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Monday, November 29, 2010

Which pop culture dinner most resembles your family’s Thanksgiving feast?

It’s 4 p.m., PopWatchers. At this point, you’re doing one of the following: 1) Furiously attempting to get all the lumps out of the mashed potatoes while your little 6-year-old cousin clings to your leg, begging you to go hoop-rolling — or whatever it is kids enjoy these days; 2) Watching football from your couch while your mom furiously attempts to get all the lumps out of the mashed potatoes (moms are the best); or 3) Reading PopWatch. Okay, clearly the answer is No. 3, unless you’ve figured out a way to Doug Kinney yourself, but chances are you’ll find yourself participating in either No. 1 or No. 2 later in the day. Because, as we know, today is Thanksgiving — and that means you can prepare yourself for plenty of dysfunctional dynamic family dinner conversation!

But because we know you’d prefer not to talk about your single status, your new boyfriend/girlfriend, or your recent divorce at dinner, here’s something you all can discuss: Which pop culture dinner scene most resembles your family’s Thanksgiving feast? For my family, I’m going to go with Hook. Not because we don’t eat anything — my waistline will more than let me know that we do come Nov. 26 — but because we never do a traditional Thanksgiving, opting for colorful foods (Tex-Mex with plenty of guacamole, scallops with peach salsa, etc.) over the holiday’s customary beige-colored eats. (Also, as in the Robin Williams-Peter Pan flick, we have been known to get into a cream pie fight or two after dinner.)

But now it’s your turn, PopWatchers! Which iconic dinner scene most resembles your own? Are you forced to endure your family’s gluttony and — ahem — bathroom habits like Sherman Klump in The Nutty Professor? Do you play with your food like Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters of the Third Kind — or Weird Al Yankovic in UHF? Do you find yourself explaining very grown-up topics to a very young child, like the Hoover family did in Little Miss Sunshine? Or are you all just secretly judging each other à la Dinner for Schmucks? Let us know — and Happy Thanksgiving!

View the original article here

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