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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

'DWTS': Monkey business!

Bristol-PalinImage Credit: ABCBristol Palin is fast becoming Dancing with the Star’s most surreal performance artist. Last night she stumbled around in a yeti-shaped monkey costume before tearing it off so she could stumble around in a pink cocktail dress. Dance pro Mark Ballas toted her around as gamely as he could, but she still looked like she’d been drugged, outfitted and dragged onstage. This comes on the heels of the pantsless suit and the bedazzled Sarah. What can it all mean? Are the show’s costumers trying to gently push her off the edge? (Read more about the episode in Annie Barrett’s recap; Yes, one write-up is not enough to outline the ridiculousness of the evening.)

The ultimate question: Is Bristol the Lady Gaga of teen activists?

Read more:
‘Dancing With the Stars’ recap: Title sequins

View the original article here

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