Meghan Shop

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

‘Glee’ crafts: For the Gleek who wants a Brittany rag doll

brittany-dollGlee is a rerun tonight, so rather than perform my typical pre-show ablutions, I instead turned my attention to the wondrous powers of the Internet. And behold, the Internet smiled upon me. Check out all these fun Glee crafts! I’m particularly taken with this Brittany doll. If only you could pull a string and hear one of her amazing one-liners. I couldn’t find a Rachel doll, but I did find this American Girl doll outfit, so…yeah.

On the more grown-up side of things, this Gleek necklace is a mere $15, and understated enough that you could probably wear it in normal life and not feel like a total choochbag.

Finally, if you’re more into the decor side of things, this meticulously cross-stitched “Who is Josh Groban? Kill yourself!” sampler is the bee’s knees.

Admit, Gleeks: You have some Glee stuff. Right?

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