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Thursday, October 28, 2010

‘The View’: Joy doesn’t want Sharron Angle’s flowers

the-view-joy-flowersImage Credit: Behar: Donna Svennevik/ABCYesterday, Joy Behar told Nevada Republican Senate nominee Sharron Angle to “go to hell, bitch.” Today, she won’t accept that bitch’s flowers!

Let’s just pause for a moment and bask in the wonder of my new favorite View character, Glum Bouquet-Presenter! This item is really all about him.

Anyway, Joy pulled a note out of her shirt, announced she was having “a brassiere moment,” and read the note Angle had included with the autumnal bouquet: “Raised $150,000 today. Thanks for your help.” OH HELL NO. Joy, a self-proclaimed “street fighter,” became incensed. “I’d like to point out that those flowers were picked by illegal immigrants. And they’re not voting for you, bitch,” she fired back. “She could have spent that $500 on sensitivity training, or donated to an AIDS victim house, or maybe school lunches for poor children. Don’t send me flowers, Sharron. Put your money where your mouth is.”

Barbara Walters said Angle’s camp assured The View that because Joy was “so offensive to so many people, they will raise money for whoever” Joy disapproves of. That makes sense. Finally! It’s so nice to see everyone acting like adults!

Read more:
The View: Joy Behar tells Sharron Angle to go to hell

Annie on Twitter: @EWAnnieBarrett

View the original article here

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