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Sunday, November 7, 2010

‘House’ scoop: Olivia Wilde plots her return!

House-Olivia-WildeImage Credit: Ray Mickshaw/FoxOlivia Wilde — aka the beloved Thirteen — has some good news for House fans: She will definitely return to the Fox drama this season! Wilde took a leave of absence this fall to shoot a starring role in the big-budget sci-fi Western Cowboys and Aliens but confirms to EW that her comeback is already in the works.

“I am coming back to House. This season, as a matter of fact. It is a done deal,” Wilde told EW while attending the 19th Annual BAFTA LA Britannia Awards Thursday in Los Angeles. “I have been really lucky this year to be offered all these great film opportunities and I was also blessed to have a job in TV that really worked with me to get me to a place where I could do those films and not miss those opportunities like Tron.

“They have it all worked out and the viewers will find out where she went and why she left,” Wilde continued. “I think it is an interesting progression for her. Thirteen has been through a lot so it has to be escalated. She has Huntington’s. She had a brain tumor and went blind. She had a bad breakup. She’s sexually ambiguous. She had problems with drugs. I thought, `What else can (creator) David Shore possibly come up with?’ They had to take it to a whole new level. They are really taking some big risks this year, which is exciting.”

Until then, Wilde said she’s working on the body-swapping comedy The Change Up with Ryan Reynolds, Leslie Mann and Jason Bateman. “We’re shooting in Atlanta. It is so boring and dull. No one laughs. We just sit around and cry all day. [Laughs]. No, it is absolutely the funniest job.” — With reporting from Carrie Bell

For more on Wilde:

‘House’ exclusive: Thirteen will be MIA for ‘a while’

View the original article here

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