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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Madonna wants you to get hard at her gyms. Workouts gone fabulous?

madonnaImage Credit: Solarpix/PR PhotosHere’s an entry for the News that is Fabulous files: Madonna announced today that she has partnered with the people behind 24 Hour Fitness for her newest venture, Hard Candy Fitness global gyms.

According to a release, the facilities will combine fashion, fitness, and entertainment for a very special Madonna-approved experience. Partner Mark Mastrov said the gyms will be “a reflection of Madonna’s point-of-view and will reflect her input on every detail including music space, light and other design cues. Madonna’s touch will be everywhere.” I have chills.

Now, I hate exercise. Passionately. I’m also a proud member of the I Run Like Phoebe Buffay Club. But the thought of working up a (faux) sweat in a gym designed by Madge herself inspires me to levels I never thought possible. I want to Zumba to “La Isla Bonita” and cardio kickbox to “Material Girl”!

Hard Candy fitness is starting its operation in Mexico City — the first opens in November — and there are plans to open 10 more locations throughout the world. No mention of the U.S., though. What do you say, PopWatchers? Would you work out at Hard Candy? Will there soon be an army of freakishly buff Madonna fans walking around? Do you think Madonna and her muscles will come find you if you become a member and end up not going for three months? And when you hear the name of the gym, do you think of actual candy, Madonna’s album of the same name, or that 2005 movie where Ellen Page tries to castrate a sexual predator?

View the original article here

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