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Monday, December 13, 2010

Cheesy TV shows you love?

'The Sing-Off' tops our list of TV shows we're embarrassed to love. What's your secret shame? | PopWatch | /* */ Entertainment WeeklyHomeTVMoviesMusicBooksTV RecapsDecember EventsFamily EntertainmentHoliday Gift GuideMust ListBlogs PopWatchKen Tucker's TVInside TVInside MoviesThe Music MixShelf LifeNews Briefs EW Home // News // PopWatch BlogPopWatch Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch Blog See CategoriesSee ArchiveRSSFollow on Twitter Dec 12201012:01 AM ETPermalinkComments (167) 'The Sing-Off' tops our list of TV shows we're embarrassed to love. What's your secret shame? by Dalton RossCategories: Horror, Reality TV, Sci-Fi, Survivor, Television, The Sing Off, The Vampire Diaries, TV Insiders Podcast Image Credit: Harper Smith/NBC

The last thing this world needs is another reality talent competition, but I was shocked to discover how much I enjoyed last week’s season 2 premiere of NBCs a cappella contest The Sing-Off. Maybe it’s because there were groups with absurdly awesome names like Pitch Slapped. Maybe it’s because I dig all the nifty coordinated outfits. Maybe it is the lovable dorkiness of music nerd Ben Folds, the most enjoyable non-showy judge on TV. Or maybe it’s because for originality, creativity, and pure vocal talent, this program has American Idol beat by a mile. Whatever the reason, I was hooked and The Sing-Off has become my new secret shame — a cheesy show I am embarrassed to admit I actually dig. So on the latest edition of the TV Insiders podcast, I asked coworkers Annie Barrett and Michael Slezak  what their secret shames were, and you’ll be surprised to hear their shocking admissions.

Also on this week’s podcast: we break down the big Vampire Diaries cliffhanger episode with the help of executive producers Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec (as well as resident TVD expert Mandi Bierly), and give our personal picks for whom we’d like to see win Survivor: Nicaragua. To join in all the fun and hear our other secret shames, just click on the audio player below. We’re also now on iTunes! You can subscribe for free right here and take the TV Insiders with you on the go. And make sure follow us on Twitter @TVInsiders. But before you go, make sure to hit the message boards and let us know: What is your secret TV shame?

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For me it’s iCarly. I’m too old to like it and yet, I do. It’s actually one of my favorite shows. Shhhh!

Reply kate Sun 12/12/10 12:22 AM

Two students from highschool passed away this summer and I watched a whole bunch of nick when I was upset and got hooked in icarly all summer!

Reply fggfg Sun 12/12/10 6:08 AM

Very good points!~~~~~~~~~
I just met my real love on a young people dating and flirts club …Seekwealthy.??’M ..and we had our first drink about 4 hours after the initial contact. We have just enough in common to get along but just enough differences to make it awesome fun! I totally recomend online dating. Ohhh and she is awesomely pretty,and so hot!!!so i want to share u this nice place!!
~~My husband and I love The Challenge as well. We haven’t watched Real World in 10 years, but The Challenge is weekly appointment viewing.

ayz Sun 12/12/10 8:18 AM

LOOOOL! i LOVE iCarly too!

Reply FromChicago Sun 12/12/10 12:06 PM

I love the Sing off — pure entertainment and they can SING!

Reply erf Sun 12/12/10 12:25 PM

iCarly is a cute show.

Reply jennifer Sun 12/12/10 12:16 AM

I LOVE watching The Challenge series on MTV. I watch every season. In fact its the only thing I watch on MTV. I know that its cheesy and stupid but I just can’t stop watching.

Reply Katie Sun 12/12/10 12:19 AM

I totally agree- the Challenge’s are so trashy but I can’t stop watching.

Reply Jen Sun 12/12/10 12:19 AM

My husband and I love The Challenge as well. We haven’t watched Real World in 10 years, but The Challenge is weekly appointment viewing.

Reply MSD Sun 12/12/10 2:34 PM

It had been some years since I had watched The Challenge, but in a moment of weakness I stumbled across a bounty of full seasons on still. Lets just say, I’m caught up on this new crop of Challengers. (Though I still miss me some Theo, Coral, Miz etc.)

heuse1ac Sun 12/12/10 3:51 PM

LOL Mike “The Miz” was one of the best things ever. EVER. I’m getting so damn sick of Johnny Bananas and Paula’s whining. We need old people to come back or to have a cast of completely new people.

Needless to say I’m an incurable addict too.

Erica Sun 12/12/10 12:25 AM

I was just about to say that I watch it every single week and it is just a fun show to watch

Reply MeMe Sun 12/12/10 1:53 AM

MAN! Me too! I wish Kenny had been on it this year. Or Evan. Love those douche bags.

ALSO Vampire Diaries, which at EW is so great, but in my friend circle so lame. I love it so much though.

Mocha Sun 12/12/10 2:06 AM

Same with me for the Vampire Diaries. I love it and I’m glad that EW does too, but I’m still trying to convince my friends that it’s not just “Twilight: The Made-For-TV Version” and is actually a fun show. Sadly, it’s an uphill battle.

jess Sun 12/12/10 5:19 AM

Vampire Diaries is not a secret shame. It’s an amazing show and its quality ranks among the best of all television shows. The acting and writing are almost flawless (especially the writing), and each episode feels like a season. I can’t get enough!

Sarah Sun 12/12/10 10:53 AM

Definitely in the Vampire Diaries camp…and was watching 10 Things (RIP).

@jess Sun 12/12/10 1:34 PM

I love The Vampire Diaries, I really do, and I honestly think it’s a quality show with a lot going for it. That being said, it is most certainly not flawlessly acted. There are some solid performances there, quite a few actually, but still. The non-principal cast can be pretty wooden at times. You mad, bro?

Jodi Sun 12/12/10 9:50 AM

Me too!! Addicted!
I miss Kenny and Evan.
Abram is amazing.
I want a Johnny Bananas backpack!!

Reply D Sun 12/12/10 11:41 AM

I have been watching The Challenge for years!! I got hooked on the first Battle of the Sexes. I still love the Challenge now but I think the older ones were so much better!

Reply Erica Sun 12/12/10 1:24 PM

I agree the Gauntlet 2 was my favorite

Andy Sun 12/12/10 12:18 AM

Big Brother. I don’t even know any person in my life who actually watches it, but it’s definitely a TV show I am embarrassed to admit I love.

Reply Amy Sun 12/12/10 1:50 AM

I watch Big Brother and so does everyone I work with, don’t be embarassed

Reply melissa Sun 12/12/10 10:17 AM

Big Brother for me too! And Sonny With a Chance.

Reply AnnaM Sun 12/12/10 2:59 PM

Sonny with a Chance is mine too! Actually anything Disney Channel…

Every time they end a show and start up a new crop I swear I’m done, but I haven’t stopped yet…

Dean Sun 12/12/10 12:20 AM

The Apprentice. And at this point, American Idol.

Reply Elli Sun 12/12/10 4:10 AM

I am also embarrassed to say I never miss an episode of The Apprentice or American Idol

Reply R Sun 12/12/10 12:30 AM

Cougar Town! I swear, whenever I say I watch it people stare at me like I’m an idiot, but I know I’m not the only person watching it. So I usually keep it to myself now…

Reply Emma Sun 12/12/10 12:51 AM

Tell people! Cougar Town is one of the funniest shows on television! I have forced a few of my friends to watch the first few episodes and now they’re all completely hooked!

Reply tigersmurfette Sun 12/12/10 1:08 AM

totally cougar town, and scrubs. love how ct uses scrubs actors. hope to see more of them, like eliza coupe

Reply tracy bluth Sun 12/12/10 1:10 AM

I’m not embarrassed to love Cougar Town. People who judge it by the title are missing out BIG TIME.

Reply ash Sun 12/12/10 12:31 AM

I am in the same boat when it comes to The Sing-Off. I have a total dork-crush on Ben Folds.

Reply ajmalzx Sun 12/12/10 5:17 AM

Same boat here, but I’m also extremely embarrassed to admit I watch pretty little liars.
30 year old man staring at bunch of teenagers, creepy. i know.

Reply Samantha F Sun 12/12/10 10:34 AM

love me some pretty little liars! my husband called it the “summer gossip girl” – leading to another secret shame: 90210, gossip girl, and next top model

suebrody Sun 12/12/10 1:21 PM

Ben Folds is a totally hot geek. Love him.

Reply justjack Sun 12/12/10 3:16 PM

yes indeed!!! Nothing to be ashamed of there!

PixxieTrixxie Sun 12/12/10 5:47 PM

He and Shawn (Shaun) give the most constructive criticism on these shows – SYTYCD does also – the others are just horrible with their tearing the performers down.

Crystal Sun 12/12/10 12:39 AM

What the heck? What is remotely embarassing or shameful about liking The Sing-Off?? I’m at a loss.

This being said, I’m another closet iCarly fan. Love that show!

Reply Peter Sun 12/12/10 8:58 AM

The writer should feel ashamed for thinking that liking the show is shameful. Heaven forbid we get a competition show that’s about talent instead of judges or celebrity.

Reply ZF Sun 12/12/10 9:05 AM

Seriously! Real Housewives of _______ is a show people should be embarrassed to admit they like. Keeping up with the Kardashians, ditto. I really don’t see what’s cheesy about The Sing Off.

simps Sun 12/12/10 11:51 AM

Nah, the writer is write- its totally shameful.

simps Sun 12/12/10 11:52 AM

*right. That was shameful.

McComment Sun 12/12/10 12:40 AM

Why The Sing Off should be anybody’s secret shame? There’s some super talented people giving their heart and soul in a no-fake drama show. This one is beating any stupid talent show by a mile.

Reply Elli Sun 12/12/10 4:07 AM

me too! Love him

Reply Elli Sun 12/12/10 4:08 AM

Sorry that was in response to ash and the dork-crush on Ben Folds

chattypatra Sun 12/12/10 10:31 AM

I know! Dalton, you missed out by not watching the first season of this show. This year, it’s even better. I hope you start recapping it because more people should discover it. Oh, and IT’S NOT cheesy! I love it.

Reply JoAnn Sun 12/12/10 2:59 PM

They have been recapping it, just not in the TV Recaps section. It’s been here on PopWatch for some reason, but if you click the little tag underneath the title of this post that says “The Sing Off” it’ll take you to the recaps, which have been really fun since they totally embrace the cheese!

Angela Sun 12/12/10 10:36 AM

Totally agree!!! What’s to be embarrassed about?? This show is 10 times more interesting than most of the junk on right now.

Reply Jen Jen Sun 12/12/10 11:43 AM

You have to celebrate a show like The Sing Off. Only 5 episodes, it’s on at the right time of the year and they throw some incredible talent on stage. This is one of those shows that you can tell the groups have spent some time together, they are likeable and they sing a farewell song after being booted.I wish American Idol was this quick and strong. I just wish the Whiffenpoofs were still in it.

Reply DJ Sun 12/12/10 2:58 PM

I’m not at all embarassed to watch the sing-off. These groups are seriously talented and I love the different arrangements they give to pop songs. Way better than American Idol.

bb Sun 12/12/10 12:56 AM


Reply Jason Sun 12/12/10 1:37 AM

YEah would never admit to it but I watch Glee every week!. IT is slowly becoming unwatchable though. The Wedding episode and Christmas episode were awful. I think this was is going to Jump earlier then most shows. I know it’s a hit but so was The OC and that burned out in four short years.

Reply TC Sun 12/12/10 2:20 PM

100% agree. Some episodes are so uncomfortable and unbearable to watch though.

erf Sun 12/12/10 12:29 PM

I watch Glee,too,and so do 3 of my co-workers! Me and one of those co-workers also still watch Private Practice. I guess I’m big on guilty pleasures.

Reply KRibbons Sun 12/12/10 1:09 AM

Most definitely Bridalplasty. Can’t stop myself.

Reply tracy bluth Sun 12/12/10 1:13 AM

It used to be the Kardashians, but then I realized that it made me want to reach through the TV and punch Kim in the face, so I stopped. Now I’d say it’s What Not to Wear.

Reply Marvin Dorfler Sun 12/12/10 7:47 AM

Good stuff!

Reply l Sun 12/12/10 11:14 AM

I agree. I watch a few of the Khardashians, but could not stand them any longer and what they think and believe. Many shows that cause me to be annoyed I stop watching like “Minute to Win It” or “Big Brother”. “Life Unexpected” is another – I wanted to punch everyone this past week in that show – all liars. Maybe I have more of a beef with the writers though.

Reply heuse1ac Sun 12/12/10 3:57 PM

I’m obsessed with LUX and so sad it didn’t get the back 9 pickup. It’s going to be just like 10 Things I Hate About You on ABC Family, ending with a cliffhanger. And it will not be ok.

Allison M Sun 12/12/10 1:40 AM

Was all about Phil of the Future when it was on Disney. Can Phil guest on Hellcats, please?

Reply tracy bluth Sun 12/12/10 10:42 AM

My sister and I LOVED Phil of the Future when it was on.

Reply TC Sun 12/12/10 2:18 PM

Loved Phil!!! It would be cool to see him on Hellcats. And Even Stevens (minus the annoying sister)- reminded me of Boy Meets World a bit.

AnnaM Sun 12/12/10 3:02 PM

He’s now a “musician” by some other name who gave up acting.

Reply noam Sun 12/12/10 4:35 PM

i think he goes by his birth name raviv ullmann when acting now…but he’s in the band “his orchestra” with douglas smith, from big love, and one or two of the veronicas…

Beauty Sun 12/12/10 1:47 AM

I’m not ashamed!

I like the Singoff great show!

Teen Mom

Housewives, ATL and NY.

Vampire Diaries

Pretty Little Liars

The Kardashians

16 & Pregnant

Cougar Town

Reply Ren Sun 12/12/10 1:51 AM

America’s Next Top Model. *hangs head in shame*

Reply TC Sun 12/12/10 2:23 PM

I hate admitting that I find that show fascinating. Once I see the first 10 minutes, I have to watch the rest of the show.

Reply Stacy Adelman Sun 12/12/10 3:16 PM

I would never miss an episode of America’s. Next. Top. Model.

Fog cue Sun 12/12/10 3:45 PM

YES!!, especially when they fought over brownies, coffee, Doritos, frozen corn & peas

But even before Top Model, there was another show called “Are You Hot?: The Search for America’s Sexiest People” that I liked.

Reply Cynthia Sun 12/12/10 1:52 AM

Anything on the CW—at work it’s known as the pre-teen network, so I’d definitely never admit my love for One Tree Hill or Vampire Diaries!

Reply Miss Talk Sun 12/12/10 7:11 AM

Please, The Vampire Diaries are on their own league on The CW.

Reply Kris Sun 12/12/10 3:12 PM


TVD is a great show but its not an amazingly well written show or anything. I wouldn’t say its so good that One Tree Hill, Nikita, Gossip Girl…don’t even compare. It’s One Tree Hill with vampires (not an insult at all, OTH is my favourite show)

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