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Monday, December 13, 2010

Stephen King: TV's top 10 in '10

The commercials are endless and there are too many white guys in ties, but this is still a fine way to start the morning. It's like a big Thanksgiving dinner. Joe Scarborough is the sometimes irritating, sometimes amusing uncle who talks too much (and donates too much, according to his bosses); Pat Buchanan is Crazy Grandpa; and Mika Brzezinski is the sweet, often acerbic mommy who tries (usually without success) to make peace over the mashed potatoes. Good talk for the politically inclined.

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‘Walking Dead’ writer Robert Kirkman talks about last night’s explosive finale: ‘I wish we had killed more people this season’

'Walking Dead' writer Robert Kirkman talks about last night's explosive finale: 'I wish we had killed more people this season' | Inside TV | /* */ Entertainment WeeklyHomeTVMoviesMusicBooksTV RecapsDecember EventsFamily EntertainmentHoliday Gift GuideMust ListBlogs PopWatchKen Tucker's TVInside TVInside MoviesThe Music MixShelf LifeNews Briefs EW Home // TV // Inside TV BlogInside TV Exclusive TV News and Scoop See CategoriesSee ArchiveRSS Dec 6201008:00 AM ETPermalinkComments (44) 'Walking Dead' writer Robert Kirkman talks about last night's explosive finale: 'I wish we had killed more people this season' by Clark CollisCategories: Books, Comic-Con, Fall TV, Film, Horror Movies, News, Sci-Fi, Television, The Walking Dead

the-walking-deadThe Walking Dead has stopped walking (and shambling, and lying about going “Uuurgh!”), at least for now. Last night’s first season finale of AMC’s zombie show ended with a bang, literally, as the CDC blew itself up, incinerating both Jeryl Prescott’s Jacqui and Noah Emmerich’s Dr. Jenner. But what did Jenner whisper to Rick? Could Rick and his fellow survivors be heading to France (home of fine wine, foul cigarettes and, it seems, top notch zombie experts)? Will Michael Rooker’s Merle return in season two? And is my heterosexual man-crush on Norman Reedus’ Daryl getting way out of hand?

We put all these questions, and so many more, to Robert Kirkman, writer of the Walking Dead comic book and an executive producer of the show.

Entertainment Weekly: Obviously you guys plotted the finale, and the whole season, not knowing whether the show was coming back. What was that like?
Robert Kirkman: It’s something that Frank [Darabont, Walking Dead executive producer and finale co-writer] was very mindful of. He did a really good job of putting a button on the sixth episode, just in case things went horribly awry. At the same time, there’s a lot of questions and he leaves you with a sense of, “Where are they going down this road and what is going to happen next?” So there’s a lot of room for continuation. But if it had been a disaster we wouldn’t have looked like a–holes.

The season did leave a lot of questions unanswered. Like what happened to Merle? Michael Rooker has to return at some point, right?
We will definitely see Michael Rooker again.

Or what’s left him.
Yeah, we probably won’t see every little piece of him. There’s all kinds of cool stuff we can do. I definitely want to see Morgan and Duane come back at some point and find out what happened to them. There’s lots of little threads in there to keep people interested for next season.

TS-19-002Image Credit: AMCNot least the tantalizing whispered message that Dr Jenner gave to Rick towards the end of the episode. Would you mind telling us what he said?
[Laughs hysterically]

Come on, it’s just the two of us. It’s not like I’m going to go and blog about this—he said, with fingers crossed behind his back.
I don’t want to give anything away! Look, it could have been just like, “Hey, watch out for those zombies out there, dude!” But it wasn’t. It’ll probably be revealed in season two, what he said. And it’s pretty monumental.

I think it’s the same thing that Bill Murray says to Scarlett Johansson at the end of Lost In Translation.
We’re not going to keep in that ambiguous, I promise.

The episode featured undoubtedly my favorite exchange of the whole season, when Dr Jenner said, “Those doors are designed to withstand a rocket launcher,” to which Daryl replied, “Well, your head ain’t!”
[Laughs] That was a good one.

I am happy to admit that I have something of a crush on Norman Reedus in this show. Will you join me in that?
I will totally do that. Which is going to make it awkward when I see him on the set for season two. I mean, I don’t want to make out with the dude, or anything. But he’s awesome. I’m totally jealous of how bad–s that guy is. He literally is my favorite character in the show. He’s not my favorite actor on the show. [Laughs] But he is my favorite character.

TS-19-003Image Credit: AMCI appreciate that going to the CDC was Frank’s idea. But as a zombie fan, the finale couldn’t help but bring to mind the below ground-set Day of the Dead, which I know is your favorite zombie movie.
Absolutely. When Frank was pitching the idea to me, saying he wanted to bring them to the CDC and telling me all the different things that he felt would come out of that story, the science of it all and the being trapped in the small location, I was very much picturing a lot of Day of the Dead stuff. That’s one of the reasons I was so on board with the idea.

Is that whole business about the CDC eventually blowing itself up in the event of some total catastrophe accurate?
I’m going to say, “Yes.” Because that sounds awesome to me.

Is that what the inside of the CDC looks like?
That was actually shot inside the CDC.

No, it wasn’t.
Yeah, that’s a lie. [Laughs] I don’t think it looked anything like the real CDC. The CDC is very secure and locked down and I don’t think we were even allowed to get reference photos of what the inside of the CDC looks like. For all I know, they have actual real zombies in the CDC, so they’ve already prevented that whole thing. Who knows?

Would it be fair to assume Dr Jenner was named after my fellow Brit, Edward Jenner, who developed the smallpox vaccine.
I would imagine so. I guess you’d have to get confirmation from Frank on that. He originally…

I’m sorry, but are you not familiar with the history of the smallpox vaccine?
RK: Uh, no, I am sadly not. Although thanks for making me admit that. [Laughs]. But a fun little bit of information: Dr Jenner originally had a different name, but because Rubicon had already used that name we had to change it.

And I think we all know what happened to Rubicon.
I wasn’t trying to go there. I was really upset about that. I think Rubicon was an awesome show and I wish they would make more. AMC? What a bunch of a—holes!

At one point in the finale, Dr Jenner said the French had gotten the farthest in working out what the hell is going on. I find it hard to believe they would have gotten farther than the British. We developed the smallpox vaccine! You’ve kind of embarrassed yourself and your family there.
Listen, if you want to talk about hating the French, I think [we] could give you guys a run for your money. But you’ve got to throw them a bone every now and then right?

TS-19-004Image Credit: AMCSeriously, though, Rick and the gang can’t go to France can they? I mean, I know they wander around a lot in the comic book. But they never go as far as France.
A couple of seasons ago you probably didn’t think the bikers from Sons of Anarchy were going to go to Ireland. But that happened. Who knows, man?

It’s been a couple of weeks now since the show got renewed. How do things stand at the moment in terms of writing season two?
There’s been a little bit of behind the scenes stuff going on between the producers on the show and AMC, just figuring out when we’re going to get started and how we are going to do things and what our overall plan for season two is. That kind of stuff has been going on. But I don’t think any actual heavy work will be happening until after Christmas.

Were you tempted not to kill anyone in the finale, given that it could have been the last show and how much the characters had already suffered?
No, I think everybody’s pretty committed to killing people on this show. It’ll be a while before we start thinking, “Well, we might as well let some people live, we’ve put these guys through some horrible things.” If anything, if I were to criticize the first season at all—which I think went great—I would say, “I wish we had killed more people.”

And that’s that! Well, not quite. At a couple of points in our conversation, Mr Kirkman referred to crucial, nay seismic, events which have happened in the Walking Dead comic but not yet on the show. Indeed, they may never occur on the show. But as they do fall under the general heading of “spoiler,” I thought it would be best to post them in a different item which I’m going to put up tomorrow. Enjoy! Or not. The choice is yours.

More about The Walking Dead:
‘Walking Dead’ exclusive: Exec producer Gale Anne Hurd denies Frank Darabont fired writers
‘The Walking Dead’ finale recap: Zombie life sucks. Deal with it
‘The Walking Dead’: Let’s meet our zombie cover stars!
‘The Walking Dead’: This week’s EW cover story goes behind the scenes on TV’s best new show
‘Night of the Living Dead’: How a 42-year-old zombie movie refuses to die

And you can also listen to this week’s zombie-tastic EW’s TV Insiders Podcast.

Previous Post 'Dexter' producer drops clues about Sunday's 'Hop a Freighter,' plus two exclusive clips from the episode!Next Post 'Dexter' renewed for sixth HomeInside TV MainComments (44 total)Add your comment Page: 12Next »majamababe Mon 12/06/10 8:31 AM

Mr. Kirkman:

I’m not much of a flesh-eating ghoul fan; my son is – but after watching the previews and then watching the whole 1st season – I am hooked and was sad when the first season ended. I am so hooked, that for Christmas, I bought my son the first six books of the graphic novel! I realize there are things in the comic that are not in the movie and vice-versa, but the characters are very compelling and I want to know more about them. I enjoy reading your insights into the making of the series and can see why the first series ended the way it did – just in case FOX didn’t order a second. Hopefully, the second and subsequent seasons (if the FOX gods allow it) will be just as good as this one was. Thanks again!

A New Dedicated Zombie Fan

Reply Redvector Mon 12/06/10 8:48 AM

The show is on AMC not Fox.

Reply majamababe Mon 12/06/10 9:46 AM

Yes – I know. I had just read another article about FOX and said FOX when I should have said AMC.
Thank you.

ruth gallagher Mon 12/06/10 10:21 AM

maybe it should have been Fox…AMC allowed me a preview of their channel, and wouldn’t ya know it, and i watched all episodes….then THEY discontinued this perk right at the last episode ….thanks AMC now i will never upgrade since you were ever so rude!! cudda given us that last episode..i might have upgraded since i do like your channel but cannot afford all the other junk that goes along with an upgrade! regards and disappointed

Michael Sacal Mon 12/06/10 10:47 AM

Fox airs the show outside the US.

AT Mon 12/06/10 11:54 AM

Ruth, if you got a free preview, that was because your cable/satellite provider gave it to you, hoping you would upgrade your programming package. Don’t blame AMC.

Bob Mon 12/06/10 12:07 PM

Ruth, time to change your service provider. I don’t know of too many that don’t have AMC on their basic service. I’m guessing you have a cable company as a provider. They’re the cheapest providers around.

Hutchy Mon 12/06/10 8:56 AM

How old is your son? Any younger then 16, and I’m not sure you wanna expose him to all that, and thats coming from someone who is FAR from a social conservative. The Governor storyline aint for kids.

Reply majamababe Mon 12/06/10 9:47 AM

He is 37 and a PhD candidate, thank you.

Brandon Mon 12/06/10 10:10 AM

Are you kidding me? Worry about your own kids.

rerun Mon 12/06/10 11:41 AM

What about the children?!?!?! Won’t someone think of the children?!?!?!

Lincoln Mon 12/06/10 8:38 AM

Robert Kirkman kinda sounds like a douche.

Reply Redvector Mon 12/06/10 8:48 AM

No more than you do.

Reply Richard Whitman Mon 12/06/10 9:26 AM

He’s actually a great guy.

Reply RaRa Mon 12/06/10 10:58 AM

I didn’t see anything particularly douche-like in Mr. Kirkman’s interview.

Reply Fatima Mon 12/06/10 11:53 AM

He’s definitely a bit douchey in the mailbag of the comic books but it’s always sorta charming.

Reply darclyte Mon 12/06/10 1:01 PM

Over the weekend, I heard an interview with Kirkman where he implied that the first season DVD box set may include all 6 episodes in black & white (like the comics) as a bonus. I’d rewatch the first season in B&W.

Reply J-P Mon 12/06/10 8:49 AM

I think they should definitely go to France. But I’m only saying that because I’m French.

Reply kdog Mon 12/06/10 9:29 AM

I think the whisper was that Lori (his wife) was pregnant. Rick knows its not his cause he was in a coma when the baby was conceived.

Reply RCB Mon 12/06/10 10:28 AM

Makes sense. I was thinking that the doctor saw the conversation between the wife and the friend through a security camera, but yours makes better sense. Lol…

Reply LexLuthor Mon 12/06/10 10:32 AM

THIS. +1

Reply Dawn Mon 12/06/10 10:54 AM

This is what he probably whispered. I kind of wish that it turns out to be something else though.

Reply Ally Mon 12/06/10 12:42 PM

WHy would he necessarily need to whisper this to Rick though? He would find out when her belly starts to grow. Seems like kind of a waste to make it that.

Reply Redvector Mon 12/06/10 9:36 AM

That’s the same notion that I had too.

Reply Fan of Murphy Mon 12/06/10 9:40 AM

I am a HUGE Norman Reedus fan and am hoping that he becomes a somewhat regular in season 2. Finally to see him on tv is awesome!!!!

Reply melissa Mon 12/06/10 10:28 AM

I know Right….. I’ll be pissed if they kill him off next season.

Reply Dawn Mon 12/06/10 10:48 AM

I was surprised and happy that Daryl made it out of the season finale alive. He’s not in the comics, so I was worried he’d be dead by the end of the season.

Reply Bulloch Mon 12/06/10 9:41 AM

For my $’s worth, I think Dr. Jenner told Rick that Shane’s scratches came from his wife, just because he’s probably got the place wired with cameras AND because in the comic, that’s pretty much the first thing Dale said to Rick when he meets him.

Reply Mike Mon 12/06/10 10:08 AM

Dude, SPOILER alert please. I couldn’t stop reading your comment, but if there was a “***SPOILER ALERT**” I wouldn’t have been sucked in!

Reply majamababe Mon 12/06/10 9:47 AM

For folks who may be wondering – my son is 37 and a PhD candidate.
Thank you.

Reply Flyer Mon 12/06/10 11:23 AM

I can tell you’re very proud of your son – and rightfully so! A PhD is a significant accomplishment!

Reply Survivor Mon 12/06/10 9:58 AM

This is prediction to the next season although its not in the book. I think Shayne is gonna be Rick’s pain in the ass. What are your thoughts folks?

Reply Cylon Mon 12/06/10 10:57 AM

Im surprised he survived the first 6 episodes considering…..

Reply Fatima Mon 12/06/10 11:55 AM

Yep. Now I’m wondering if they’ll ever go there. Didn’t much like the CDC business. I know the show is carving a different path than the comic books but that felt like a completely different sort of zombie story at its core.

Zedhead Mon 12/06/10 10:06 AM

Walking dead is great!!Love Norman Reedus in Boondock Saints.Total badass in this too!!

Reply shane crawford Mon 12/06/10 10:19 AM

Dr. Jenner told Rick that Lori is pregnant. He took blood from all of them, remember?

Reply Cylon Mon 12/06/10 10:56 AM

Anybody else think that Merle might turn out to be the “Governor”?

Reply mia Mon 12/06/10 11:58 AM

And here I thought I was the only one with a bit of a crush on Daryl. I think he has big potential to be a Sawyer-esque hero.

Reply wino Mon 12/06/10 12:43 PM

nope. you’re not alone. by far, he’s my favorite character….rough, rude and totally bad a$$.

Reply Blanca Mon 12/06/10 1:10 PM

I’m with both of you! His character makes the show for me. He is why I watch.

Reply majamababe Mon 12/06/10 12:06 PM

Just to update everyone who hasn’t read the entire thread, my son is 37 and a PhD candidate.
Thank you.

Reply Capt Spoiler Mon 12/06/10 12:26 PM

Dr. Jenner did blood tests on everyone, EVERYONE. Rick’s wife is pregnant… that’s what he whispered. AND I’ll bet 1000 bucks that it’s Shane’s.

I’d be shocked if this ISNT the case.

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ABC’s ‘Secret Millionaire’ gets a date

ABC announced that it will launch its new feel-good reality show, Secret Millionaire, on March 6. Based on a U.K. show of the same name, Millionaire will embed a successful businessperson undercover in an impoverished American neighborhood, where in the course of a week, he or she will decide which unsung townspeople are the most deserving of an enormous financial award. The hour-long show will air in the traditional time-slot of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition until that show returns with new episodes on April 17.

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Depp, Jolie bonded during movie - Chicago Sun-Times

By CINDY PEARLMAN Dec 12, 2010 02:33AM

Story Image Angelina Jolie plays a mystery woman on the run and Johnny Depp is a widower who gets caught up in her intrigue in “The Tourist.”

PARIS — Here’s Johnny in a white T-shirt and a worn pair of jeans. Silver skull rings cover each finger and black silk bracelets adorn his wrists. His professionally mussed/non-washed hair falls into his face and stops abruptly at his chin, which is covered in two-day stubble. He wears nerdy, black, thick-rimmed glasses and has a denim bandana around his neck.

This is what’s known in fashion circles as Post-Pirate Couture.

Depp is fresh off playing Captain Jack Sparrow for the fourth time in a “Pirates of the Caribbean” sequel due out next year.

“I’m done and now I’m spending six days decompressing,” he says. “I’m in Paris. I’m eating bad foods, playing with my kids and watching cartoons. I’m a happy guy.”

Part of that decompressing is hanging out with a fellow A-Lister he barely knew before they made a movie together called “The Tourist”: Angelina Jolie.

“It was sort of surprising that after all of these years in this racket that we didn’t know each other,” Depp says. “We had a lot of mutual acquaintances, but I had never really met Angie before this movie.”

He gives Hollywood’s most famous lips the best lip service.

“I was immediately impressed by her,” he says. “It’s not that I had read so much in the press about her — or even myself. I did know that she and Brad [Pitt] are globally hounded, stalked and tracked down.

“Given that, I was most impressed by her kind of normalcy,” Depp says. “She’s very down to earth. She’s very smart, very funny, kind and caring. I was also impressed to find out that she’s a great mom. That’s always nice to see.”

Jolie returns the praise.

“Brad knew him first and said he was a great guy,” Jolie says. “I found that he was such a likable person. He’s very easy to talk to and I knew we would have fun together. We seemed to have a laugh very quicky.

“When we improvised most of what we did wasn’t usable. But it was funny to us.”

Depp, who lives with longtime girlfriend Vanessa Paradis and their two children in both Paris and Los Angeles, could relate to the Pitt-Jolie type of spotlight.

“Angie and I talked about how to live a normal life. The key is none of us really go out that much. Vanessa and I stay home a lot. We try to lead as normal a life as possible. A simple life.”

In “The Tourist,” Depp plays a widower from Wisconsin, a math teacher on vacation, who gets mixed up with a gorgeous mystery woman (Jolie) who is on the run from the law and Russian mobsters.

“The ultimate challenge is to portray an everyday man with all his warts,” Depp says. “Like any pedestrian, he’s put in a series of situations so radically outside his hemisphere.

“I like the idea of exploring normalcy,” Depp continues. “Those people who are considered normal most of the time are the most fascinating. They usually have routines teetering on obsessive and compulsive. I love their tics.”

The only issue Depp had with the movie was dancing.

“Dancing is the thing that scares me the most in life. Dancing to me is like a hard stunt,” says the man who didn’t mind jumping off rooftops and being dragged through the canals of Venice in the murky water. “I never dance in my life outside of my films. But weirdly it seems like in every film, I end up having to dance and go to jail.”

Good thing then that Depp refuses to watch his own films.

“I do my best to try and avoid them — at all costs,” he says. “My kids watch my movies. Obviously, there is a select few they can’t watch.”

Depp says the rock in his life is his family.

“Having kids didn’t change my life. It made my life,” he says. “Even when my kids were babies, I was the one learning from them. Now, my daughter Lily is 11 years old and my son Jack is 8. You start to get into these profound conversations. They ask me questions that leave my head spinning. They’ve added just pure joy to my life.”

Big Picture News Inc.

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Jake Gyllenhaal, Taylor Swift LA Romance! - Right Celebrity

Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Swift are back at it again in LA! Find out what these two lovebirds have been up to, and see recent photos and video here.

FRANKLIN, TN - NOVEMBER 30: Honoree Taylor Swift at the CMT Artists of the Year at The Factory on November 30, 2010 in Franklin, Tennessee. (Photo by Rick Diamond/Getty Images for CMT) Nov. 18, 2010 - New York, New York, U.S. - FINCA 25 Year Celebration Honoring .Capitale, NYC 11-18-2010.Photos by , Photos Inc 2010.JAKE GYLLENHAAL.K66827SMO. © Red Carpet Pictures

This relationship took off in a hurry. It all started when the couple was spotted in NYC looking a little too cozy to merely be friends. Before long they were being considered one of the hottest new items in showbiz, and now they are being hounded by the paparazzi at ever turn.

After a short week apart, Taylor hopped on a private jet to LA where they spent some more quality time together at Jake’s home in the Hollywood Hills. The next day they were photographed all over the place, cruising around town together.

At first they really seemed like an odd pairing to me, but after seeing them together, they actually meld pretty well.

Prior to hanging out in LA, they’ve were seen together in Tennessee and NYC. They even took their romance overseas to London, where they attended a dinner at Gwyneth Paltrow’s home. It seems Paltrow has a connection to both young stars; Swift with her country music, and Jake with his acting. Sources even claim she may have helped hook them up together.

On the more wacky side of their courtship, X17 reports that they actually called the police on the paparazzi this week. Apparently they were being followed by overzealous paps through Beverly Hills and Jake wanted nothing of it. Celebrity rumor control site Gossip Cop verified the news, and noted that things became dangerous when they were pursued into a crowded residential area.

Police reportedly stopped most of the rabid paps from getting too close. Sounds saucy.

Check out some recent photos and video of Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Swift here. Your thoughts?

Tags: Jake Gyllenhaal, los-angeles, Taylor Swift

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‘Vampire Diaries’ exclusive: Michael Trevino talks Tyler’s transformation, scenes with Damon and Stefan, and Jules’ motives

Michael-TrevinoImage Credit: Annette Brown/The CWWatching Michael Trevino act out his character Tyler’s first long, painful transformation into a werewolf on last night’s midseason finale of The Vampire Diaries was difficult. Especially for his mother. “I had to warn my parents, mainly my mom,” he says. “I let them know it’s pretty intense, pretty graphic. I was on the phone with my mom, and I could hear in her voice that she almost had to change the channel, to look away. If you imagine it, I’m their son — having to see your child go through that, it’s gotta be pretty heartbreaking.” We caught up with Trevino this afternoon to reflect on his breakout episode and look ahead.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Have you by chance listened to EW’s TV Insiders podcast breaking down last night’s episode already?
MICHAEL TREVINO: I have not, no.

Okay, good. If you do, you may hear me accused of “panting” during your shirtless scenes. That is not accurate.
[Laughs] Okay. No, it’s not. [Laughs] Okay.

So I know you were advised to watch videos of women giving birth and wolves feeding to prepare for the long haul and then frenzy of Tyler’s transformation. Did you do anything else?
I just watched those videos, really, and then just kind of had to mentally prepare for two days of shooting it. I went into it like a marathon. Don’t exhaust myself too much in the beginning, just time it and pace myself, to be able to perform over and over again.

What took the most takes?
I think the part where my spine was breaking and you see the ripples in my back because were so wide with camera angles. That took a bit out of me.

What were you like between takes? Trying to relax, or trying to stay in character?
We were taking these chains on and off, on and off, so sometimes they were settin’ up a shot, and I was just in the moment, and I just laid on the floor. I didn’t go to my cast chair, I didn’t walk off the set. I just had everybody work around me, and I would just lay on the floor lifeless.  

One of the things I loved was the way Tyler repeatedly grabbed for Caroline’s hand. Was that in the script, or did it happen naturally?
It just felt natural, the way Marcos Siega blocked the scene, to be grabbing for Caroline.

And the moment when you were laying with your head in her lap, shivering. It reminded me of an old dog in pain. Was that what was in your mind?
Now that I think about it, that wasn’t in the script, but I wanted to show a lack of breath, breathing fast, and these contractions during this transformation — how there’s different levels of pain that he’s going through throughout.

So those birthing videos came in handy.
Well, they did. I mean I wasn’t trying to copy the breathing techniques. [Laughs]

What was the most difficult moment to shoot for you?
I think it was the last scene of the episode for me, when Caroline comes back, and I’m back in human form. That was the last scene that we shot of the whole transformation, and by then, I was just spent. I was just done. I was just exhausted. It was really hard to get there emotionally for what that scene needed at that point.

How did you feel about the nudity? Let’s just go there.
Let’s just go there. [Laughs] I knew it was going to be asked of me. I knew I was gonna have almost next to nothing on.

Did you wear the sock?
[Laughs] Is that what we’re trying to get at here?

Well, I thought a direct approach was best. [Also, I've been covering True Blood for too long.]
[Laughs] I’m gonna leave that to the imagination to wonder if I was completely naked or not. But I sure did look pretty naked though.

Fair enough. So continue on, you knew what was expected of you.
Yes, exactly. I knew what was expected of me, and I’m not gonna say whether or not I had a sock on. [Laughs]

I can’t be the first person to ask you that question. Or am I?
You are. This is the first interview since it aired. But I’ll be ready for that next time with other people who ask.

Chatting with Candice Accola, I know they didn’t have your favorite chocolate chip cookies on set the day you finished shooting the transformation and were ready to eat them again. How sweet is she that she asked them to make you your own special batch?
[Laughs] Yeah. I was watching what I ate, and that day at lunch, I was gonna try not to eat any chocolate chip cookies, and I went, and they didn’t have any there. So I was like, “Okay, that’s good.” I wasn’t tempted to eat any because they didn’t make any. But then when we wrapped, I was like, “Damn, I wish they had some.” Sure enough, at the end of the day, there was a plate in my dressing room, and it had six cookies on it. They were warm and just made. Candice had done that for me, and I love her for that.

She also said production got you a pizza.
And production got me a pizza. Tony, who’s one of our assistant directors, he got me a pizza. After watching [the episode], I do want to thank Candice, our director, and the whole crew that was there trying to make me feel as comfortable as I can shooting that scene. You have so many people working around you, and I’m trying to stay in the moment, and personally, I’m very vulnerable. I’m half-naked and I’m chained up, so everybody was trying to take care of me. So it was nice that at the end of the day, we were all able to have some pizza and cookies. [Laughs]

When was the first time you saw the episode with the full special effects?
When it aired live. What I was very surprised with was not only the special effects, but the sound. The sound with the bones cracking, when they put that in in post-production, I was amazed by it. Right when Tyler’s arm’s getting bent backward, I cringed.

Looking ahead, have you filmed a transformation scene since then?
Ooh. I have not. But I have no doubt that we might have to revisit that dungeon.

We saw in the preview for the next episode [which airs Jan. 27] that Tyler tries to kiss Caroline. Is that him genuinely wanting to be with her or him feeling needy after what he’s just been through?
I think it’s because they’re close, and they’ve gone through this event, and they can both understand each other because they have this supernatural element to them. I think he wants to be with her, and he cares for her. She stayed there with him for as long as she could, and he knows that. I’d like to think he wants to have a relationship.

Can you tease where we’re headed with Jules? It’s interesting because we’re preconditioned to hate her because she’s threatening our vampires, but if it turns out she’s there to avenge Mason, that doesn’t actually make her bad.
How do I answer this without getting in trouble? Jules has motives. She’s coming to Mystic Falls to look over Tyler. She wants Tyler and she needs him. For what, I can’t say. But she needs Tyler and wants to take him under her wing, but might want to be a lot closer than Mason was with him.

“A lot closer than Mason was with him…”
Yeah. I think we can trust Jules. Whereas with Mason and Katherine, that little relationship wasn’t good.

How soon will Tyler find out that Caroline has been lying to him about her being the only vampire in Mystic Falls?
He’s gonna find out really soon, and that’s just a whole different situation then with Tyler and his feelings toward Caroline once he finds out she lied.

When we chatted the night the episode aired with Tyler activating the curse, you said you were hoping Tyler wouldn’t get on Damon’s bad side, if only because those characters end up dead. How do you feel about that possibility now?
[Laughs] What can I say… I don’t want to get on Damon’s bad side because he has a habit of ripping people’s hearts out now, but I can say that when our new episodes come back, we don’t really ever see Tyler having scenes with Stefan, Elena, and Damon. That never happens [at first]. But, I just recently shot some scenes for an episode with Stefan and Damon together. So, it’s gonna get interesting. That’s all I can say. I want to stay on Damon’s good side, but now I’m going to work and I have scenes with Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley, so, it’s gonna get interesting here.

You were also excited the last time we talked because Tyler finally got a badass leather jacket to wear instead of a sweater. How is it treating you?
I will tell you right now, the episode that we’re shooting now is me in the leather jacket, and I love it. [Laughs] In this episode we’re filming right now, the good part of that episode for Tyler is scenes with me and Paul Wesley. Stefan and Tyler talk about Caroline. I’m excited to shoot that because it’s just me and Paul and a different scenario. I haven’t really worked with Paul yet, and to have a nice scene with a lot of dialogue, and it’s just me and him, and it’s not about actions and stunts, it’s just about good acting with the awesome writing of Brian Young, who did this episode, I’m looking forward to that.

I read that Ian Somerhalder was shooting some kind of shower scene this week. Can you put that into any kind of context? He said something about a bubble bath with candlelight and wine.
Well, I don’t think they would shoot anything that’s gonna make sense with just Damon in a bathtub with a glass of wine talking to himself. So you would like to think, being the smooth operator that Damon is, that he might have a female in the shower or tub with him. That’s all I can say.

Last question: Have you worked with Elijah [actor Daniel Gillies] yet?
No. No. No. I’m tryin’ to stay away from Damon. I definitely don’t want to meet him too. Come on now. One vampire at a time, please.

Mandi on Twitter: @EWMandiBierly

More on The Vampire Diaries:
Recap of last night’s episode: The Howling
‘Vampire Diaries’ exclusive: Kevin Williamson talks his potential companion series that’s ‘full of scary, horrible murder and surprises’
TV Insiders podcast: ‘Vampire Diaries’ producers break down sexy cliffhanger episode; Plus, our picks to win ‘Survivor: Nicaragua’
‘Vampire Diaries’ scoop: Candice Accola talks Tyler’s transformation (and Michael Trevino’s reward)
‘Vampire Diaries’ scoop: Ian Somerhalder talks this week’s episode and Damon’s humanity (and his own plan to save the planet)
Exclusive: Nina Dobrev talks this week’s steamy sex scene (and the resulting bruises)
Exec producer Julie Plec on Tyler’s transformation and the show’s next chapter

View the original article here

'SNL': Rudd-erless?

It was the little things that mattered on this week’s Saturday Night Live. Which is a generous way of saying that in any given sketch, there tended to be a few seconds of amusement to be coaxed out of the material. I’m searching for ways to accentuate the positive here… ah, yes: More use was made of talented rookies such as Vanessa Bayer, Jay Pharoah, Paul Brittain, and (still too briefly) Taran Killam this week.

There was a grim cold-open sketch featuring Fred Armisen as President Obama pushing his lousy tax package. This was  as sad on SNL as the bill is in real life — and in a twisted way, therefore, must be counted as a success in reproducing the material it satirized.

Host Paul Rudd came out and did a few more of the two-Paul jokes he and Paul McCartney had done for the show’s promos. Rudd and McCartney are charmers, but they couldn’t pump much humor into this already-exhausted premise.

Early on, Rudd played the prodigal son in a sketch featuring the Vogelchecks, the family prone to excessive displays of affection. These things are always good for at least one startled giggle, such as Bill Hader and Rudd lip-locking while Hader felt up Rudd. Like I said, it was the little things.

The “Digital Short” called “Stumblin’,” set to Dolly Parton’s “9 to 5,” featured Andy Samberg and Rudd stumbling around goofily. The short was made funnier by Paul McCartney’s cameo appearance, performing the “tiny harmonica solo” — an example of a little thing that was cleverly done.

Similarly, a scene featuring Rudd as a math teacher hosting an inner-city school’s holiday celebration was redeemed chiefly by Jay Pharoah’s wonderfully mannered speech as the school’s principal.

For the second week in a row, Bill Hader impersonated WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange, this time broadcasting from prison. Among his revenge threats were the all-too-likely-sounding notion that his minions could arrange the internet so that anyone using to send the gift of Mark Twain’s autobiography would actually be mailing out a copy of Everyone Poops.

Paul McCartney’s version of “Jet” wasn’t helped by a poor vocal mix and musicians whose back-up “woo-woo”s sounded like off-key hound-dogs. “Band on the Run” sounded better.

In a nervy move, McCartney reproduced the Beatles’ “A Day in the Life,” and then folded it into John Lennon’s “Give Peace A Chance,” no small effort given the challenges of live TV and his accompaniment, and a heartfelt salute to Lennon, acknowledging the anniversary of his death.

A lukewarm “Weekend Update” was rescued by an appearance from Bill Hader’s Stefon, recommending odd or downright pervy party destinations for those visiting New York City. Hader cracked himself up during his unique recitation of the “Twelve Days of Christmas,” but who could blame him?

The closest thing to a completely successful sketch was probably a late-in-the-show one with Jason Sudeikis reprising his surly stage-hand (in this case, a lighting tech) insulting Paul Rudd as the latter tried to perform “Wilkommen” from Cabaret. Sudeikis knows how to modulate his powerful voice so that his bellowed barbs became stingingly funny, and Rudd’s full-make-up M.C. was nicely done.

At the end, standing among the cast, Rudd bade farewell by saying, “Well, this won’t be topped.” I like Rudd too much to be sarcastic about his apparent sincerity. Then McCartney gave his fourth performance of the night, and it was probably his best, a quick version of “Get Back.” As I said at the top, it was the brief moments that gave the most pleasure.

Twitter: @kentucker

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‘Men of a Certain Age’ sneak peek: Hey, that’s Coach Tanaka from ‘Glee’

Glee’s Coach Ken Tanaka has moved on to TNT! EW obtained this exclusive sneak peek from Men of a Certain Age that features Patrick Gallagher, aka oh, that guy from the Fox dramedy, as a difficult mechanic named Jesse.  He makes his debut on Dec. 13.

Men of a Certain Age, which stars Ray Romano, Scott Bakula and Andre Braugher, returned for its second season on Dec. 6.

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Bristol Palin responds to Margaret Cho’s charge that her mother forced her to do ‘DWTS’

dwts-cho-palinImage Credit: Bob D'Amico/ABC (2)If there’s one thing the Palin family knows how to do, it’s fire back. On Saturday night, Bristol Palin posted a 655-word retort to Margaret Cho’s Nov. 29 blog post titled “Pistol Whipped” claiming that she heard from someone who “really should seriously know the dirt really really” that Bristol only did Dancing With the Stars because Sarah Palin forced her to do it. “Sarah supposedly blames Bristol harshly and openly (in the circles that I heard it from) for not winning the election,” Cho wrote, “and so she told Bristol she ‘owed’ it to her to do DWTS so that ‘America would fall in love with her again’ and make it possible for Sarah Palin to run in 2012 with America behind her all the way. Instead of being supposedly ‘handicapped’ by the presence of her teen-mom daughter, now Bristol is going to be an ‘asset’ — a celebrity beloved for her dancing.” Bristol begins her response be reiterating the reasons she’s already said she did the show: to get out of her comfort zone, exercise, and increase her confidence. She says her mother neither forced her nor asked her to do the show. “After first worrying for me in terms of being exposed to those who hate us for what we believe in, both my mom and my dad became my number one supporters. Anyone who watched the show could tell I performed better, and I felt better about myself, when they were in the audience. I wanted to make them both proud, but politics had nothing to do with it. Loving my parents had everything to do with it,” she writes.

Continuing, she says, “It saddens me that people would think that my mom would ‘blame’ me for anything that occurred in the 2008 election — much less ‘harshly’ and ‘openly.’ I think that canard (there, I said it again), has been floating around since then also.  I will set the record straight, though my mom already did in her bestselling book Going Rogue; there were a number of reasons President Obama won in 2008, but the primary reason was that the economy was starting to falter and the majority of voters thought Obama could do a better job than my mom and John McCain. It turns out, two years later, the majority of voters were wrong, but we can talk about that another time. The point is, I seriously doubt anyone who considers herself a student of American politics truly believes I impacted even one vote in that election.”

Bristol says she wanted to set the record straight, “Because it is this type of hurtful and false narrative that people promote to make my mom look bad. For 20 years my mom had my back — and for the rest of my life I will have hers.” Then, she concludes with a message for Cho, who said she considered Bristol a friend in her blog post: “To my friend Margaret Cho, if you ever have a question, call me girlfriend. Don’t ever rely on ‘sources’ who claim to know me or my family. You will be taken every time. And we need to talk. You say you ‘don’t agree with the family’s politics at all’ but I say, if you understood that commonsense conservative values supports the right of individuals like you, like all of us, to live our lives with less government interference and more independence, you would embrace us faster than KD Lang at an Indigo Girls concert.”

What do you think? I find it strange that Cho would start off her blog post saying she considers Bristol a friend, then blindside her like this. Granted, the second half of Margaret’s post was devoted to defending Bristol against those commenting on her weight (which Kathy Griffin got some boos for during last night’s VH1 Divas Salute the Troops when she referred to her as “the white Precious”) and saying how much she improved during the competition. But Bristol has a point: If you’re a “friend,” you don’t need to rely on sources, and you don’t gossip. I tuned out when Bristol took the opportunity to take a dig at Obama and try to convert Cho, but you can’t really blame her for that either: Cho opened the door to that conversation about their different political views, too. That outdated KD Lang-Indigo Girls joke, however? That Sarah should have told Bristol not to do.

Man pulls gun on TV over Bristol Palin’s ‘DWTS’ performance
‘Dancing With the Stars’ recap: And the winner is…
Annie’s performance finale recap: Land of the Freestyle
Photo gallery: Bristol, Kyle, and Jennifer’s Best/Worst Dances
“This is bulls—.” Maks calls in to the EW TV Insiders podcast!
Derek Hough mines for hidden gems in the ‘DWTS’ Hair Dept.!
All Hidden Gems of the Week’s ‘Dancing With the Stars’ Central

View the original article here

Spike Video Game Awards: ‘Red Dead Redemption,’ Neil Patrick Harris earn high scores

Neil-Patrick-HarrisImage Credit: Frank Micelotta/Getty ImagesRed Dead Redemption, Mass Effect 2 and God of War 3 were big winners at Saturday’s Spike Video Game Awards. Neil Patrick Harris, who hosted the ceremony, won Best Human Performance (Male) for his vocal work as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions. Red Dead Redemption–an open world Western from Rockstar Games (Grand Theft Auto) prickly with provocative themes that evoke Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven–won Game of the Year and three other awards. Mass Effect 2–a role playing game with a deep, rich sci-fi world–bagged three awards including Studio of the Year for BioWare. God of War 3–the latest chapter in Kratos’ war of vengeance against the Greek gods–won in the Best PlayStation 3 Game and Best Graphics categories.

Other notable winners included actress Tricia Helfer (Battlestar Galactica), who won Best Human Performance (Female) for her vocal work in Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty, which also won for Best PC Game. Super Mario Galaxy 2 won for Best Wii Game; Call of Duty: Black Ops won two awards including Best Character (Sgt. Frank Woods); and Halo: Reach won for Best Multi-Player Game. [Full disclosure: I served as a judge for this year's Spike Video Game Awards. My responsibilities included voting for candidates and then casting a vote in each category once the finalists were determined. A full list of winners--which I did not know in advance--can be found at Spike's site.]

The show itself reminded me of some videogames I’ve played: visually spectacular (thanks to a Tron-meets-Soul Train production design, enhanced by 3-D virtual set extensions that only TV viewers could see), emotionally empty, and occasionally marked by bad taste, most of which Neil Patrick Harris was forced to facilitate. The opener was a fake-out that played to Harris’ awards show-hosting rep. You expected him to come out and sing a kudosfest-spoofing tune. Instead, he took the stage looking Barry Stinson debonaire and radiating macho cool… and packing heat, which he used to fake-slaughter a troupe of dancers, their white tuxes blooming with fake red blood. It was an obvious joke that fell totally flat, and worse, it played to another image–a cultural view of videogames as a genre of entertainment largely defined by those games that are gratuitously violent. I’m surprised that something designed to celebrate the “art” of the medium would promote that cliche.

I would have killed to have been a fly on the wall of Harris’ brain as he gamely (and regretfully?) soldiered through the show. One of the ceremony’s edgier moments came when the host accepted his award with mock-surprise and bantered with a giant Spider-Man head projected on a screen. In the span of a minute, the bit went from really amusing to wrong by making its wall-crawler work lewd, crude and blue. (Although the moment where Spidey blasted Julie Taymor’s troubled Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark musical as “sh—y” took some admirable chutzpah.) Harris ended the bit, as designed, by asking the producers to “cut the feed.” I felt the same way–many times during the show. Harris (and Spider-Man) deserved better. But at least the actor finally got an award out of it. Memo to NPH: Don’t feel obligated to host every awards show that asks you to do so.

The show served not only to congratulate the videogame industry, but serve as a marketing platform to preview and promote a number of 2011 games that could afford the product placement showcases within the telecast. Naughty Dog, the studio behind the Uncharted franchise, aired a promo during the telecast to announce that the third installment in the series, Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, will be released on November 1, 2011–or 11/1/11. If you missed our scoop on the game, and you want more info on the plot and the kind of gameplay to expect, click here. The promo for Batman: Arkham City was riveting, and the tease for Mass Effect 3 gave me sci-fi-destructporn goosebumps. Monolithic robotic Reapers laying waste to London like War of the Worlds tripods on steroids? I’m in. But does that mean the game will be set on Earth? Or was the promo merely intended to be a capture-the-imagination vignette designed to dramatize what’s at stake in the game? Can’t wait until next year to find out. There were promos for other games, too, including Resistance 3 and Elder Scroll: Skyrim. Gamers, were you pleased by the winners? And what promos looked most promising to you?

More from EW:
Neil Patrick Harris on hosting the Video Game Awards

View the original article here

Gail Simmons blogs ‘Top Chef All-Stars’: Episode 1

Gail-SimmonsImage Credit: Kelsey McNeal/BravoHi, guys! Welcome to my very first Top Chef All-Stars blog!*

All too often, a fan favorite or a person who we know is really excellent doesn’t win. So I think Bravo thought, “Let’s bring back all those people—who we’re constantly being asked about, who are on our radar, who we know our audience loves—to compete against each other.” This season, there’s nothing separating the best from the weakest.

I have nothing to do with the casting process, but when All-Stars was announced, people were writing and tweeting me about Kevin Gillespie and Brian Voltaggio [from season 6], two of the most compelling characters and the most talented chefs we’ve ever had. It would’ve been pretty amazing to see them compete. And I’m sure Sam Talbot would’ve been a great competitor. There are so many people I would’ve loved to have seen who either weren’t available or perhaps weren’t even asked.

As for those who made it, I was curious to see how the familiarity factor played out. I became friendly with many of the contestants after they left the show, and the culinary world is a small place, so once you’re on Top Chef, you become a part of this family. When we first walked on the set in The Russian Tea Room and I saw them all, I had this instinct to run up to them — “Hey! How are you? How’s your wife? How’s your son?” — but of course I had to stop myself. But it’s almost easier to be impartial because there’s no one who can claim any sort of edge when they’re all that good.

The contestants also arrived in a different head space. They certainly weren’t as intimidated as they had been first time around. They were more open to our criticism, talked back a little more, and asked more questions. They all knew what it was like to pack their knives or make it really far in the competition. We all knew what we were in for, and that allowed us to just concentrate on the food—making it, eating it and being challenged by it.

Now getting to the episode at hand!

Most of the contestants did a good job in the Quickfire, but some fell back on clichés. The real challenge, though, didn’t lie in the ingredients; it was about working as a team in a short time. The fact that they had to make a dish to represent their city was just an excuse to get them working together. But I wouldn’t have done a hot dog for Chicago. Of all the places we’ve filmed, Chicago was definitely one of my favorites. Chicago has an amazing underground cocktail scene and a really avant-garde chef movement, and maybe I would’ve done something as an ode to that.

As for the New York team, their biggest flaw was that they didn’t work together — and that’s always going to show on the plate. Plus, there’s so much more about New York than apples—the immigrant experience, New York as the gateway to America. They could’ve gone a little deeper, but ultimately, the themes were secondary to working together.

As judges, we tried to keep our mouths shut and let the contestants talk during the Elimination challenge because we didn’t want to give too much away about what we thought until we could discuss at judges’ table. When the second group came in, it was tense because they had just heard us say things they didn’t like about their dishes. That was clear between Fabio and Anthony Bourdain. But as much as we let them talk and critique, that was just a way to create tension and hear their voices. It didn’t necessarily influence us.

When I eat the dishes, I just need one or two bites. I try each component on the plate individually then a bite of everything together, and I definitely drink a lot of water along the way. We were at The Russian Tea Room for three hours, but you saw five minutes, so it was a trip down memory lane. I had eaten most of the 18 dishes before, and some I had eaten five years before, and I was amazed by how well I remembered them, like Dale T.’s butterscotch scallops and of course Spike’s scallops. You could never forget those. I think [Spike] did such a brilliant job of making it better. I loved that he had a sense of humor with it. I knew exactly what he was doing. And Richard’s pork belly and Casey’s pork belly—both were redeemed for sure. Both had been a problem of execution, not conception like other dishes, and they both knew exactly how to fix them.

Unfortunately, Richard did go over the time. We went back to the tapes many times before we decided that we couldn’t allow him to win, but it certainly wasn’t something he’d be eliminated for. Other contestants saw that he went over and we needed to be fair to all of them. His was just an honest mistake.

I don’t remember how long we were at judges’ table, but on average it takes 5 to 6 hours when it’s not a finale or really heated discussion. Especially with the first episode, we have so much to get through. Last night’s took 6 to 7 hours, and that included everything, like lighting.

We all loved Angelo’s dish when we ate it in Singapore a few months ago, but there were glaring mistakes to it then. It was a conception problem. We knew that he saw there was a connection between the pork, noodles and watermelon, and that there was something interesting going on there. He just didn’t nail it in Singapore, and we had talked to him about it at length at judges’ table in the finale. Angelo had probably worked that dish over in his head 50,000 times since Singapore. When he lost, he was probably devastated that he got sick and couldn’t perform to his potential, and it was a huge blow when he didn’t win season 7. That feeling was still raw for him. He didn’t have the luxury of time to forget about it.

There had been this weak infusion of tea, and Angelo knew to take it out and instead put that watermelon back in in a much stronger way and bump up the flavors of the whole dish. The handmade noodles were absolutely perfect. He constructed the dish in a much easier way to eat, so each bite had all of the flavors instead of taking a bite and getting just one thing. It really felt organic.

The bottom three were all bad. I think that with Fabio and Stephen there were execution problems, but more so conception problems. I don’t think their dishes were ever going to be perfect. They needed to be tweaked, especially Stephen’s, which had 2,000 components. That said, there was so much to his dish that we were all impressed with how much he was able to get done and how many techniques he was able to show, which is why we didn’t eliminate him.

None of us were fans of the paper on Fabio’s plate. I certainly wasn’t as bothered by it as Tony was, but I did understand his issue with it. Because he put it out on a platter with that paper (as opposed to in a bowl), it looked sloppy. You didn’t understand what the paper was adding, and it hindered instead of enhancing. It was always going to be muddy unless he changed the way he cooked certain ingredients. I would’ve kept some of the crab pieces whole. The kind of pasta, which is so integral to that type of dish, was probably not the best choice. It was this fresh pasta that’s so delicate, and it fell apart and added to the mushiness. But he did show us that he had a mastery of the technique he was trying to achieve. For that sake, he did do it correctly. Whether or not we liked it was a whole different story. There are two parts to judging: Do we like how it tastes? And was it done properly? We understood that Fabio had a grasp of what he was doing.

Unfortunately we felt Elia made no attempt to improve on her dish. She really made the dish exactly as she had made it previously — with very slight changes that weren’t enough to make it interesting. There was little personality in the dish and that was the case the first time around. Stephen and Fabio’s dishes showed us a boldness, something of them that we didn’t see in Elia. Because of the inconsistency in the tealeaf and perhaps the way her fish was cut, a lot of her pieces were completely undercooked.

When she made that last-minute plea not to be eliminated, it was heart-wrenching. The contestants certainly had a lot more gumption this time around! But there’s not much you can do once you’re already in front of us, unless you have a really good piece of information we never knew before and can really justify why you did something. Ultimately, the proof is in the pudding.

We know Elia is talented. We know all the contestants are talented. There was no one to eliminate who would’ve made it easy. That’s how it’s going to be all season. They’re all that much further along in their careers. They have a lot more to gain in terms of their reputation and also a lot more to lose.

What did you think of the first episode of Top Chef All-Stars? Sound off below — I’d love to hear your thoughts!

*As told to Archana Ram

Read more: Annie Barrett recaps the ‘Top Chef’: All-Stars’ premiere

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Nicole Richie Wedding Menu -- 'Tis the Season -

12/12/2010 12:35 PM PST by TMZ Staff   Butternut squash is in season this time of year -- and if the guests at Nicole Richie and Joel Madden's wedding yesterday didn't know that, they sure learned it yesterday.

TMZ obtained the menu from the big affair, which gave partygoers an option of filet mignon or seared ahi tuna as the main course -- which came after a salad for the first course and a butternut squash-centric second course.

Bon appétit!

Tags: Nicole Richie, Joel Madden

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Jeff Probst blogs ‘Survivor: Nicaragua’: Episode 12

survivorImage Credit: Monty Brinton/CBSOkay, I’m not a lawyer, but it seems to me that there is a bit of an implied contract when you agree to be on Survivor.

On our side, we promise you the adventure of your lifetime. Something you have never experienced before and will probably never experience again. It’s a multi-million dollar, life-changing thrill ride that will test you on every level. We promise, and we always deliver. Always.

In exchange we expect only two things from you: Show up… and play. That’s it. When you fail to do one or both of those requirements you are not living up to your end of the bargain. One might say you are in breach of our implied contract.

That’s my new philosophy regarding quitters on Survivor. You’re breaking your contract. There are certainly exceptions to the rule, such as medical evacuations and family emergencies, but I’m talking about the contestants who just decide they don’t want to play anymore. In this case, Naonka and Purple Kelly.

You’d think that by the time you have gone through the long arduous process of casting, meeting the executives at CBS, suffering through your immunization shots, getting your passport, arranging to leave your life for 39 days, getting on a plane, meeting with the press, and then lasting 28 days to give yourself a 1-in-9 shot at winning a million dollars, that this would be a no-brainer. Of course you’re going to finish; quitting would be foolish, right?

I’m not going to rehash the events of the quit, that’s just a waste of time and space.

I will however mention that when Naonka had the chance to walk away from the reward in exchange for tarp and rice, I truly believed she would do it. I was initially shocked when she didn’t move. Shocked. Naonka had just told everybody she wanted to quit. She knew she would be eating real food and sleeping in a real bed within hours, and all she had to do was stand up and say “It’s the least I can do before I quit.” She would have redeemed herself just a little bit.

But upon reflection I can clearly see that my expectation was flawed. Naonka has been consistently selfish for 28 days, and for her to stand up and suddenly do the “right thing” would not be consistent. Naonka went out the same way she came in, “Looking out for numero uno.”

In addition to not being a lawyer, I’m also not a psychologist, but it never seems to stop me from offering up an opinion. So here’s my take on whether they will regret this later in life:

I don’t think Naonka is going to regret her actions for one moment. I think Naonka has a lot of maturing to do and it doesn’t appear to be coming anytime soon. Quitting Survivor doesn’t make Naonka a bad person in my eyes, it was just disappointing. I’ll be curious to find out the reaction from Naonka’s family at the reunion show.

In the case of Purple Kelly, I think she will learn a lot from this experience and will at some point regret not sticking it out for 11 more days.

When you quit, when you give up and walk away from a task, even though you know you have some gas left in the tank, you are in a sense giving up on yourself. Purple Kelly had a lot of gas left in her tank. She’s a very strong and resilient young woman. Naonka gave her permission to quit and she took it and ran. I have a feeling the next time Purple Kelly is in the same situation she will think a long time before quitting.

I know a lot of you are angry right now because Naonka and Purple Kelly are allowed to be on the jury, so let me explain.

The reason they will both be members of the jury is because a precedent had already been set back when Janu quit in Survivor: Palau. Janu quit the game but was allowed to be on the jury, so we used the same reasoning with Naonka and Purple Kelly. It wasn’t an emotional decision, just an issue of fairness.

And yes…Marty, Alina and Brenda were very upset when they found out these quitters would still get to have a vote to decide who wins the million dollars.

Naonka and Purple Kelly quitting just blew this game wide open. It’s like we’re starting over. Their quit benefits some and penalizes others. The person who lost the most was Sash. He not only lost Purple Kelly, who would have voted any way he wanted her to, he also lost Naonka and her idol. He could have taken those two to the end with him and probably been a shoo-in for the million dollars. Instead he now must scramble to make something happen, and other than Dan, everybody else is a threat to win the game.

From a show point of view it’s an awesome turn of events. It changed everything and makes for an exciting and unpredictable finish.

Everybody left in the game has a legitimate shot to win.

Everybody except Dan. Dan’s best hope was to go to the final with Naonka and Purple Kelly. Now that they’re gone, I cannot think of a scenario in which Dan could beat anybody to win. This makes Dan a great person to take to the end. The dilemma is going to be who else do you take to the final?

I am not picking on Dan, I actually enjoy Dan quite a bit, and I could be wrong and Dan could win. If he does win, stay glued to your television because there is a very good chance that at the live show, as I read the last “Dan” vote, I will become light-headed and pass out on the CBS stage. Fortunately, Dancing With The Stars tapes nearby, so Tom Bergeron could run over and handle the rest of the reunion show.

Okay, so we are down to seven: Jane, Benry, Fabio, Holly, Sash, Chase, and Dan. There is going to be a lot of scrambling happening from here until the end. Here is my assessment of what each player needs to do:

Chase needs to form an alliance and stick with it.

Fabio, Benry and Jane need to start winning immunity or they are in danger.

Holly needs to keep mothering and nurturing and keep the attention on others.

Sash has the most work to do since his rug has been pulled out from under him.

Dan doesn’t need to do anything; it’s been working for 28 days. Why change?

It looks like we might have an exciting finish….

See ya next week.

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'Narnia' is No. 1 movie: $24.5M

Voyage-of-the-Dawn-TreaderImage Credit: Phil BrayWell, that didn’t go as planned. Two high-profile films, the 3-D fantasy epic The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and the romantic thriller The Tourist, registered inauspicious openings as the overall box office trailed last year for the fifth weekend in a row. Fox’s Dawn Treader, the third film in the franchise based on C.S. Lewis’ beloved children’s novels, led the frame with $24.5 million, according to studio estimates. That’s a disappointing opening for a series whose first two entries, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian, debuted to $65.6 million and $55 million, respectively. Dawn Treader‘s opening gross puts it in a league that includes such other fantasy clunkers as Eragon and The Golden Compass.

While box-office prognosticators were predicting a decline from prior Narnia movies, no one foresaw Dawn Treader stumbling this much. It’s hard to decipher what went wrong. According to a rep for a rival studio, Fox’s marketing sold the $140 million movie as more of the same, instead of as a fresh take on the Narnia universe. But the film’s outlook may not be as dreary as it initially seems. For one thing, Dawn Treader scored an encouraging “A-” from CinemaScore audiences. And with the approaching holiday season, Fox is quick to point out that the film is positioned for a marathon — not a sprint. “Its best days are ahead of us,” says a studio rep.

The Tourist arrived via a Venetian gondola instead of a speeding water taxi. Despite the star presence of Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie, this remake of the 2005 French movie Anthony Zimmer opened to a modest $17 million. With a budget north of $100 million, Sony now must hope the PG-13 thriller performs significantly better overseas. In third place, Disney’s animated musical Tangled slipped only 33 percent for $14.6 million, bringing its domestic total to $115.6 million. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 1 didn’t hold up as well, dropping 50 percent for $8.5 million. The PG-13 fantasy film has grossed a potent $257.7 million to date, although it trails all other Potter entries in estimated attendance. And the Denzel Washington runaway-train thriller Unstoppable dipped 37 percent for $3.8 million.

While many of the major Hollywood films were floundering, the indie scene thrived this weekend. Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan expanded to 90 theaters and leaped to sixth place with $3.3 million, for an astounding per-theater average of $37,000. The psychological thriller, starring Natalie Portman as the sanest ballerina you’ve ever met, will expand to at least 800 theaters next weekend. And the boxing drama The Fighter, starring Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale, slugged $320,000 from four theaters — that’s an $80,000 per-theater average. Julie Taymor’s The Tempest, however, stirred as much interest in the moviegoing public as the Shakespearean play commonly stirs in ninth-graders. It took in just $45,000 from five theaters.

Check back next weekend as three new films — TRON: Legacy, How Do You Know, and Best Picture-contender Yogi Bear — open nationwide for your consideration.

1. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader — $24.5 mil
2. The Tourist — $17 mil
3. Tangled — $14.6 mil
4. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 1 — $8.5 mil
5. Unstoppable — $3.8 mil
6. Black Swan — $3.3 mil

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Paul McCartney, Paul Rudd Buddy Up On 'Saturday Night Live' -

"Saturday Night Live" this week was packed with Pauls, from a rock icon to a newbie comedian. Second-time host Paul Rudd played up the plethora of fellas with the name during his opening monologue, claiming credit for the fan mania that was clearly the result of rock legend Paul McCartney's on-set presence as musical guest. Rudd smugly remarked about a woman crying and people chanting "Yesterday," until the Beatles icon appeared onstage to clear up the brouhaha. Featured "SNL" player Paul Brittain also briefly joined the Paul-fest.

For the most part, the two stuck to what they're each known for, with Rudd dishing out the laughs and McCartney serving up the music. In one sketch, Rudd brings his girlfriend home for the holidays to meet his super affectionate family members who make out and grope each other to the horror of his gal pal.

Rudd also turned up as a gay man who heads to a relationship expert's talk show for advice, only to get ridiculed by her stodgy, ignorant producer who had to fill in because she was sick.

The "How Do You Know" star also competed in the faux game show "What's That Name," handily identifying pop-culture figures like Subway spokesman Jared Fogel, but fumbling when faced with naming his doorman of four years.

Rudd also flexed his comedic chops as a nerdy math teacher tasked with mounting a holiday party for students and ends up geekifying the whole affair by dropping zingers like "off the hoof" and "elf esteem."

Rudd and McCartney did cross paths once again in the digital short "Stumblin' " in which Andy Samberg and Rudd play buddies who stagger through life, always seconds away from falling over outright. McCartney inexplicably pops up mid-segment in a ruffled blouse and velvet blazer to croon '80s ballad "Take My Breath Away" by Berlin. Then he whips out a miniscule harmonica, dons cowboy gear and goes to town with Rudd and Samberg cheering him on.

McCartney confined the goofiness to the Samberg skit, taking the stage first with "Jet" from Wings' 1973 Band on the Run LP. The rock luminary strummed the straightforward jam, bopping along in a purple blazer, and adding a flourish of a boogie-woogie dance at the end. McCartney followed up with another Wings hit, "Band on the Run," for his second performance, ditching the blazer for skinny red suspenders and punctuating the set with guttural howls.

What did you think of "SNL" this week? Let us know in the comments!

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‘Terriers’: FX cancels freshman series

terriersImage Credit: Jessica Brooks/FXFX has canceled its fledging series Terriers, a show starring Donal Logue and Michael Raymond-James that follows two best friends who become become unlicensed private investigators in San Diego County. The series from Ted Griffin (Oceans 11), executive producer Shawn Ryan (The Shield) and Tim Minear (Dollhouse) ran for 13 episodes but only averaged about 500,000 viewers per episode.

For more on Terriers:

Terriers season finale: What did you think of the ending?

View the original article here

‘Glee’ exclusive: Production halted due to tonsillitis outbreak

glee-cast_320.jpg Image Credit: Miranda Penn Turin/Fox Production on the Fox hit Glee has hit a snag or, more appropriately, a virus. EW has learned that due to several members of the cast coming down with tonsillitis, production on the series has been canceled for today. The cast and crew are currently in the midst of shooting their big post-Super Bowl episode and were set to film one of the biggest musical numbers this evening on location. But don’t you worry, Gleeks: Production will resume on Monday and the scenes planned for tonight will be rescheduled for January.

Read more:
‘Glee’ recap: Holiday Spirit
Katy Perry joins Darren Criss and the Dalton Academy Warblers to sing ‘Teenage Dream’

View the original article here

'Dexter' finale: Exclusive preview!

Dexter-finale-Hall_320.jpg One episode. That’s all that stands between you and The End…. of Dexter‘s fifth season, that is. Questions loom over Showtime’s serial killer drama: [Spoiler Alert: Stop reading if you haven't seen episode 11] Will the discovery of Liddy’s body prove more dangerous for Dexter (Michael C. Hall) or Quinn (Desmond Harrington)–or both? Will Dexter track down Lumen (Julia Stiles) before it’s too late? What does Jordan (Jonny Lee Miller) have in store for Dexter? Is this the episode that Harrison’s nanny (Maria Doyle Kennedy) is finally revealed to be plotting something sinister? On Sunday night, answers will flow. Right now, though, you can play the guessing game with the aid of some teasers. Dexter executive producer Sara Colleton gives you, reader, four clues to fire the imagination about the finale, titled “The Big One.” Craving a sneak peak in video form? Check out an exclusive clip from the finale after the jump.

No. 1: “Has Dexter found true love? Is this his soulmate? Our fans know these decisions are tied to the yearlong theme, and it’s Dexter atoning for his part in Rita’s death. Has he atoned enough in helping this woman and coming to terms with his responsibility? Will that satisfy the gods? Lumen is the key element in bringing around Dexter’s atonement, but the big question is: Is there something left he’s going to have to sacrifice to achieve atonement?”

No. 2: “Remember in episode 11 when Liddy’s blood dripped on Quinn’s shoes? Well, who is the Miami Metro blood expert who’s going to be called upon to see whose blood that is? That’s going to be a very interesting conundrum for Dexter. Part of why Deb (Jennifer Carpenter) understands what these women went through is that she went through this in season 1, when Rudy captured her and was going to kill her, and Dexter had to kill Rudy to protect Deb. So Dexter’s like, ‘Do I want my sister involved with another bad guy?’  To Dexter, Quinn is a bad guy. But we’ve evolved Quinn, and I think to a lot of our audience Quinn has stepped up and become someone worthy of Deb. So Dexter is trying to weigh, ‘Is this good for Deb?’ and the no. 1 rule of the Code: ‘Do not get caught.’”

No. 3 “Deb has become this dogged detective. Like a dog with a bone in her mouth, she’s not going to let go–she’s going to follow this vigilante killer theory right to the end. So as the loose pieces of this game start fitting together, how close is Deb going to get to finding out who is ’13'? And who is this man helping her?”

No. 4: “Jordan’s a complete control freak and he has been pushed to the point of losing his control by Dexter and Lumen. So it comes down to: Is Lumen going to be able not to succumb to being a victim again? When we first met her, she was a victim and slowly she became an avenging angel as Dexter gave her strength. But she’s alone with Jordan, who’s going to bring her back to the site of the horror. So how mentally strong can a victim of that kind of abuse be? Is she going to survive long enough for Dexter to find her?”

Okay, Dexperts, it’s time to lock in those finale predictions. Start spilling.

(Follow: @dansnierson)

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Taylor Swift is EW’s Entertainer of the Year: This week’s cover

1132-EW-COVERTaylor Swift kicked off 2010 with a No. 2 single debut (“Today Was a Fairytale”), a hit movie (Valentine’s Day), and four Grammy wins, including Album of the Year. She then spent months headlining arena concerts and big-ticket awards shows. But there was one achievement — the Oct. 25 release of her third record, Speak Now — that topped everything. Buoyed by strong reviews and the radio-friendly hit “Mine,” Speak amassed a jaw-dropping 1,047,000 units in first-week sales, the highest tally for any release in five years. For all that, the confidently sweet 20-year-old who was only 2 months old when Entertainment Weekly launched in 1990 is now our youngest-ever Entertainer of the Year.

In our interview, Swift talks about all the speculation surrounding the subjects of the songs on Speak Now, understood to include ex-boyfriends Taylor Lautner, Joe Jonas, and John Mayer. “Sometimes I would laugh because I would see it in print and it would say, ‘This song, which is written about her ex, so-and-so…’ And they would write about it as if it was fact. The fact is, I haven’t ever confirmed that any song is about any particular person. There’s something kind of freeing about that. As far as I’m concerned, it’s all still up in the air.” She also explains how she decided to perform her song “Innocent,” which sure seems to be about Kanye West, at this year’s MTV Video Music Awards. “I had decided that I didn’t want to perform on the show. Or even go. Then I woke up in the middle of the night and I realized that I had to, and that I wanted to perform that song.”

For more with Taylor Swift and our 14 other entertainers of the year — including James Franco, Jon Hamm, and Katy Perry — pick up the new issue of Entertainment Weekly, on stands Friday, December 3.

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Cheesy TV shows you love?

'The Sing-Off' tops our list of TV shows we're embarrassed to love. What's your secret shame? | PopWatch | /* */ Entertainment WeeklyHomeTVMoviesMusicBooksTV RecapsDecember EventsFamily EntertainmentHoliday Gift GuideMust ListBlogs PopWatchKen Tucker's TVInside TVInside MoviesThe Music MixShelf LifeNews Briefs EW Home // News // PopWatch BlogPopWatch Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch Blog See CategoriesSee ArchiveRSSFollow on Twitter Dec 12201012:01 AM ETPermalinkComments (167) 'The Sing-Off' tops our list of TV shows we're embarrassed to love. What's your secret shame? by Dalton RossCategories: Horror, Reality TV, Sci-Fi, Survivor, Television, The Sing Off, The Vampire Diaries, TV Insiders Podcast Image Credit: Harper Smith/NBC

The last thing this world needs is another reality talent competition, but I was shocked to discover how much I enjoyed last week’s season 2 premiere of NBCs a cappella contest The Sing-Off. Maybe it’s because there were groups with absurdly awesome names like Pitch Slapped. Maybe it’s because I dig all the nifty coordinated outfits. Maybe it is the lovable dorkiness of music nerd Ben Folds, the most enjoyable non-showy judge on TV. Or maybe it’s because for originality, creativity, and pure vocal talent, this program has American Idol beat by a mile. Whatever the reason, I was hooked and The Sing-Off has become my new secret shame — a cheesy show I am embarrassed to admit I actually dig. So on the latest edition of the TV Insiders podcast, I asked coworkers Annie Barrett and Michael Slezak  what their secret shames were, and you’ll be surprised to hear their shocking admissions.

Also on this week’s podcast: we break down the big Vampire Diaries cliffhanger episode with the help of executive producers Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec (as well as resident TVD expert Mandi Bierly), and give our personal picks for whom we’d like to see win Survivor: Nicaragua. To join in all the fun and hear our other secret shames, just click on the audio player below. We’re also now on iTunes! You can subscribe for free right here and take the TV Insiders with you on the go. And make sure follow us on Twitter @TVInsiders. But before you go, make sure to hit the message boards and let us know: What is your secret TV shame?

Previous Post The Jersey Shore cast reveals teen secrets on 'When I Was 17'Next Post Spike Video Game Awards: 'Red Dead Redemption,' Neil Patrick Harris earn high HomePopWatch MainComments (167 total)Add your comment Page: 123...7Next »Bianca Sun 12/12/10 12:13 AM

For me it’s iCarly. I’m too old to like it and yet, I do. It’s actually one of my favorite shows. Shhhh!

Reply kate Sun 12/12/10 12:22 AM

Two students from highschool passed away this summer and I watched a whole bunch of nick when I was upset and got hooked in icarly all summer!

Reply fggfg Sun 12/12/10 6:08 AM

Very good points!~~~~~~~~~
I just met my real love on a young people dating and flirts club …Seekwealthy.??’M ..and we had our first drink about 4 hours after the initial contact. We have just enough in common to get along but just enough differences to make it awesome fun! I totally recomend online dating. Ohhh and she is awesomely pretty,and so hot!!!so i want to share u this nice place!!
~~My husband and I love The Challenge as well. We haven’t watched Real World in 10 years, but The Challenge is weekly appointment viewing.

ayz Sun 12/12/10 8:18 AM

LOOOOL! i LOVE iCarly too!

Reply FromChicago Sun 12/12/10 12:06 PM

I love the Sing off — pure entertainment and they can SING!

Reply erf Sun 12/12/10 12:25 PM

iCarly is a cute show.

Reply jennifer Sun 12/12/10 12:16 AM

I LOVE watching The Challenge series on MTV. I watch every season. In fact its the only thing I watch on MTV. I know that its cheesy and stupid but I just can’t stop watching.

Reply Katie Sun 12/12/10 12:19 AM

I totally agree- the Challenge’s are so trashy but I can’t stop watching.

Reply Jen Sun 12/12/10 12:19 AM

My husband and I love The Challenge as well. We haven’t watched Real World in 10 years, but The Challenge is weekly appointment viewing.

Reply MSD Sun 12/12/10 2:34 PM

It had been some years since I had watched The Challenge, but in a moment of weakness I stumbled across a bounty of full seasons on still. Lets just say, I’m caught up on this new crop of Challengers. (Though I still miss me some Theo, Coral, Miz etc.)

heuse1ac Sun 12/12/10 3:51 PM

LOL Mike “The Miz” was one of the best things ever. EVER. I’m getting so damn sick of Johnny Bananas and Paula’s whining. We need old people to come back or to have a cast of completely new people.

Needless to say I’m an incurable addict too.

Erica Sun 12/12/10 12:25 AM

I was just about to say that I watch it every single week and it is just a fun show to watch

Reply MeMe Sun 12/12/10 1:53 AM

MAN! Me too! I wish Kenny had been on it this year. Or Evan. Love those douche bags.

ALSO Vampire Diaries, which at EW is so great, but in my friend circle so lame. I love it so much though.

Mocha Sun 12/12/10 2:06 AM

Same with me for the Vampire Diaries. I love it and I’m glad that EW does too, but I’m still trying to convince my friends that it’s not just “Twilight: The Made-For-TV Version” and is actually a fun show. Sadly, it’s an uphill battle.

jess Sun 12/12/10 5:19 AM

Vampire Diaries is not a secret shame. It’s an amazing show and its quality ranks among the best of all television shows. The acting and writing are almost flawless (especially the writing), and each episode feels like a season. I can’t get enough!

Sarah Sun 12/12/10 10:53 AM

Definitely in the Vampire Diaries camp…and was watching 10 Things (RIP).

@jess Sun 12/12/10 1:34 PM

I love The Vampire Diaries, I really do, and I honestly think it’s a quality show with a lot going for it. That being said, it is most certainly not flawlessly acted. There are some solid performances there, quite a few actually, but still. The non-principal cast can be pretty wooden at times. You mad, bro?

Jodi Sun 12/12/10 9:50 AM

Me too!! Addicted!
I miss Kenny and Evan.
Abram is amazing.
I want a Johnny Bananas backpack!!

Reply D Sun 12/12/10 11:41 AM

I have been watching The Challenge for years!! I got hooked on the first Battle of the Sexes. I still love the Challenge now but I think the older ones were so much better!

Reply Erica Sun 12/12/10 1:24 PM

I agree the Gauntlet 2 was my favorite

Andy Sun 12/12/10 12:18 AM

Big Brother. I don’t even know any person in my life who actually watches it, but it’s definitely a TV show I am embarrassed to admit I love.

Reply Amy Sun 12/12/10 1:50 AM

I watch Big Brother and so does everyone I work with, don’t be embarassed

Reply melissa Sun 12/12/10 10:17 AM

Big Brother for me too! And Sonny With a Chance.

Reply AnnaM Sun 12/12/10 2:59 PM

Sonny with a Chance is mine too! Actually anything Disney Channel…

Every time they end a show and start up a new crop I swear I’m done, but I haven’t stopped yet…

Dean Sun 12/12/10 12:20 AM

The Apprentice. And at this point, American Idol.

Reply Elli Sun 12/12/10 4:10 AM

I am also embarrassed to say I never miss an episode of The Apprentice or American Idol

Reply R Sun 12/12/10 12:30 AM

Cougar Town! I swear, whenever I say I watch it people stare at me like I’m an idiot, but I know I’m not the only person watching it. So I usually keep it to myself now…

Reply Emma Sun 12/12/10 12:51 AM

Tell people! Cougar Town is one of the funniest shows on television! I have forced a few of my friends to watch the first few episodes and now they’re all completely hooked!

Reply tigersmurfette Sun 12/12/10 1:08 AM

totally cougar town, and scrubs. love how ct uses scrubs actors. hope to see more of them, like eliza coupe

Reply tracy bluth Sun 12/12/10 1:10 AM

I’m not embarrassed to love Cougar Town. People who judge it by the title are missing out BIG TIME.

Reply ash Sun 12/12/10 12:31 AM

I am in the same boat when it comes to The Sing-Off. I have a total dork-crush on Ben Folds.

Reply ajmalzx Sun 12/12/10 5:17 AM

Same boat here, but I’m also extremely embarrassed to admit I watch pretty little liars.
30 year old man staring at bunch of teenagers, creepy. i know.

Reply Samantha F Sun 12/12/10 10:34 AM

love me some pretty little liars! my husband called it the “summer gossip girl” – leading to another secret shame: 90210, gossip girl, and next top model

suebrody Sun 12/12/10 1:21 PM

Ben Folds is a totally hot geek. Love him.

Reply justjack Sun 12/12/10 3:16 PM

yes indeed!!! Nothing to be ashamed of there!

PixxieTrixxie Sun 12/12/10 5:47 PM

He and Shawn (Shaun) give the most constructive criticism on these shows – SYTYCD does also – the others are just horrible with their tearing the performers down.

Crystal Sun 12/12/10 12:39 AM

What the heck? What is remotely embarassing or shameful about liking The Sing-Off?? I’m at a loss.

This being said, I’m another closet iCarly fan. Love that show!

Reply Peter Sun 12/12/10 8:58 AM

The writer should feel ashamed for thinking that liking the show is shameful. Heaven forbid we get a competition show that’s about talent instead of judges or celebrity.

Reply ZF Sun 12/12/10 9:05 AM

Seriously! Real Housewives of _______ is a show people should be embarrassed to admit they like. Keeping up with the Kardashians, ditto. I really don’t see what’s cheesy about The Sing Off.

simps Sun 12/12/10 11:51 AM

Nah, the writer is write- its totally shameful.

simps Sun 12/12/10 11:52 AM

*right. That was shameful.

McComment Sun 12/12/10 12:40 AM

Why The Sing Off should be anybody’s secret shame? There’s some super talented people giving their heart and soul in a no-fake drama show. This one is beating any stupid talent show by a mile.

Reply Elli Sun 12/12/10 4:07 AM

me too! Love him

Reply Elli Sun 12/12/10 4:08 AM

Sorry that was in response to ash and the dork-crush on Ben Folds

chattypatra Sun 12/12/10 10:31 AM

I know! Dalton, you missed out by not watching the first season of this show. This year, it’s even better. I hope you start recapping it because more people should discover it. Oh, and IT’S NOT cheesy! I love it.

Reply JoAnn Sun 12/12/10 2:59 PM

They have been recapping it, just not in the TV Recaps section. It’s been here on PopWatch for some reason, but if you click the little tag underneath the title of this post that says “The Sing Off” it’ll take you to the recaps, which have been really fun since they totally embrace the cheese!

Angela Sun 12/12/10 10:36 AM

Totally agree!!! What’s to be embarrassed about?? This show is 10 times more interesting than most of the junk on right now.

Reply Jen Jen Sun 12/12/10 11:43 AM

You have to celebrate a show like The Sing Off. Only 5 episodes, it’s on at the right time of the year and they throw some incredible talent on stage. This is one of those shows that you can tell the groups have spent some time together, they are likeable and they sing a farewell song after being booted.I wish American Idol was this quick and strong. I just wish the Whiffenpoofs were still in it.

Reply DJ Sun 12/12/10 2:58 PM

I’m not at all embarassed to watch the sing-off. These groups are seriously talented and I love the different arrangements they give to pop songs. Way better than American Idol.

bb Sun 12/12/10 12:56 AM


Reply Jason Sun 12/12/10 1:37 AM

YEah would never admit to it but I watch Glee every week!. IT is slowly becoming unwatchable though. The Wedding episode and Christmas episode were awful. I think this was is going to Jump earlier then most shows. I know it’s a hit but so was The OC and that burned out in four short years.

Reply TC Sun 12/12/10 2:20 PM

100% agree. Some episodes are so uncomfortable and unbearable to watch though.

erf Sun 12/12/10 12:29 PM

I watch Glee,too,and so do 3 of my co-workers! Me and one of those co-workers also still watch Private Practice. I guess I’m big on guilty pleasures.

Reply KRibbons Sun 12/12/10 1:09 AM

Most definitely Bridalplasty. Can’t stop myself.

Reply tracy bluth Sun 12/12/10 1:13 AM

It used to be the Kardashians, but then I realized that it made me want to reach through the TV and punch Kim in the face, so I stopped. Now I’d say it’s What Not to Wear.

Reply Marvin Dorfler Sun 12/12/10 7:47 AM

Good stuff!

Reply l Sun 12/12/10 11:14 AM

I agree. I watch a few of the Khardashians, but could not stand them any longer and what they think and believe. Many shows that cause me to be annoyed I stop watching like “Minute to Win It” or “Big Brother”. “Life Unexpected” is another – I wanted to punch everyone this past week in that show – all liars. Maybe I have more of a beef with the writers though.

Reply heuse1ac Sun 12/12/10 3:57 PM

I’m obsessed with LUX and so sad it didn’t get the back 9 pickup. It’s going to be just like 10 Things I Hate About You on ABC Family, ending with a cliffhanger. And it will not be ok.

Allison M Sun 12/12/10 1:40 AM

Was all about Phil of the Future when it was on Disney. Can Phil guest on Hellcats, please?

Reply tracy bluth Sun 12/12/10 10:42 AM

My sister and I LOVED Phil of the Future when it was on.

Reply TC Sun 12/12/10 2:18 PM

Loved Phil!!! It would be cool to see him on Hellcats. And Even Stevens (minus the annoying sister)- reminded me of Boy Meets World a bit.

AnnaM Sun 12/12/10 3:02 PM

He’s now a “musician” by some other name who gave up acting.

Reply noam Sun 12/12/10 4:35 PM

i think he goes by his birth name raviv ullmann when acting now…but he’s in the band “his orchestra” with douglas smith, from big love, and one or two of the veronicas…

Beauty Sun 12/12/10 1:47 AM

I’m not ashamed!

I like the Singoff great show!

Teen Mom

Housewives, ATL and NY.

Vampire Diaries

Pretty Little Liars

The Kardashians

16 & Pregnant

Cougar Town

Reply Ren Sun 12/12/10 1:51 AM

America’s Next Top Model. *hangs head in shame*

Reply TC Sun 12/12/10 2:23 PM

I hate admitting that I find that show fascinating. Once I see the first 10 minutes, I have to watch the rest of the show.

Reply Stacy Adelman Sun 12/12/10 3:16 PM

I would never miss an episode of America’s. Next. Top. Model.

Fog cue Sun 12/12/10 3:45 PM

YES!!, especially when they fought over brownies, coffee, Doritos, frozen corn & peas

But even before Top Model, there was another show called “Are You Hot?: The Search for America’s Sexiest People” that I liked.

Reply Cynthia Sun 12/12/10 1:52 AM

Anything on the CW—at work it’s known as the pre-teen network, so I’d definitely never admit my love for One Tree Hill or Vampire Diaries!

Reply Miss Talk Sun 12/12/10 7:11 AM

Please, The Vampire Diaries are on their own league on The CW.

Reply Kris Sun 12/12/10 3:12 PM


TVD is a great show but its not an amazingly well written show or anything. I wouldn’t say its so good that One Tree Hill, Nikita, Gossip Girl…don’t even compare. It’s One Tree Hill with vampires (not an insult at all, OTH is my favourite show)

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