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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Visits from the Suck Fairy: Ruining the things you used to love

Have you been visited by the Suck Fairy recently? It’s the evil force that goes back to books (or movies, shows, songs) and makes the things that were once awesome now terrible. Fantasy writer Jo Walton recently described the phenomenon on Tor thusly:

suck-fairyImage Credit: Troy Aossey/Stone/Getty ImagesIf you read a book for the first time and it sucks, it’s nothing to do with her. It just sucks. Some books do. The Suck Fairy comes in when you come back to a book that you liked when you read it before, and on re-reading — well, it sucks. You can say that you have changed, you can hit your forehead dramatically and ask yourself how you could possibly have missed the suckiness the first time — or you can say that the Suck Fairy has been through while the book was sitting on the shelf and inserted the suck.

The Suck Fairy recently visited my DVD collection and ate right through that complete Ally McBeal set. I’ve been taking an informal poll, and it looks like she’s been busy: She recently ruined Voltron (“that show is crap!”) for one friend and Spaceballs for another.

Bring it, PopWatchers. Has the Suck Fairy paid you a visit recently? What once-beloved show, song, movie, book, you name it, have you gone back to recently, only to discover that it now sucks?

View the original article here

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