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Monday, November 22, 2010

Greatest syndie sitcom ever?

two-and-a-half-menImage Credit: Greg Gayne/Warner Bros.Two and a Half Men will be on the air for at least another decade — in syndication. (Time to process, and… you’re back.) The show has been renewed through 2021 by Tribune Broadcasting and Sinclair Broadcast Group, whose markets represent nearly half of the country. The show has been the top-rated comedy in syndication in both adults 25-54 and households for more than three years. Is this the Greatest Syndie Sitcom of All Time? Let’s take nominations. To be clear: We’re not talking about naming the greatest sitcom, necessarily. We’re talking about which syndicated sitcom you could (and did) watch every day at, say, 7 p.m., and never get tired of it.

I’m never home at that hour now, but a few years ago, I took a three-month leave and lived with my parents while my father went through chemo and nested in the living room recliner. Having dinner while watching Everybody Loves Raymond reruns became our ritual. We’d watch one episode on one station, then I’d flip channels, and we’d watch another. It’s a sentimental pick, but Raymond‘s got my vote. What gets yours?

View the original article here

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