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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Obama to host MTV town hall special: What do you want to ask him?

President-ObamaImage Credit: YURI GRIPAS/AFP/Getty ImagesHave something you’ve been dying to ask Obama? This just might be your chance. On Oct. 14, our 44th president will participate in a live, one-hour youth town hall special on MTV called “A Conversation With President Obama.” (The broadcast will air live and commercial-free on MTV, MTVu, BET, Centric, TR3s and CMT at 4 p.m. ET.) Addressing an audience of about 250 young people, the president will answer questions about his first term, his personal views, and his future plans. Viewers at home can even submit queries live via Twitter.

Obama appeared on MTV once before in 2007, when he took part in an MTV/MySpace presidential dialogue. (Of course, he was just Senator Obama back then.)

We’re pretty sure Barack can handle this kind of appearance, no sweat — he’s always been a pro at thinking on his feet. But what kind of questions do you think he’ll face this time? And is he just doing this now to mobilize the youth vote for midterm elections? Let us know in the comments.

View the original article here

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