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Monday, November 22, 2010

Lindsay Lohan: Just say 'InferNO'

Another day, another piece of seemingly bad news for Lindsay Lohan. After months of sticking by the actress throughout her legal troubles, director Matthew Wilder has confirmed that he will be recasting the actress’ role as porn star Linda Lovelace in the upcoming biopic Inferno. It might seem another signal that Lohan’s career has burnt out, but, then again, is this pink slip the best thing that could happen to the actress? (At least in a good long while.)

Though the role would have garnered plenty of press for Lohan (like she needs it) — and biopics are generally a good way to capture the critics’ attention — perhaps a post-rehab Lohan would be better served straying as far away as possible from sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Even if the debauchery is only on screen. It’s no secret that Deep Throat actress Lovelace was once involved with drugs, and though parallels between Lohan and Lovelace could bring out a compelling performance, it can’t possibly be wise for a newly reformed addict to jump knee-deep into the role of a fellow drug user.

Not to mention the fact that Lohan could use a break from the heat surrounding her in Hollywood. As much as we’d like to root for a Lohan comeback — or not — the actress is better served focusing on her recovery than her reemergence on the big screen. And though she might not ever stray away from paparazzi cameras — or worse, reality TV cameras — a certain Deep Throat actress famously turned around her life. So why can’t Lohan?

Read more:
Lindsay Lohan’s ‘Inferno’ role flames out
‘Inferno’ director says movie will go forward after Lindsay Lohan’s rehab stint
Lindsay Lohan: ‘Inferno’ director and producer taking wait-and-see approach
Lindsay Lohan fails her drug test. When do you stop rooting for a comeback?
Lindsay Lohan admits she failed drug test
Lindsay Lohan to play Linda Lovelace, producer says: Smart move for her?

View the original article here

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