Anderson Cooper’s interview with Eminem this Sunday, but they already teased what will surely be the most newsworthy clip: that the proudly potty-mouthed rapper does not allow profanity in his house around his daughters. At one point Eminem says, “I mean, how would I really sound, as a person…walking around my house [saying] ‘Bitch, pick this up…” At which point we all think: You’d sound like one of your videos! Interview clip after the jump:

We could get on his case for the hypocrisy of the statement. I mean seriously, how many kids have uttered their first swear rapping along to his tracks? But honestly, I reacted as I often do when I hear about his discordant life as a dad — I find it kind of endearing. Eminem as a hardass at home? Do you buy it? Perhaps you find it less endearing than I?

View the original article here

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