Meghan Shop

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

If you like Ed Hardy, cross Stonnington, Australia off your vacation destination list

Jon-Gosselin-Ed-HardyImage Credit: Splash PicturesIt’s time to add Stonnington, Australia to the list of world cities I am tremendously interested in visiting. It also might be time for TLC to consider filming an episode of Kate Plus 8 down under, because the city of Stonnington has just banned all Ed Hardy clothing. If only American lawmakers would take note of this glorious signage and rid our city streets of glittering skeleton shirts once and for all. It may eliminate “T-shirt time!” from the cultural zeitgeist, but I can live with that.

The hilariously aggressive sign, which was posted on the door of an Ed Hardy shop that has recently gone out of business, rightly lambastes the brand for “contravening style and taste laws,” before it dropped the f-bomb, naturally insulted the Jersey Shore (even in Australia!) and made a few digs at the type of person who’d wear the bedazzled t-shirts in the first place. I know this sign is not ever going to be backed up in a court of law, but it’s not the first time Australians decided to ban the wearing of Ed Hardy at public events; just last year, an event in Perth, Australia banned Ed Hardy in an attempt to create “an environment where people can be comfortable and confident.”

What do you think, PopWatchers? Would you like to live in a town where t-shirt time doesn’t exist?

View the original article here

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