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Monday, July 11, 2011

See Homer Simpson’s invitation to the Royal Couple — EXCLUSIVE PHOTO

Will-Kate-Homer-Split Image Credit: Mario Testino/Clarence House Press Office/Getty Im

When Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge arrive in Los Angeles this afternoon, they will have a world of possibilities at their golden fingertips. (Beaches! Mountains! Traffic!) Turns out, the pair even received a brilliant offer from the folks in Springfield. Having read that Prince William was a fan of The Simpsons as a boy, the show’s writers invited the Royal Couple to attend a read-through of an upcoming episode with the cast. Well, they didn’t officially extend the invitation — Homer did. In his frosting-stained-yet-surprisingly-eloquent letter to William and Kate, the Simpson patriarch displays a rather impressive knowledge of British royalty (“We know your vacation time is precious, and you must be very tired from your busy schedule back home of jousting and fighting dragons”), and draws a few intriguing parallels between the two cultures (“British people revere the royal family, where in America, we worship on our own royal family: The Kardashians”). Alas, William and Kate regretfully declined, as they will be royally busy with various throne-representing commitments. (That, or Homer didn’t throw in enough pints of Duff.) The Simpsons camp isn’t conceding defeat yet, though. “Our next choice is Prince Harry, and then we’ll go to one of Fergie’s kids,” quips Simpsons executive producer Al Jean. “We’ll work our way down.”

(Twitter: @dansnierson)

Click on image for the full-size version of Homer’s invite.

View the original article here

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