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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Idris Elba considering a Luke Cage movie?

Idris-Elba-Luke-CageImage Credit: Stephane Danna/Getty ImagesIdris Elba is coolness personified. He was cool as Stringer Bell on The Wire. He was the coolest thing about The Losers and Takers. He’s a DJ: that’s cool! But is he cool enough to take on the role of Luke Cage, the Harlem-based superhero? We might find out soon: In an interview with Total Film, Elba, who’s co-starring in Marvel’s upcoming Thor movie, says that he has a picture deal with Marvel and hints that he might be interested in a film about the original Hero for Hire. “Luke Cage is… very interesting” is all he admits (he also expresses some interest in a rebooted Blade franchise), but it’s enough to get my head spinning.

I’ve always been a big fan of Luke Cage. Even if he’s always seemed a bit outdated since the ’70s, there’s something adorably no-bull about the former Power Man (especially considering how many superheroes have genius-level IQs or billion-dollar-fortunes or robot buddies.) Maybe they could pair up this Luke Cage project with the proposed Iron Fist movie, and make a film that was half-blaxploitation romp, half-kung fu action flick? Paging Quentin Tarantino?

PopWatchers, do you like Elba for Luke Cage?

View the original article here

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