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Monday, December 13, 2010

‘Walking Dead’ writer Robert Kirkman talks about last night’s explosive finale: ‘I wish we had killed more people this season’

'Walking Dead' writer Robert Kirkman talks about last night's explosive finale: 'I wish we had killed more people this season' | Inside TV | /* */ Entertainment WeeklyHomeTVMoviesMusicBooksTV RecapsDecember EventsFamily EntertainmentHoliday Gift GuideMust ListBlogs PopWatchKen Tucker's TVInside TVInside MoviesThe Music MixShelf LifeNews Briefs EW Home // TV // Inside TV BlogInside TV Exclusive TV News and Scoop See CategoriesSee ArchiveRSS Dec 6201008:00 AM ETPermalinkComments (44) 'Walking Dead' writer Robert Kirkman talks about last night's explosive finale: 'I wish we had killed more people this season' by Clark CollisCategories: Books, Comic-Con, Fall TV, Film, Horror Movies, News, Sci-Fi, Television, The Walking Dead

the-walking-deadThe Walking Dead has stopped walking (and shambling, and lying about going “Uuurgh!”), at least for now. Last night’s first season finale of AMC’s zombie show ended with a bang, literally, as the CDC blew itself up, incinerating both Jeryl Prescott’s Jacqui and Noah Emmerich’s Dr. Jenner. But what did Jenner whisper to Rick? Could Rick and his fellow survivors be heading to France (home of fine wine, foul cigarettes and, it seems, top notch zombie experts)? Will Michael Rooker’s Merle return in season two? And is my heterosexual man-crush on Norman Reedus’ Daryl getting way out of hand?

We put all these questions, and so many more, to Robert Kirkman, writer of the Walking Dead comic book and an executive producer of the show.

Entertainment Weekly: Obviously you guys plotted the finale, and the whole season, not knowing whether the show was coming back. What was that like?
Robert Kirkman: It’s something that Frank [Darabont, Walking Dead executive producer and finale co-writer] was very mindful of. He did a really good job of putting a button on the sixth episode, just in case things went horribly awry. At the same time, there’s a lot of questions and he leaves you with a sense of, “Where are they going down this road and what is going to happen next?” So there’s a lot of room for continuation. But if it had been a disaster we wouldn’t have looked like a–holes.

The season did leave a lot of questions unanswered. Like what happened to Merle? Michael Rooker has to return at some point, right?
We will definitely see Michael Rooker again.

Or what’s left him.
Yeah, we probably won’t see every little piece of him. There’s all kinds of cool stuff we can do. I definitely want to see Morgan and Duane come back at some point and find out what happened to them. There’s lots of little threads in there to keep people interested for next season.

TS-19-002Image Credit: AMCNot least the tantalizing whispered message that Dr Jenner gave to Rick towards the end of the episode. Would you mind telling us what he said?
[Laughs hysterically]

Come on, it’s just the two of us. It’s not like I’m going to go and blog about this—he said, with fingers crossed behind his back.
I don’t want to give anything away! Look, it could have been just like, “Hey, watch out for those zombies out there, dude!” But it wasn’t. It’ll probably be revealed in season two, what he said. And it’s pretty monumental.

I think it’s the same thing that Bill Murray says to Scarlett Johansson at the end of Lost In Translation.
We’re not going to keep in that ambiguous, I promise.

The episode featured undoubtedly my favorite exchange of the whole season, when Dr Jenner said, “Those doors are designed to withstand a rocket launcher,” to which Daryl replied, “Well, your head ain’t!”
[Laughs] That was a good one.

I am happy to admit that I have something of a crush on Norman Reedus in this show. Will you join me in that?
I will totally do that. Which is going to make it awkward when I see him on the set for season two. I mean, I don’t want to make out with the dude, or anything. But he’s awesome. I’m totally jealous of how bad–s that guy is. He literally is my favorite character in the show. He’s not my favorite actor on the show. [Laughs] But he is my favorite character.

TS-19-003Image Credit: AMCI appreciate that going to the CDC was Frank’s idea. But as a zombie fan, the finale couldn’t help but bring to mind the below ground-set Day of the Dead, which I know is your favorite zombie movie.
Absolutely. When Frank was pitching the idea to me, saying he wanted to bring them to the CDC and telling me all the different things that he felt would come out of that story, the science of it all and the being trapped in the small location, I was very much picturing a lot of Day of the Dead stuff. That’s one of the reasons I was so on board with the idea.

Is that whole business about the CDC eventually blowing itself up in the event of some total catastrophe accurate?
I’m going to say, “Yes.” Because that sounds awesome to me.

Is that what the inside of the CDC looks like?
That was actually shot inside the CDC.

No, it wasn’t.
Yeah, that’s a lie. [Laughs] I don’t think it looked anything like the real CDC. The CDC is very secure and locked down and I don’t think we were even allowed to get reference photos of what the inside of the CDC looks like. For all I know, they have actual real zombies in the CDC, so they’ve already prevented that whole thing. Who knows?

Would it be fair to assume Dr Jenner was named after my fellow Brit, Edward Jenner, who developed the smallpox vaccine.
I would imagine so. I guess you’d have to get confirmation from Frank on that. He originally…

I’m sorry, but are you not familiar with the history of the smallpox vaccine?
RK: Uh, no, I am sadly not. Although thanks for making me admit that. [Laughs]. But a fun little bit of information: Dr Jenner originally had a different name, but because Rubicon had already used that name we had to change it.

And I think we all know what happened to Rubicon.
I wasn’t trying to go there. I was really upset about that. I think Rubicon was an awesome show and I wish they would make more. AMC? What a bunch of a—holes!

At one point in the finale, Dr Jenner said the French had gotten the farthest in working out what the hell is going on. I find it hard to believe they would have gotten farther than the British. We developed the smallpox vaccine! You’ve kind of embarrassed yourself and your family there.
Listen, if you want to talk about hating the French, I think [we] could give you guys a run for your money. But you’ve got to throw them a bone every now and then right?

TS-19-004Image Credit: AMCSeriously, though, Rick and the gang can’t go to France can they? I mean, I know they wander around a lot in the comic book. But they never go as far as France.
A couple of seasons ago you probably didn’t think the bikers from Sons of Anarchy were going to go to Ireland. But that happened. Who knows, man?

It’s been a couple of weeks now since the show got renewed. How do things stand at the moment in terms of writing season two?
There’s been a little bit of behind the scenes stuff going on between the producers on the show and AMC, just figuring out when we’re going to get started and how we are going to do things and what our overall plan for season two is. That kind of stuff has been going on. But I don’t think any actual heavy work will be happening until after Christmas.

Were you tempted not to kill anyone in the finale, given that it could have been the last show and how much the characters had already suffered?
No, I think everybody’s pretty committed to killing people on this show. It’ll be a while before we start thinking, “Well, we might as well let some people live, we’ve put these guys through some horrible things.” If anything, if I were to criticize the first season at all—which I think went great—I would say, “I wish we had killed more people.”

And that’s that! Well, not quite. At a couple of points in our conversation, Mr Kirkman referred to crucial, nay seismic, events which have happened in the Walking Dead comic but not yet on the show. Indeed, they may never occur on the show. But as they do fall under the general heading of “spoiler,” I thought it would be best to post them in a different item which I’m going to put up tomorrow. Enjoy! Or not. The choice is yours.

More about The Walking Dead:
‘Walking Dead’ exclusive: Exec producer Gale Anne Hurd denies Frank Darabont fired writers
‘The Walking Dead’ finale recap: Zombie life sucks. Deal with it
‘The Walking Dead’: Let’s meet our zombie cover stars!
‘The Walking Dead’: This week’s EW cover story goes behind the scenes on TV’s best new show
‘Night of the Living Dead’: How a 42-year-old zombie movie refuses to die

And you can also listen to this week’s zombie-tastic EW’s TV Insiders Podcast.

Previous Post 'Dexter' producer drops clues about Sunday's 'Hop a Freighter,' plus two exclusive clips from the episode!Next Post 'Dexter' renewed for sixth HomeInside TV MainComments (44 total)Add your comment Page: 12Next »majamababe Mon 12/06/10 8:31 AM

Mr. Kirkman:

I’m not much of a flesh-eating ghoul fan; my son is – but after watching the previews and then watching the whole 1st season – I am hooked and was sad when the first season ended. I am so hooked, that for Christmas, I bought my son the first six books of the graphic novel! I realize there are things in the comic that are not in the movie and vice-versa, but the characters are very compelling and I want to know more about them. I enjoy reading your insights into the making of the series and can see why the first series ended the way it did – just in case FOX didn’t order a second. Hopefully, the second and subsequent seasons (if the FOX gods allow it) will be just as good as this one was. Thanks again!

A New Dedicated Zombie Fan

Reply Redvector Mon 12/06/10 8:48 AM

The show is on AMC not Fox.

Reply majamababe Mon 12/06/10 9:46 AM

Yes – I know. I had just read another article about FOX and said FOX when I should have said AMC.
Thank you.

ruth gallagher Mon 12/06/10 10:21 AM

maybe it should have been Fox…AMC allowed me a preview of their channel, and wouldn’t ya know it, and i watched all episodes….then THEY discontinued this perk right at the last episode ….thanks AMC now i will never upgrade since you were ever so rude!! cudda given us that last episode..i might have upgraded since i do like your channel but cannot afford all the other junk that goes along with an upgrade! regards and disappointed

Michael Sacal Mon 12/06/10 10:47 AM

Fox airs the show outside the US.

AT Mon 12/06/10 11:54 AM

Ruth, if you got a free preview, that was because your cable/satellite provider gave it to you, hoping you would upgrade your programming package. Don’t blame AMC.

Bob Mon 12/06/10 12:07 PM

Ruth, time to change your service provider. I don’t know of too many that don’t have AMC on their basic service. I’m guessing you have a cable company as a provider. They’re the cheapest providers around.

Hutchy Mon 12/06/10 8:56 AM

How old is your son? Any younger then 16, and I’m not sure you wanna expose him to all that, and thats coming from someone who is FAR from a social conservative. The Governor storyline aint for kids.

Reply majamababe Mon 12/06/10 9:47 AM

He is 37 and a PhD candidate, thank you.

Brandon Mon 12/06/10 10:10 AM

Are you kidding me? Worry about your own kids.

rerun Mon 12/06/10 11:41 AM

What about the children?!?!?! Won’t someone think of the children?!?!?!

Lincoln Mon 12/06/10 8:38 AM

Robert Kirkman kinda sounds like a douche.

Reply Redvector Mon 12/06/10 8:48 AM

No more than you do.

Reply Richard Whitman Mon 12/06/10 9:26 AM

He’s actually a great guy.

Reply RaRa Mon 12/06/10 10:58 AM

I didn’t see anything particularly douche-like in Mr. Kirkman’s interview.

Reply Fatima Mon 12/06/10 11:53 AM

He’s definitely a bit douchey in the mailbag of the comic books but it’s always sorta charming.

Reply darclyte Mon 12/06/10 1:01 PM

Over the weekend, I heard an interview with Kirkman where he implied that the first season DVD box set may include all 6 episodes in black & white (like the comics) as a bonus. I’d rewatch the first season in B&W.

Reply J-P Mon 12/06/10 8:49 AM

I think they should definitely go to France. But I’m only saying that because I’m French.

Reply kdog Mon 12/06/10 9:29 AM

I think the whisper was that Lori (his wife) was pregnant. Rick knows its not his cause he was in a coma when the baby was conceived.

Reply RCB Mon 12/06/10 10:28 AM

Makes sense. I was thinking that the doctor saw the conversation between the wife and the friend through a security camera, but yours makes better sense. Lol…

Reply LexLuthor Mon 12/06/10 10:32 AM

THIS. +1

Reply Dawn Mon 12/06/10 10:54 AM

This is what he probably whispered. I kind of wish that it turns out to be something else though.

Reply Ally Mon 12/06/10 12:42 PM

WHy would he necessarily need to whisper this to Rick though? He would find out when her belly starts to grow. Seems like kind of a waste to make it that.

Reply Redvector Mon 12/06/10 9:36 AM

That’s the same notion that I had too.

Reply Fan of Murphy Mon 12/06/10 9:40 AM

I am a HUGE Norman Reedus fan and am hoping that he becomes a somewhat regular in season 2. Finally to see him on tv is awesome!!!!

Reply melissa Mon 12/06/10 10:28 AM

I know Right….. I’ll be pissed if they kill him off next season.

Reply Dawn Mon 12/06/10 10:48 AM

I was surprised and happy that Daryl made it out of the season finale alive. He’s not in the comics, so I was worried he’d be dead by the end of the season.

Reply Bulloch Mon 12/06/10 9:41 AM

For my $’s worth, I think Dr. Jenner told Rick that Shane’s scratches came from his wife, just because he’s probably got the place wired with cameras AND because in the comic, that’s pretty much the first thing Dale said to Rick when he meets him.

Reply Mike Mon 12/06/10 10:08 AM

Dude, SPOILER alert please. I couldn’t stop reading your comment, but if there was a “***SPOILER ALERT**” I wouldn’t have been sucked in!

Reply majamababe Mon 12/06/10 9:47 AM

For folks who may be wondering – my son is 37 and a PhD candidate.
Thank you.

Reply Flyer Mon 12/06/10 11:23 AM

I can tell you’re very proud of your son – and rightfully so! A PhD is a significant accomplishment!

Reply Survivor Mon 12/06/10 9:58 AM

This is prediction to the next season although its not in the book. I think Shayne is gonna be Rick’s pain in the ass. What are your thoughts folks?

Reply Cylon Mon 12/06/10 10:57 AM

Im surprised he survived the first 6 episodes considering…..

Reply Fatima Mon 12/06/10 11:55 AM

Yep. Now I’m wondering if they’ll ever go there. Didn’t much like the CDC business. I know the show is carving a different path than the comic books but that felt like a completely different sort of zombie story at its core.

Zedhead Mon 12/06/10 10:06 AM

Walking dead is great!!Love Norman Reedus in Boondock Saints.Total badass in this too!!

Reply shane crawford Mon 12/06/10 10:19 AM

Dr. Jenner told Rick that Lori is pregnant. He took blood from all of them, remember?

Reply Cylon Mon 12/06/10 10:56 AM

Anybody else think that Merle might turn out to be the “Governor”?

Reply mia Mon 12/06/10 11:58 AM

And here I thought I was the only one with a bit of a crush on Daryl. I think he has big potential to be a Sawyer-esque hero.

Reply wino Mon 12/06/10 12:43 PM

nope. you’re not alone. by far, he’s my favorite character….rough, rude and totally bad a$$.

Reply Blanca Mon 12/06/10 1:10 PM

I’m with both of you! His character makes the show for me. He is why I watch.

Reply majamababe Mon 12/06/10 12:06 PM

Just to update everyone who hasn’t read the entire thread, my son is 37 and a PhD candidate.
Thank you.

Reply Capt Spoiler Mon 12/06/10 12:26 PM

Dr. Jenner did blood tests on everyone, EVERYONE. Rick’s wife is pregnant… that’s what he whispered. AND I’ll bet 1000 bucks that it’s Shane’s.

I’d be shocked if this ISNT the case.

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