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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

TV you give a Season Pity Pass?

brothers-and-sistersImage Credit: Richard Cartwright/ABCWhy am I still DVRing Brothers & Sisters? No, really. Why? One excruciatingly depressing clip was enough to turn me off of watching the season premiere. I switched off the second episode at the point where the kids thought Nora was a lesbian. Last night, well, I made it through the hour (read Annie Barrett’s recap), but only because I wanted to see if HIV-positive Saul (Ron Rifkin) would be starting a relationship with Charlie (guest star Stephen Collins) — apparently not, because then I would’ve actually liked the direction of one arc on this show now. Instead, I’m just left wondering if fifth graders like Sarah’s son, Cooper, really perform productions of Romeo and Juliet so their uncle and aunt can compare themselves to the star-crossed lovers and their mother’s boyfriend can tell them that people kiss with their hearts, not their lips. Isn’t Cooper a little too young to sell the “O, happy dagger!” line?

I understand that the accident in last season’s finale did a number on everyone, and a year later, they’re not the same people they were. But I miss those people. Even Robert. I’m sorry I wanted your character gone, Rob Lowe, and I’m not even enjoying Kitty’s new love interest (despite the fact that he spent most of last night in a wifebeater). But you got out just in time. Look what’s happening to Holly. Amnesia should be a juicy storyline, but I can’t understand why she wouldn’t want to try to get to know her daughter, who’s being open and honest. Oh, right, because Emily VanCamp is leaving the show. I’d like to think I’m holding on because I truly believe that the writers will give me back my Walkers once they’re done cleaning up the mess of the time jump and exits, but my faith isn’t what it used to be either. I’ll keep recording Brothers & Sisters — at least Sarah’s hair has improved since the season premiere — but only because I used to be invested, I like watching people drink, and there’s no current scheduling conflict.

Your turn. What show currently has your Season Pity Pass, and why do you keep holding on? (Maybe another reader can get you to cut the cord.)

Read more:
Recap: “I’m not a lesbian. I’m a florist.”
Brothers & Sisters time warp details

View the original article here

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