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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Jane Lynch joins Muppets movie. Let’s all freak out, Animal-style!

jane-lynch-muppetsImage Credit: Bob Charlotte/PR Photos; Everett CollectionYou know that game that you play with your friends when you ask each other which five dinner guests you’d invite to your home if you could choose anyone in the world? Well, I have a feeling that Disney is playing a Hollywood version of that game when it comes to casting its Muppets movie, co-written by Jason Segel. I mean, first there was Segel, who’s also starring in the film. Then Amy Adams. Then Zach Galifianakis. And now, Disney has confirmed with EW that they have cast Community‘s Donald Glover, Machete‘s Danny Trejo, and — prepare yourself, fans of a certain Fox series about a jolly band of singing teenagers suspiciously hyper-aware of life pre-1990s — Glee‘s Jane Lynch. I know, I know — that news is so great, I want to take it behind the bleachers and insult it Sue Sylvester-style. But, really, what pretend friends of mine undeniably awesome people are next, Disney? Tina Fey? Meryl Streep? This cat?

According to The Wrap, Lynch will be playing a prison guard in the film, which is appropriate, since she already knows her way around Warden Gentiles’ joint. And while Glover’s character is not yet known, Trejo is on tap to play Lynch’s prisoner (oh, the poor soul). Of course, this begs the question: What will the Muppets do in the film that will warrant (heh) a prison visit? Or, which Muppet is most likely to end up in the slammer? I know the popular choice would be Animal, but I’m going to guess Beaker. Something tells me someone as scientific and tweaked-out-looking as him has gotten into some Breaking Bad-esque trouble before.

Is it possible to not be excited for this flick? And are any of these actors on your dinner invite list?

Read more:
Zach Galifianakis in talks for the new Muppet movie
Amy Adams to star opposite Jason Segel in ‘The Muppets’ (Exclusive)
James Bobin of ‘Conchords’ will direct new Muppets movie

View the original article here

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