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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

‘Gossip Girl’: Face it, Jenny Humphrey comes back next week. Now, what should they do with her?

Gossip-Girl-Taylor-MomsenImage Credit: Giovanni Rufino/The CW No Gossip Girl tonight, friends. I know; dry your eyes. If you’re anything like me, you’re probably consoling yourself by watching the preview for next week on an endless loop. (It’s embedded below in case you’ve only watched it once.) In my multiple viewings of the promo, I’ve determined I want to punch Little J in her Big, Fat F (her FACE).

My frustrations with Jenny Humphrey extend beyond my minor gripes about Vanessa’s desperate ways, are miles deeper than my disdain for Dan Humphrey sex scenes, and tear away at my patience more than Serena van der Woodsen on her worst (and sluttiest) of days. Unfortunately, however, Jenny doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. It’s a sad, hard truth, I know.

So take a deep breath with me, and let’s brainstorm. Because unless a mad cab driver comes tearing across Park Avenue and parks his car on Jenny and the animal on her head, we might be stuck with her. (Quick note: Her hair in the photo above is actually not so bad. Hudson did her well. Hudson is a city, just to be clear.) So let’s do as Chuck Bass would do and use Jenny.


Have her pair with Juliet to take down Serena. When they both fail, maybe we’ll get rid of two for one.Feed her some humble pie. Once upon a time, I didn’t hate Jenny. This was back when she was a little girl from Brooklyn with a dream of becoming a designer. I cheered for her. Let’s see that girl again — and maybe she’ll bring her old eye makeup with her. I simply wish the show would bring back who Jenny Humphrey was and stop making her into who Taylor Momsen is.Make her regret giving away her, uhm, pie. In the preview, it really bugs me that Jenny seems proud that she gave away her V-Card to Chuck. I was hoping she’d take more dignified approach. That said, it’s never too late for self-respect. Jenny needs some.

Now your turn, PopWatchers. What should the show do with Jenny Humphrey?

(P.S. Gossip Girl returns next week!)

@EWSandraG on Twitter

Update: I like Jenny more in the Canadian promo. (Watch below.) But Canadian promos are sort of like rear view mirrors: Objects are more hateful than they appear. Or are they… ?

View the original article here

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