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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

'Social Network': Hammer time!

Image credit: Merrick Morton

Yesterday my colleague Adam Markovitz explained — with David Fincher’s help — how actor Armie Hammer managed to portray twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss in The Social Network. His performance (or should I say performances) provide a bit of comic relief in the film and are truly a sight to behold. I’d even call Hammer a dark horse candidate for a Best Supporting Actor nomination if the film becomes a major overall player. (Though of course he’ll have to compete with his own costars Andrew Garfield and Justin Timberlake for the nod.)

In Part 4 of our interview with the Social Network gang, we focus on Hammer’s achievement, particularly in light of Fincher’s penchant for wanting dozens and dozens of takes for each scene. It doesn’t take a mathematician to figure out that Hammer had it worse than anyone else.

View the original article here

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