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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Snow White is slowly taking over Hollywood

snow-whiteImage Credit: Walt DisneyToday’s Wrap reports reveals that Relativity Media has made a deal with director Tarsem Singh (The Cell) to direct a 3-D adaptation of the Brother Grimm’s beloved fairy tale Snow White. Production on the film — described as “an edgy, modernized re-imagining” — is slated to begin in March. Sources say that Relativity is hot to cast do-no-wrong Natalie Portman, while Singh is curious about the power of casting an unknown, à la Tim Burton’s tapping of Mia Wasikowska for Alice in Wonderland.

Meanwhile, Universal proceeds apace with their own spin on the fairy tale. Their script, Snow White and the Huntsman, is said to focus less on those family-friendly dwarves. Disney has their own Snow White project in development, though their movie will feature the dwarves as Shaolin monks. Huh? At this point, I too am developing a Snow White project, though in my script, the dwarves are actually the result of a botched cloning experiment, and they feast on bluebirds and fight each other to the death while Snow White twirls around and does the wash. It’s gold, I tell ya.

What say you, PopWatchers? The more Snow White the merrier? Is Natalie Portman the obvious choice? Are there other fairy tales that beg for treatment?

View the original article here

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