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Sunday, November 14, 2010

‘Dexter’: Exclusive clip from this Sunday’s episode, ‘Take It’!

Where, oh, where, will that mysterious picture of five teenage boys lead Dexter and Lumen? This week, it takes them into the world of… motivational speakers. Dex and Lumen are hot on the trail of killer Cole, who serves as head of security for self-help guru Jordan Chase, who’s no angel himself. In this clip from Sunday’s episode of Dexter, “Take It,” which was made exclusive to, Dexter attends a seminar hosted by the charismatic Jordan, who declares to his audience, “If you’re not in touch with your primal self, you’re already dead!” (Which would make Dexter very much alive.) We also learn a few details about Cole from Lumen — let’s just say his stint in the Marines didn’t end well. Are you taken in by the Jordan Chase story line? What do you predict will happen this week? Are we about to witness a Cole-blooded murder?

View the original article here

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